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Prioritization of Compiled Quantum Circuits

This guidance guides you through the process of compiling a quantum circuit on different quantum computers with several quantum compilers.

All data of the case study are contained in rankings-of-compiled-circuits.xlsx (XLSX format) / rankings-of-compiled-circuits.csv (CSV format).

A demo video can be viewed here.


1. Add Qiskit Credentials to docker-compose.override.yml

  1. Copy the _docker-compose.override.yml file in the Docker folder to docker-compose.override.yml.
  2. Insert your Qiskit token at QPROV_IBMQ_TOKEN: 'your-qiskit-token-here' in the docker-compose.override.yml.

Note: Currently only quantum computers of IBMQ are supported.

2. Run the UI and all required components

Open a console, navigate to the folder Docker, and run the following commands:

  1. docker-compose pull
  2. docker-compose build db
  3. docker-compose up

After a few seconds, the ecosystem is up and running, and you can access it via the browser on http://localhost:80. The UI is visible.

3. Application

  1. In the UI, go to "Execution Environments" > "Software Platforms" and add "Qiskit" as a new SDK (button under "Search"). alt text

  2. Go to "Algorithms" and add a new algorithm (button under "Search") by inserting a name and choosing its computation model. alt text

  3. In context of the algorithm, go to the "Implementations" tab > Add a new implementation to the algorithm by choosing a name for the circuit you want to compile. alt text

  4. In context of the implementation, go to the "Selecion Criteria" tab > insert the URL of the raw circuit, specifiy its SDK and select its language > save your adaptions.
    Note: Sample circuits can be found under Sample Circuits. alt text

  5. Go to the "Analyzer" tab in context of the implementation > click "New Analysis", mark "Include Simulators", and insert you token of the Qiskit SDK. The analysis is complete when the "Show analysis" button occurs. alt text

  6. Click on the "Show analysis" button to see suitable compiled circuits and their metric values for different quantum computers of several quantum compilers. To see all metric values scroll horizontally. It is automatically checked if the quantum computer metrics used for compilation are still up-to-date. alt text

  7. For executing a compiled circuit: click "Execute" > wait some time > click "Show result". alt text

  8. To prioritize the list of compiled circuits, click the "Prioritize" button, select the MCDA method to be applied and adapt, if needed, the importance points for the individual metrics, as described in the dialog > click "Ok". alt text

  9. When the prioritization process is finished, the rank and the score of each compiled circuit is presented. alt text

4. Stop the environment

  1. To stop the environment go to the console window with the docker-compose running, stop the process (e.g. control+shift+C for Mac).
  2. To remove all volumes run docker-compose down -v.


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