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Manual Work on NTP

This experiment presents the manual work required for supporting new protocoll descriptions. For this purpose, we are taking the NTP-UDP description text. In the paper we claim that only a minimal number of new rules (CCG lexicon entries and inconsistency check rules) are required to extend SAGE to a new protocol header description. In this semi-manual test we show how to extend SAGE to cover additional protocol header descriptions.

The experiments work on the NTP-UDP description text on an embedded version SAGE missing the important rules to process the text. During the experiment we extend SAGE with the required rules to process the protocol description.

Executing the Experiment

Execution details

The experiments is semi-manual: many steps are automated, but interactions are required.

Execution of the experiments takes approx. 20 minutes.

How to execute

  1. Bootstrap (or reset) the environment: ./ init

  2. Let SAGE parse the text:

    • automatically: use the runner script ./ run
    • manually: run SAGE by hand as cd sage; ./sage -i ../ntp-udp.txt -p NTP > ../output.txt
  3. Note that the results differ from the expected output.

    • take a look at the generated SAGE output output.txt and observe that many sentences result no logical forms
  4. Extend SAGE to support these sentences as well.

    • CCG lexicon entries to add:
    +     'octet': ['$Octet'],
    +     'octets': ['$Octet'],
    +     'adding': ['$Add'],
    +     'is called': ['$Call'],
    +     'reaches':['$Reach'],


    RAW_LEXICON = ''':- S,NP,N,PP
    +         $Octet => NP {Octet}
    +         $Reach => (S\\NP)/NP {\\y x. '@Reach'(x,y)}
    +         $Call => S\\NP {\\x. '@Call'('passive', x)}
    +         $Add => (NP\\NP)/NP {\\y x. '@Add'(x,y)}
    • Predicate rules to add to sage/utils/logic_form_checker/
    predicate_rules = {
    +     '@Add':[
    +         ('const_str', 'const_str'),
    +     ],
    +     '@Reach':[
    +         ('const_str', 'const_str'),
    +         ('const_str', 'variable'),
    +         ('const_str', 'variable'),
    +         ('variable', 'variable'),
    +     ],
    +     '@Call':[
    +         ('const_str', 'const_str'),
    +         ('const_str', 'variable'),
    +     ],
    • Predicate order rule to add to sage/utils/logic_form_checker/
    predicate_order_denylist = {
    +     '@Add':[
    +         '@Of',
    +     ],
    • Alternatively, you can use the runner script to add these rules: ./ autoapply
  5. Re-run again and check the results: ./ run