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Codelab Tutorial: BMI and Calories Calculator using Taipy

In this tutorial, you'll build a BMI and Calories calculator web application using Taipy. This app will allow users to input their body metrics and activity level to calculate their BMI and daily caloric needs.


Before starting, ensure you have Python installed on your machine, along with the necessary libraries. You'll also need the Taipy library to create the GUI.

Install required libraries

pip install taipy pandas

Step 1: Project Setup

First, create a new Python script file, for example,, and import the following libraries.

from taipy import Gui
from taipy.gui import Markdown
import pandas as pd

You'll also need to make sure you know your Python interpreter path. You can find this by pressing cmd + shift + G to open usr/local/bin and locating your Python interpreter.

Step 2: Create the BMI, BMR, and Calories Calculation Functions

Now, let's define the main functions for BMI, BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), and daily calorie calculations based on user inputs.

def bmi_calculation(feet, inches, weight):
    bmi = (weight / 2.205) / ((((feet * 12) + inches) * 0.0254)**2)
    return bmi

def bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex):
    height = (feet * 30.48) + (inches * 2.54)  # Converts to cm
    if sex == 'Male':
        bmr = (10 * (weight / 2.205)) + (6.25 * height) - (5 * age) + 5
        bmr = (10 * (weight / 2.205)) + (6.25 * height) - (5 * age) + 161
    return bmr

def calories_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex, activity):
    if activity == "Little or no exercise":
        return round(bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex) * 1.2)
    elif activity == "Exercise 1-3 times/week":
        return round(bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex) * 1.375)
    elif activity == "Exercise 3-5 times/week":
        return round(bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex) * 1.55)
    elif activity == "Exercise 6-7 times/week":
        return round(bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex) * 1.725)
    elif activity == "Very intense exercise or 2x training":
        return round(bmr_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex) * 1.9)

These functions handle the calculations based on user input, converting measurements and returning the appropriate results.

Step 3: Setting Up Default Variables

Define preset values to allow testing of the app even before users input their data.

sex = 'Male'
cal = 0
weight = 160
feet = 5
inches = 9
age = 18
activity = 'Little or no exercise'

Step 4: Setting Up the Data for BMI Categories

Create a small data table that will display BMI categories and their corresponding descriptions.

bmi_data = pd.DataFrame({
  "BMI": ['< 18.5', '18.5 - 24.9', '25 - 29.9', '> 30'],
  "Categories": ['Underweight', 'Healthy', 'Overweight', 'Obese']

Step 5: Building the GUI

Now, we'll build the GUI using Taipy. This will allow users to input their metrics and view results interactively.

Main Welcome Page

This page will greet the user and provide navigation options via a navbar.

main = Markdown("""
# Welcome, **Jhoon**{: .name }!
#### BMI = Body Mass Index

Metrics Input Page

This page allows the user to input their metrics (age, weight, height, sex, activity level).

metrics_page = Markdown("""
<|{weight}|number|label=Weight (lbs)|>
<|{activity}|selector|label=Activity level|lov=Little or no exercise;Exercise 1-3 times/week;Exercise 3-5 times/week;Exercise 6-7 times/week;Very intense exercise or 2x training|dropdown|>

BMI Results Page

The BMI calculation will be displayed here. It will update dynamically based on the user's inputs.

bmi_page = Markdown("""
**BMI:**{: .name }
<|{bmi_calculation(feet, inches, weight)}|text|format=%.1f|>

Calories Calculation Page

This page will display the number of calories needed to maintain weight, as well as different caloric intakes for various weight loss goals.

calories_page = Markdown("""
#### Maintenance:
<|{calories_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex, activity)}|> cal/day

#### Mild weight loss (0.5 lbs/week):
<|{calories_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex, activity)-250}|> cal/day

#### Weight loss (1 lb/week):
<|{calories_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex, activity)-500}|> cal/day

#### Extreme weight loss (2 lbs/week):
<|{calories_calculation(feet, inches, weight, age, sex, activity)-1000}|> cal/day

Step 6: Configuring the Pages and Running the App

Finally, define the different pages the app will navigate through, and then run the app using the Taipy GUI.

pages = {
    "/": main,
    "Metrics": metrics_page,
    "BMI": bmi_page,
    "Calories": calories_page

Gui(pages=pages, css_file='main.css').run(use_reloader='true', port=5001)

Here, we're also linking an external CSS file (main.css) for styling.

Step 7: Running the Application

Save your script and run the app with:

Run Python File

Open your browser and navigate to `http://localhost:5001` to interact with your BMI and Calories Calculator.


With this setup, you now have a fully functional BMI and calories calculator app built using **Taipy**!