Last updated: August 29, 2024
This document provides the end-to-end steps of the capstone experience at a high level.
Note: These steps are done by Capstone Director / faculty / staff:
- Sourcing: Identify sponsors
- Vetting: Review and select admissible projects
- Matching: Students, faculty mentors matched to projects based on interest and availability.
- Capstone Part 1:
Students do these activities:
- Conduct discovery meetings with sponsor to understand the project, background, and data
- Establish norms and best ways to communicate
- Complete relevant training and onboarding
- Review the data, data dictionary if available
- Conduct exploratory data analysis
- Meet with the faculty mentor and sponsor to form the project plan
- Complete deliverables
- Note: Some projects might require more hands-on work, sponsor meetings, deliverables in this term
1/ Project Plan. This is to be reviewed with the faculty mentor and sponsor.
2/ Write contract: among members of team; how often to meet, how to deal w conflict
3/ Data Presentation: provide overview of project, discuss project plan, discuss data
- Capstone Part 2:
Students do these activities:
Meet regularly with faculty mentor
Meet regularly with sponsor
Execute and revise project plan as needed
Complete deliverables
Make sure that sponsor understands all deliverables and can use them effectively
- Sponsor should be able to run code and use models
- Sponsor should understand how to extend code and results as required
1/ Project Paper
2/ Documented Code
3/ Results (e.g., output, dashboard, models, chatbot)
4/ PresentationOptional: Presentation and paper for SIEDS
SIEDS is a student-focused international forum for applied research, development, and design in Systems and Information Engineering.
- Feedback Collection: Feedback is gathered from students, mentors, and sponsors.
- Sharing Feedback and Learning: The feedback is presented to SDS faculty and staff for improving the capstone process.