- Symbolic Computation Support via SymEngine.
- automatic differentiation support with reversibility based optimization
- better CUDA performance in CuYao
Closed issues:
ambiguity error in julia1.2 (#28)- The jldoctest fails (#26)
Merged pull requests:
- fix type error when ctrl is an empty tuple (#35) (Roger-luo)
- propagate inbounds (#34) (Roger-luo)
- Transposed storage (#30) (GiggleLiu)
- fix return type (#33) (Roger-luo)
- fix partial bra * ket (#32) (Roger-luo)
- add support for symbolic (#31) (Roger-luo)
- Fix sparsecheck on 1.3 (#77) (Roger-luo)
- make expect syntax consistent (#74) (Roger-luo)
- add more docs (#73) (Roger-luo)
- automatic differentiation (#71) (GiggleLiu)
- loose type constraints to support symbolic computation (#69) (Roger-luo)
- Tree manipulation (#68) (GiggleLiu)
- fix put(chain...) backward (#80) (GiggleLiu)