Written summary of results obtained in this repo. This is the results write up for the paper and includes figures.
After testing bbmap and spades with 4 of the E. coli isolates (#1, #20, #94, #96), I decided to run assemblies at 100X coverage, skip isolate #20. Modified slurm file from Jules and renamed as SRAassemblyPipeline.FS19C.SLURM_TEMPLATE
Assembly and qc check was successful for all isolates except for #20 (skip).
- polishedfasta.txt
- *_1.fastq.gz
- *_2.fastq.gz
- *_pol.fasta
- *.slurm
- *.names
- *_covstats.txt
- *.fasta
- *_spades_out/
Ran all samples through fastqc to use for multiqc. I also looked at fastqc reports for re-sequenced isolates #95 and #96 - they look good.
- *fastqc.zip
- *fastqc.html
Ran multiqc for isolates #1-94 and report shows sequences are good. Looked at fastqc reports for re-sequenced isolates #95 and #96 and confirmed they are good.
- FS19all_multiqc_report.html
- FS19all_multiqc_data directory
- FS19_1-94_multiqc_report.html
- FS19_1-94_multiqc_data directory
- 1-H12-96-441FEC_S2_L002_R2_001_fastqc.html
- 1-H12-96-441FEC_S2_L002_R1_001_fastqc.html
- 1-H11-95-440FED_S1_L002_R2_001_fastqc.html
- 1-H11-95-440FED_S1_L002_R1_001_fastqc.html
- FS19CfastANIoutput.xlsx
- FS19CfastANIoutput2.xlsx
- fs19cfastanioutput.out
- fs19cfastanioutput2.out
- distances_thirdrun.tab
- FS19Cmashdistances.xlsx
There weren't any obvious outliers, like what Jules had hinted when he ran the code on his end. At microbe meeting (22Jan2021), Crystal pointed out that it's good we're seeing some differences of the commensal isolates (like isolates collected from EDL933 group cluster separately from EDL933 isolate) from the STEC isolates in this plot. Regardless of whether we do find any differences in metabolic genes or not, there are other differences we can explore too.
Also ran MDS of mash-generated distances_thirdrun.tab
of 95 isolates + 6 reference strains + 3 non-E. coli isolates. The 3 non-E. coli isolates were either in the same family, different family, or non-proteobacteria: Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2, Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168, Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4(HMT), respectively. We got what we expected where non-E. coli isolates were very distant from E. coli isolates and reference strains.
- fastANImashMDSheatmaps.pptx
- FS19C_fastaniMDS.tiff
- FS19C_mashMDS_thirdrun_all.tiff
- FS19C_mashMDS_thirdrun_onlyrefgenomes.tiff
- qc_mds.R
- Generated pangenome files. Will need to translate the genes to GO terms to find pathways of interest and what STECs and commensals have these pathways and genes.
- **pol/ or Ecoli*/
- *_pol.err
- *_pol.faa
- *_pol.ffn
- *_pol.fna
- *_pol.fsa
- *_pol.gbk
- *_pol.gff
- *_pol.log
- *_pol.sqn
- *_pol.tbl
- *_pol.tsv
- *_pol.txt
- proteins.faa
- proteins.pdb
- proteins.pot
- proteins.ptf
- proteins.pto
- pan/
- *.gff
- accessory_binary_genes.fa
- accessory_binary_genes.fa.newick
- _accessory_clusters
- _accessory_clusters.clstr
- accessory_graph.dot
- accessory.header.embl
- accessory.tab
- blast_identity_frequency.Rtab
- _blast_results
- _clustered
- _clustered.clstr
- clustered_proteins
- _combined_files
- _combined_files.groups
- core_accessory_graph.dot
- core_accessory.header.embl
- core_accessory.tab
- core_alignment_header.embl
- core_gene_alignment.aln
- core_gene_alignment.aln.reduced
- gene_presence_absence.csv
- gene_presence_absence.Rtab
- gifrop_out/
- clustered_island_info.csv
- figures/
- island_length_histogram.png
- islands_per_isolate_no_unknowns.png
- islands_per_isolate.png
- Number_of_occurances.png
- Number_of_occurances_secondary.png
- gifrop.log
- islands_pangenome_gff.csv
- my_islands/
- abricate/
- All_islands.megares2
- All_islands.ncbi
- All_islands.plasmidfinder
- All_islands.vfdb
- All_islands.viroseqs
- island_info.csv
- All_islands.fasta
- abricate/
- pan_only_islands.csv
- pan_with_island_info.csv
- sequence_data/
- *.fna
- *_short.gff
- _inflated_mcl_groups
- _inflated_unsplit_mcl_groups
- _labeled_mcl_groups
- M7lUUryBzC/
- *.gff.proteome.faa
- number_of_conserved_genes.Rtab
- number_of_genes_in_pan_genome.Rtab
- number_of_new_genes.Rtab
- number_of_unique_genes.Rtab
- pan_genome_reference.fa
- pan_genome_sequences/
- summary_statistics.txt
- _uninflated_mcl_groups
- Completed
DRAM.py distill
for both dram runs (all 231 genomes). Seegenome_summaries_annotation_v3
for output files. I examinedproduct.html
, which shows what modules are present in the isolates. Need to examine this and themetabolism_summary.xlsx
more closely. Discussions with Jules and Crystal about converting presence/absence data frommetabolism_summary.xlsx
into an ordination to see which commensals fall closer to STEC and could be candidates for further study. Can also color code and include virulence genes.
- genome_summaries_annotation_*/
- genome_stats.tsv
- metabolism_summary.xlsx
- product.html
- product.tsv
- annotation_v3_dramfirstrun/working_dir/ or annotation_v4_dramsecondrun/
- */
- *.gbk
- genes.annotated.faa
- genes.annotated.gff3
- scaffolds.annotated.fa
- annotations.tsv
- genes.annotated.fna
- rrnas.tsv
- trnas.tsv
- genbank/ # <= in
- */
- Download
which shows all the genes (non-descriptive) (second column) in each gene family (first column). Will still have to blast what each of these gene family sequences are. Can obtain fasta file for entire pangenome of genes, gene families, or protein families:
ppanggolin fasta -p pangenome.h5 --output MY_GENES --genes all
ppanggolin fasta -p pangenome.h5 --output MY_GENES --gene_families all
ppanggolin fasta -p pangenome.h5 --output MY_PROT --prot_families all
- gene_presence_absence.Rtab
- organisms_statistics.tsv
- pangenomeGraph_light.gexf
- projection/
- matrix.csv
- pangenomeGraph.gexf
- pangenome.h5
- tile_plot.html
- mean_persistent_duplication.tsv
- pangenomeGraph.json
- partitions/
- Ushaped_plot.html