You should have gpg and gpg-agent installed. You will need to have imported the ReSC key, which can be found on the ReSC drive at ReSC_software/resc_private_gpg.secret.
This can be imported using the command:
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import <ReSC_drive>/ReSC_software/resc_private_gpg.secret
The key is passphrase-protected with the standard ReSC password.
Maven needs to be installed to build the software, but to release it needs some specific settings added to ~/.m2/settings.xml. This should contain the following:
Once all code is ready to be released, all tests pass, and all documentation is updated**, the following steps should be taken:
git checkout -b release-VERSION
Update the CHANGELOG, and commit the changes
Maven should automatically pick the correct version to relase to - it will be the current development version without the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix
mvn versions:set
mvn clean install
git commit -a -m "Update pom files for release VERSION"
git tag edal-VERSION
mvn deploy -P release
Upon successful completion of this stage, log into sonatype with the username "resc", click the "Staging Repositories" link on the left, and scroll down to find the entry. Select it and then click the "Release" button and enter a short comment. This will allow the releases to be synchronised to Maven central.
git checkout master
git merge release-VERSION
git push origin master
git push --tags
Go to the project page on github and click the "Releases" link. Go to the edal-VERSION release and click the "Edit tag" button. You should now add the CHANGELOG contents to the description, and upload licence.txt as a binary attachment.
Pushing the release to master will trigger a build of the ncWMS User Guide onto
The github website is stored in the gh-pages branch, and will always point to the latest release and the current version of the ncWMS User Guide. The only thing which should need updating is the API documents, which you do by:
mvn javadoc:aggregate
git add apidocs
git stash save
git checkout gh-pages
git rm -r apidocs/
git stash pop
git commit -m "Updated apidocs"
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout develop
git merge master
You should update the versions to the next snapshot version. Usually this will be an update to the minor number. For example if the last release was 1.2, the next version would be 1.3-SNAPSHOT
mvn versions:set
find ./ -iname "*.versionsBackup" | xargs rm
git commit -a -m "Prepare for next development version"
git push origin develop