Releases: USGS-CMG/stglib
Releases · USGS-CMG/stglib
What's Changed
- Update to mamba installation instructions by @scmcgill0 in #219
- Add more Vector QAQC functionality by @dnowacki-usgs in #221
- Add z dims for analog inputs by @dnowacki-usgs in #213
- Incorporate comment into atmospheric pressure correction by @dnowacki-usgs in #222
- Improve profile indexing and trimming by @dnowacki-usgs in #223
- Remove constraint on mask variables by @dnowacki-usgs in #225
New Contributors
- @scmcgill0 made their first contribution in #219
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0
What's Changed
- Update deprecated date_parser to date_format by @dnowacki-usgs in #193
- Drop X, Y, Z vars from final dataset by @dnowacki-usgs in #194
- Small corrections to wave-processing code by @dnowacki-usgs in #198
- Add note to pressure when atmospherically corrected by @dnowacki-usgs in #201
- Add warning messages for wave calculations by @dnowacki-usgs in #202
- Improve wave handling for Vectors and Aquadopps by @dnowacki-usgs in #203
- Add multiple z coordinates for Vector instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #204
- Vectorize puv_quick for speed improvements by @dnowacki-usgs in #205
- Rename rowSize and add row_start for profiling instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #207
- Fix boundary elevation calculation by @ssuttles-usgs in #208
- Clarify run scripts when using pip by @dnowacki-usgs in #209
- Overhaul Vector orientation and depth handling by @dnowacki-usgs in #210
- Export distance to boundary. by @dnowacki-usgs in #212
- Enable drop_vars for more instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #214
- Change delim_whitespace to sep='\s+' by @dnowacki-usgs in #218
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
What's Changed
- Linter fixes by @dnowacki-usgs in #192
- Clarify license in preparation for USGS software release
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
What's Changed
- Improve history for atmospheric correction for Nortek instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #190
- Add wave-statistics support for Vector instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #186
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0
What's Changed
- Fixdocs by @dnowacki-usgs in #178
- Add Lowell Tilt Current Meter (TCM) support by @ssuttles-usgs in #184
- Clean up unused code and improve error messages by @dnowacki-usgs in #185
- Update vec.rst documentation by @rmallen86 in #187
- Fix typo in by @ssuttles-usgs in #188
- Fill IQ mean velocity and other fixes by @rbales-usgs in #189
Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.14.0
What's Changed
- Implement support for profiling RBR instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #169
Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0
What's Changed
- Update HOBO docs by @dnowacki-usgs in #165
- Simplify command-line argument parsing by @dnowacki-usgs in #166
- Simplify cwd in tests by @dnowacki-usgs in #167
- Remove unused config variables from docs and sample files by @dnowacki-usgs in #168
- Convert AnalogInput from counts to volts by @dnowacki-usgs in #172
- Improve metadata checks and error handling by @dnowacki-usgs in #173
- Update how to determine depth dimension by @ssuttles-usgs in #170
- Hobo updates by @ssuttles-usgs in #174
- Drop vars and add LISST test by @dnowacki-usgs in #177
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0
What's Changed
- flake8 by @dnowacki-usgs in #156
- Add bad_ens_indiv for specific timestamps by @dnowacki-usgs in #157
- Update GitHub actions to include Python 3.12 and drop 3.8 by @dnowacki-usgs in #159
- Add VAR_warmup_samples for Vector (useful for LISST) by @dnowacki-usgs in #160
- Add correlation to aqdHR by @ssuttles-usgs in #161
- Updates to EofE Echologger processing by @ssuttles-usgs in #163
- Update by @rbales-usgs in #162
- Update vertical dimension handling by @ssuttles-usgs in #164
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
What's Changed
- Add more attributes for AnalogInputs by @dnowacki-usgs in #153
- Add LISST by @dnowacki-usgs in #154
- update sphinx versions by @dnowacki-usgs in #155
Full Changelog: v0.9.8...v0.10.0
What's Changed
- add imports to and cont dwave test by @rbales-usgs in #143
- Aqd agc slbins by @rbales-usgs in #145
- remove 'name: Pac' attribute from exo and dwave p1ac by @rbales-usgs in #147
- Exo TALPE name by @rbales-usgs in #148
- Add trim_max_blip and trim_max_blip_pct by @dnowacki-usgs in #150
- Enable drop_vars for multiple instruments by @dnowacki-usgs in #152
Full Changelog: v0.9.7...v0.9.8