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You Don't Know JS: this & Prototipagem de Objetos

Capítulo 6: Delegação de Comportamentos

No Capítulo 5, nós abordamos detalhadamente o mecânismo [[Prototype]], e o porquê de ser confuso e inapropriado (apesar das incontáveis tentativas por quase duas décadas) descrevê-lo como "classe" ou "herança". Vimos à fundo não só sua síntaxe razoavelmente prolixa (.prototype sujando o código), mas também as armadilhas (como a surpreendente resolução de .constructor ou a horrível síntaxe pseudo-polimórfica). E exploramos as variações da abordagem "mixin", que muitas pessoas utilizam para tentar suavizar áreas mais pesadas.

É uma reação comum à essa altura imaginar qual a necessidade de ser tão complexo algo que parece ser tão simples de ser feito. Agora que abaixamos as cortinas e vimos o quão poluído o código fica, não é uma surpresa a maioria dos desenvolvedores JS nunca mergulharem tão fundo, e ao invés disso relegarem toda a bagunça para uma biblioteca de "classes" cuidar para eles.

Eu espero que agora você não se contente em encobrir e deixar tais detalhes para uma biblioteca "caixa preta" cuidar. Vamos ver à seguir como nós podemos e devemos pensar sobre o mecânismo do objeto [[Prototype]] em JS, de uma forma muito mais simples e direta que a confusão de classes.

Como uma breve revisão de nossas conclusões do Capítulo 5, o mecânismo [[Prototype]] é uma ligação interna que existe em um objeto que referencia outro objeto.

Essa ligação é exercida quando uma referência de uma propriedade/método é feita contra o primeiro objeto, e tal propriedade/método não existe. Neste caso, a ligação [[Prototype]] diz ao motor para buscar pela propriedade/método no objeto que está ligado. Por sua vez, caso o objeto não consiga completar a busca, seu [[Prototype]] é seguido, e assim por diante. Essa série de ligações entre formas de objetos é chamada de "cadeia de protótipos".

Em outras palavras, o mecânismo atual, a essência do que é importante para a funcionalidade do que podemos fazer com JavaScript, se resume à objetos sendo ligados à outros objetos.

Essa observação por si só é fundamental e crítica para entender as motivações e abordagens ao longo deste capítulo!

Em Direção ao Design Orientado à Delegação

Para focar adequadamente nossa forma de pensar em como usar o [[Prototype]] da maneira mais direta, nós devemos reconhecer que isso representa uma diferença fundamental de design pattern em relação às classes (veja Capítulo 4).

Nota: Alguns princípios de design orientado à classes continuam muito válidos, então não jogue fora tudo que sabe (apenas a maior parte!). Por exemplo, encapsulamento é bem poderoso, e é compátivel (embora não muito comum) com delegação.

Nós devemos tentar mudar nossa forma de pensar do padrão classe/herança para o padrão de delegação de comportamento. Se a maior parte do que programou em sua educação/carreira pensando em classes, essa maneira pode ser desconfortável ou não parecer natural. Você pode precisar experimentar fazer esse exercício mental algumas vezes até conseguir pegar o jeito dessa forma tão diferente de se pensar.

Eu vou orientá-lo através de alguns exercícios teóricos primeiro, e então vamos ver lado à lado em um exemplo mais concreto para te dar um contexto prático para seu próprio código.

Teoria de Classe

Digamos que temos várias tarefas semelhantes ("XYZ", "ABC", etc) que precisamos modelar em nosso software.

Com classes, a forma de se projetar esse cenário é: definir uma classe geral pai (base) como Task, definindo o comportamento compartilhado para todas as tarefas "parecidas". Então, você define as classes filhas XYZ e ABC, ambas herdadas de Task, e cada uma adiciona um comportamento especial para lidar com suas respectivas tarefas.

Mais importante, o design pattern de classes irá encorajá-lo a obter o máximo de herança, você irá querer empregar sobreescrita de métodos (e polimorfismo), onde você sobreescreve a definição de algum método geral Task em sua tarefa XYZ, talvez até fazendo uso de super para chamar a versão base desse método ao adicionar mais comportamento à ele. Você provavelmente encontrará alguns lugares nos quais você pode "abstrair" o comportamento geral da classe pai e especializá-lo (substituí-lo) em suas classes filhas.

Aqui vai um pseudo-código para esse cenário:

class Task {

	// construtor `Task()`
	Task(ID) { id = ID; }
	outputTask() { output( id ); }

class XYZ inherits Task {

	// construtor `XYZ()`
	XYZ(ID,Label) { super( ID ); label = Label; }
	outputTask() { super(); output( label ); }

class ABC inherits Task {
	// ...

Agora, você pode instanciar uma ou mais cópias da classe filha XYZ e usar essas instâncias para executar a tarefa "XYZ". Estas instâncias possuem cópias tanto do comportamento geral definido para a classe Task como também do comportamento especificamente definido para XYZ. Da mesma forma, instâncias da classe ABC teriam cópias do comportamento de Task e do comportamento específico de ABC. Após a construção, você geralmente só interage com essas instâncias (e não as classes), já que as instâncias têm cópias de todo o comportamento necessário para executar a tarefa pretendida.

Teoria da Delegação

Mas agora vamos tentar pensar sobre o mesmo domínio do problema, mas usando delegação de comportamento ao invés de classes.

Primeiro você irá definir um objeto (não uma classe, nem uma function como muitos desenvolvedores JS o levariam à crer) chamado Task, e ele terá um comportamento concreto em si que inclui métodos utilitários que várias outras tarefas podem usar (leia: delegar para!). Então, para cada tarefa ("XYZ", "ABC"), você define um objeto para manter esses dados/comportamentos específicos. Você liga seu(s) objetos(s) de tarefas específicas com o objeto utilitário Task, permitindo que deleguem à ele quando precisam.

Basicamente, você pensa em executar a tarefa "XYZ" como se precisasse de comportamentos de dois objetos irmãos (XYZ e Task) para realizá-lo. Mas, ao invés de precisar compô-los juntos, por meio de cópias de classe, podemos mantê-los em seus objetos separados, e podemos permitir que o objeto XYZ delegue para Task quando preciso.

Aqui tem um código simples para sugerir como se conseguir isso:

var Task = {
	setID: function(ID) { = ID; },
	outputID: function() { console.log( ); }

// faz `XYZ` delegar para `Task`
var XYZ = Object.create( Task );

XYZ.prepareTask = function(ID,Label) {
	this.setID( ID );
	this.label = Label;

XYZ.outputTaskDetails = function() {
	console.log( this.label );

// ABC = Object.create( Task );
// ABC ... = ...

Neste código, Task e XYZ não são classes (ou funções), eles são apenas objetos, XYZ é configurado via Object.create(..) para o [[Prototype]] delegar para o objeto Task (veja Capítulo 5).

Em comparação com orientação à classes (também conhecido como OO -- orientado à objetos), eu chamo esse estilo de código de "OLOO" (objetos-ligados-à-outros-objetos). Tudo que realmente nos importa é que o objeto XYZ delega para o objeto Task (assim como também faz o objeto ABC).

Em Javascript, o mecânismo [[Prototype]] liga objetos com outros objetos. Não há mecânismos abstratos como "classes" não importa o quanto tentarem te convencer do contrário. É como remar uma canoa rio acima: você pode fazer isso, mas se você estará escolhendo ir contra a corrente natural, então obviamente será muito mais difícil de se chegar onde estiver indo.

Algumas outras diferenças para se notar com o código no estilo OLOO:

  1. Ambos os membros de dados id e label no exemplo de classe anterior são propriedades de dados diretamente em XYZ (sem estar em Task). Em geral, com delegação [[Prototype]] involvida, você quer que o estado esteja em quem delega (XYZ, ABC), não em quem é delegado (Task).

  2. Com o padrão de classes, nós intencionalmente nomeamos de outputTask tanto na classe pai (Task) quanto na filha (XYZ), para que pudessemos tirar vantagem da substituição (polimorfismo). Em delegação de comportamentos, nós fazemos o oposto: nós evitamos dar o mesmo nome à qualquer coisa sempre que possível em diferentes níveis da cadeia [[Prototype]] (chamado de sombreamento -- veja Capítulo 5), porque a colisão desses nomes cria uma síntaxe estranha e frágil para se tirar a ambiguidade de suas referências (veja Capítulo 4), e gostaríamos de evitar isso se pudermos.

    Esse padrão exige menos nomes de métodos gerais que tendem à substituir outros métodos e mais nomes descritivos, específicos para o tipo de comportamento que cada objeto está executando. Isso pode de fato criar códigos mais fáceis de se entender/manter, porque os nomes dos métodos (não só no local de definição como espalhado por outros códigos) são mais óbvios (se auto documentando).

  3. this.setID (ID); dentro de um método no objeto XYZ primeiro olha em XYZ para setID (..), mas já que não encontra um método com esse nome em XYZ, delegação [[Prototype]] significa que ele pode seguir a ligação para Task procurar por setID (..), que obviamente o encontra. Além disso, devido às regras de ligação implícitas em chamadas this (veja o Capítulo 2), quando setID (..) é executado, mesmo que o método tenha sido encontrado em Task, a ligação this para essa chamada de função é XYZ exatamente como esperávamos e queríamos. Nós vemos a mesma coisa com this.outputID () depois na listagem de código. Em outras palavras, os métodos gerais utilitários que existem em Task estão disponíveis para nós enquanto interagimos com XYZ, porque XYZ pode delegar para Task.

Delegação de comportamentos significa: deixar algum objeto (XYZ) fornecer uma delegação (para Task) para referências de métodos ou propriedades, caso não sejam encontradas no objeto (XYZ).

Esse é um padrão de design extremamente poderoso, muito diferente da ideia de classes pai e filha, herança, polimorfismo, etc. Ao invés de organizar objetos mentalmente de forma vertical, com as classes Pais fluindo para as classes Filhas, pense em objetos lado à lado, como pares, com qualquer direção de ligação de delegação entre os objetos, conforme a necessidade.

Nota: O uso de delegação é mais apropriado como um detalhe de implementação interno ao invés de algo exposto diretamente no desenho da interface da API. No exemplo acima, nós não necessariamente pretendemos com o desenho de nossa API que desenvolvedores chamem XYZ.setID() (embora seja possível, é claro!). Nós meio que escondemos a delegação como um detalhe interno de nossa API, onde XYZ.prepareTask(..) delega para Task.setID(..). Veja a discussão de "Ligações como Fallbacks?" no Capítulo 5 para maiores detalhes.

Mutual Delegation (Disallowed)

You cannot create a cycle where two or more objects are mutually delegated (bi-directionally) to each other. If you make B linked to A, and then try to link A to B, you will get an error.

It's a shame (not terribly surprising, but mildly annoying) that this is disallowed. If you made a reference to a property/method which didn't exist in either place, you'd have an infinite recursion on the [[Prototype]] loop. But if all references were strictly present, then B could delegate to A, and vice versa, and it could work. This would mean you could use either object to delegate to the other, for various tasks. There are a few niche use-cases where this might be helpful.

But it's disallowed because engine implementors have observed that it's more performant to check for (and reject!) the infinite circular reference once at set-time rather than needing to have the performance hit of that guard check every time you look-up a property on an object.


We'll briefly cover a subtle detail that can be confusing to developers. In general, the JS specification does not control how browser developer tools should represent specific values/structures to a developer, so each browser/engine is free to interpret such things as they see fit. As such, browsers/tools don't always agree. Specifically, the behavior we will now examine is currently observed only in Chrome's Developer Tools.

Consider this traditional "class constructor" style JS code, as it would appear in the console of Chrome Developer Tools:

function Foo() {}

var a1 = new Foo();

a1; // Foo {}

Let's look at the last line of that snippet: the output of evaluating the a1 expression, which prints Foo {}. If you try this same code in Firefox, you will likely see Object {}. Why the difference? What do these outputs mean?

Chrome is essentially saying "{} is an empty object that was constructed by a function with name 'Foo'". Firefox is saying "{} is an empty object of general construction from Object". The subtle difference is that Chrome is actively tracking, as an internal property, the name of the actual function that did the construction, whereas other browsers don't track that additional information.

It would be tempting to attempt to explain this with JavaScript mechanisms:

function Foo() {}

var a1 = new Foo();

a1.constructor; // Foo(){}; // "Foo"

So, is that how Chrome is outputting "Foo", by simply examining the object's Confusingly, the answer is both "yes" and "no".

Consider this code:

function Foo() {}

var a1 = new Foo();

Foo.prototype.constructor = function Gotcha(){};

a1.constructor; // Gotcha(){}; // "Gotcha"

a1; // Foo {}

Even though we change to legitimately be something else ("Gotcha"), Chrome's console still uses the "Foo" name.

So, it would appear the answer to previous question (does it use is no, it must track it somewhere else, internally.

But, Not so fast! Let's see how this kind of behavior works with OLOO-style code:

var Foo = {};

var a1 = Object.create( Foo );

a1; // Object {}

Object.defineProperty( Foo, "constructor", {
	enumerable: false,
	value: function Gotcha(){}

a1; // Gotcha {}

Ah-ha! Gotcha! Here, Chrome's console did find and use the Actually, while writing this book, this exact behavior was identified as a bug in Chrome, and by the time you're reading this, it may have already been fixed. So you may instead have seen the corrected a1; // Object {}.

Aside from that bug, the internal tracking (apparently only for debug output purposes) of the "constructor name" that Chrome does (shown in the earlier snippets) is an intentional Chrome-only extension of behavior beyond what the JS specification calls for.

If you don't use a "constructor" to make your objects, as we've discouraged with OLOO-style code here in this chapter, then you'll get objects that Chrome does not track an internal "constructor name" for, and such objects will correctly only be outputted as "Object {}", meaning "object generated from Object() construction".

Don't think this represents a drawback of OLOO-style coding. When you code with OLOO and behavior delegation as your design pattern, who "constructed" (that is, which function was called with new?) some object is an irrelevant detail. Chrome's specific internal "constructor name" tracking is really only useful if you're fully embracing "class-style" coding, but is moot if you're instead embracing OLOO delegation.

Mental Models Compared

Now that you can see a difference between "class" and "delegation" design patterns, at least theoretically, let's see the implications these design patterns have on the mental models we use to reason about our code.

We'll examine some more theoretical ("Foo", "Bar") code, and compare both ways (OO vs. OLOO) of implementing the code. The first snippet uses the classical ("prototypal") OO style:

function Foo(who) { = who;
Foo.prototype.identify = function() {
	return "I am " +;

function Bar(who) { this, who );
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

Bar.prototype.speak = function() {
	alert( "Hello, " + this.identify() + "." );

var b1 = new Bar( "b1" );
var b2 = new Bar( "b2" );


Parent class Foo, inherited by child class Bar, which is then instantiated twice as b1 and b2. What we have is b1 delegating to Bar.prototype which delegates to Foo.prototype. This should look fairly familiar to you, at this point. Nothing too ground-breaking going on.

Now, let's implement the exact same functionality using OLOO style code:

var Foo = {
	init: function(who) { = who;
	identify: function() {
		return "I am " +;

var Bar = Object.create( Foo );

Bar.speak = function() {
	alert( "Hello, " + this.identify() + "." );

var b1 = Object.create( Bar );
b1.init( "b1" );
var b2 = Object.create( Bar );
b2.init( "b2" );


We take exactly the same advantage of [[Prototype]] delegation from b1 to Bar to Foo as we did in the previous snippet between b1, Bar.prototype, and Foo.prototype. We still have the same 3 objects linked together.

But, importantly, we've greatly simplified all the other stuff going on, because now we just set up objects linked to each other, without needing all the cruft and confusion of things that look (but don't behave!) like classes, with constructors and prototypes and new calls.

Ask yourself: if I can get the same functionality with OLOO style code as I do with "class" style code, but OLOO is simpler and has less things to think about, isn't OLOO better?

Let's examine the mental models involved between these two snippets.

First, the class-style code snippet implies this mental model of entities and their relationships:

Actually, that's a little unfair/misleading, because it's showing a lot of extra detail that you don't technically need to know at all times (though you do need to understand it!). One take-away is that it's quite a complex series of relationships. But another take-away: if you spend the time to follow those relationship arrows around, there's an amazing amount of internal consistency in JS's mechanisms.

For instance, the ability of a JS function to access call(..), apply(..), and bind(..) (see Chapter 2) is because functions themselves are objects, and function-objects also have a [[Prototype]] linkage, to the Function.prototype object, which defines those default methods that any function-object can delegate to. JS can do those things, and you can too!.

OK, let's now look at a slightly simplified version of that diagram which is a little more "fair" for comparison -- it shows only the relevant entities and relationships.

Still pretty complex, eh? The dotted lines are depicting the implied relationships when you setup the "inheritance" between Foo.prototype and Bar.prototype and haven't yet fixed the missing .constructor property reference (see "Constructor Redux" in Chapter 5). Even with those dotted lines removed, the mental model is still an awful lot to juggle every time you work with object linkages.

Now, let's look at the mental model for OLOO-style code:

As you can see comparing them, it's quite obvious that OLOO-style code has vastly less stuff to worry about, because OLOO-style code embraces the fact that the only thing we ever really cared about was the objects linked to other objects.

All the other "class" cruft was a confusing and complex way of getting the same end result. Remove that stuff, and things get much simpler (without losing any capability).

Classes vs. Objects

We've just seen various theoretical explorations and mental models of "classes" vs. "behavior delegation". But, let's now look at more concrete code scenarios to show how'd you actually use these ideas.

We'll first examine a typical scenario in front-end web dev: creating UI widgets (buttons, drop-downs, etc).

Widget "Classes"

Because you're probably still so used to the OO design pattern, you'll likely immediately think of this problem domain in terms of a parent class (perhaps called Widget) with all the common base widget behavior, and then child derived classes for specific widget types (like Button).

Note: We're going to use jQuery here for DOM and CSS manipulation, only because it's a detail we don't really care about for the purposes of our current discussion. None of this code cares which JS framework (jQuery, Dojo, YUI, etc), if any, you might solve such mundane tasks with.

Let's examine how we'd implement the "class" design in classic-style pure JS without any "class" helper library or syntax:

// Parent class
function Widget(width,height) {
	this.width = width || 50;
	this.height = height || 50;
	this.$elem = null;

Widget.prototype.render = function($where){
	if (this.$elem) {
		this.$elem.css( {
			width: this.width + "px",
			height: this.height + "px"
		} ).appendTo( $where );

// Child class
function Button(width,height,label) {
	// "super" constructor call this, width, height );
	this.label = label || "Default";

	this.$elem = $( "<button>" ).text( this.label );

// make `Button` "inherit" from `Widget`
Button.prototype = Object.create( Widget.prototype );

// override base "inherited" `render(..)`
Button.prototype.render = function($where) {
	// "super" call this, $where );
	this.$ this.onClick.bind( this ) );

Button.prototype.onClick = function(evt) {
	console.log( "Button '" + this.label + "' clicked!" );

$( document ).ready( function(){
	var $body = $( document.body );
	var btn1 = new Button( 125, 30, "Hello" );
	var btn2 = new Button( 150, 40, "World" );

	btn1.render( $body );
	btn2.render( $body );
} );

OO design patterns tell us to declare a base render(..) in the parent class, then override it in our child class, but not to replace it per se, rather to augment the base functionality with button-specific behavior.

Notice the ugliness of explicit pseudo-polymorphism (see Chapter 4) with and references for faking "super" calls from the child "class" methods back up to the "parent" class base methods. Yuck.

ES6 class sugar

We cover ES6 class syntax sugar in detail in Appendix A, but let's briefly demonstrate how we'd implement the same code using class:

class Widget {
	constructor(width,height) {
		this.width = width || 50;
		this.height = height || 50;
		this.$elem = null;
		if (this.$elem) {
			this.$elem.css( {
				width: this.width + "px",
				height: this.height + "px"
			} ).appendTo( $where );

class Button extends Widget {
	constructor(width,height,label) {
		super( width, height );
		this.label = label || "Default";
		this.$elem = $( "<button>" ).text( this.label );
	render($where) {
		super.render( $where );
		this.$ this.onClick.bind( this ) );
	onClick(evt) {
		console.log( "Button '" + this.label + "' clicked!" );

$( document ).ready( function(){
	var $body = $( document.body );
	var btn1 = new Button( 125, 30, "Hello" );
	var btn2 = new Button( 150, 40, "World" );

	btn1.render( $body );
	btn2.render( $body );
} );

Undoubtedly, a number of the syntax uglies of the previous classical approach have been smoothed over with ES6's class. The presence of a super(..) in particular seems quite nice (though when you dig into it, it's not all roses!).

Despite syntactic improvements, these are not real classes, as they still operate on top of the [[Prototype]] mechanism. They suffer from all the same mental-model mismatches we explored in Chapters 4, 5 and thus far in this chapter. Appendix A will expound on the ES6 class syntax and its implications in detail. We'll see why solving syntax hiccups doesn't substantially solve our class confusions in JS, though it makes a valiant effort masquerading as a solution!

Whether you use the classic prototypal syntax or the new ES6 sugar, you've still made a choice to model the problem domain (UI widgets) with "classes". And as the previous few chapters try to demonstrate, this choice in JavaScript is opting you into extra headaches and mental tax.

Delegating Widget Objects

Here's our simpler Widget / Button example, using OLOO style delegation:

var Widget = {
	init: function(width,height){
		this.width = width || 50;
		this.height = height || 50;
		this.$elem = null;
	insert: function($where){
		if (this.$elem) {
			this.$elem.css( {
				width: this.width + "px",
				height: this.height + "px"
			} ).appendTo( $where );

var Button = Object.create( Widget );

Button.setup = function(width,height,label){
	// delegated call
	this.init( width, height );
	this.label = label || "Default";

	this.$elem = $( "<button>" ).text( this.label );
}; = function($where) {
	// delegated call
	this.insert( $where );
	this.$ this.onClick.bind( this ) );
Button.onClick = function(evt) {
	console.log( "Button '" + this.label + "' clicked!" );

$( document ).ready( function(){
	var $body = $( document.body );

	var btn1 = Object.create( Button );
	btn1.setup( 125, 30, "Hello" );

	var btn2 = Object.create( Button );
	btn2.setup( 150, 40, "World" ); $body ); $body );
} );

With this OLOO-style approach, we don't think of Widget as a parent and Button as a child. Rather, Widget is just an object and is sort of a utility collection that any specific type of widget might want to delegate to, and Button is also just a stand-alone object (with a delegation link to Widget, of course!).

From a design pattern perspective, we didn't share the same method name render(..) in both objects, the way classes suggest, but instead we chose different names (insert(..) and build(..)) that were more descriptive of what task each does specifically. The initialization methods are called init(..) and setup(..), respectively, for the same reasons.

Not only does this delegation design pattern suggest different and more descriptive names (rather than shared and more generic names), but doing so with OLOO happens to avoid the ugliness of the explicit pseudo-polymorphic calls ( and, as you can see by the simple, relative, delegated calls to this.init(..) and this.insert(..).

Syntactically, we also don't have any constructors, .prototype or new present, as they are, in fact, just unnecessary cruft.

Now, if you're paying close attention, you may notice that what was previously just one call (var btn1 = new Button(..)) is now two calls (var btn1 = Object.create(Button) and btn1.setup(..)). Initially this may seem like a drawback (more code).

However, even this is something that's a pro of OLOO style code as compared to classical prototype style code. How?

With class constructors, you are "forced" (not really, but strongly suggested) to do both construction and initialization in the same step. However, there are many cases where being able to do these two steps separately (as you do with OLOO!) is more flexible.

For example, let's say you create all your instances in a pool at the beginning of your program, but you wait to initialize them with specific setup until they are pulled from the pool and used. We showed the two calls happening right next to each other, but of course they can happen at very different times and in very different parts of our code, as needed.

OLOO supports better the principle of separation of concerns, where creation and initialization are not necessarily conflated into the same operation.

Simpler Design

In addition to OLOO providing ostensibly simpler (and more flexible!) code, behavior delegation as a pattern can actually lead to simpler code architecture. Let's examine one last example that illustrates how OLOO simplifies your overall design.

The scenario we'll examine is two controller objects, one for handling the login form of a web page, and another for actually handling the authentication (communication) with the server.

We'll need a utility helper for making the Ajax communication to the server. We'll use jQuery (though any framework would do fine), since it handles not only the Ajax for us, but it returns a promise-like answer so that we can listen for the response in our calling code with .then(..).

Note: We don't cover Promises here, but we will cover them in a future title of the "You Don't Know JS" series.

Following the typical class design pattern, we'll break up the task into base functionality in a class called Controller, and then we'll derive two child classes, LoginController and AuthController, which both inherit from Controller and specialize some of those base behaviors.

// Parent class
function Controller() {
	this.errors = [];
Controller.prototype.showDialog = function(title,msg) {
	// display title & message to user in dialog
Controller.prototype.success = function(msg) {
	this.showDialog( "Success", msg );
Controller.prototype.failure = function(err) {
	this.errors.push( err );
	this.showDialog( "Error", err );
// Child class
function LoginController() { this );
// Link child class to parent
LoginController.prototype = Object.create( Controller.prototype );
LoginController.prototype.getUser = function() {
	return document.getElementById( "login_username" ).value;
LoginController.prototype.getPassword = function() {
	return document.getElementById( "login_password" ).value;
LoginController.prototype.validateEntry = function(user,pw) {
	user = user || this.getUser();
	pw = pw || this.getPassword();

	if (!(user && pw)) {
		return this.failure( "Please enter a username & password!" );
	else if (pw.length < 5) {
		return this.failure( "Password must be 5+ characters!" );

	// got here? validated!
	return true;
// Override to extend base `failure()`
LoginController.prototype.failure = function(err) {
	// "super" call this, "Login invalid: " + err );
// Child class
function AuthController(login) { this );
	// in addition to inheritance, we also need composition
	this.login = login;
// Link child class to parent
AuthController.prototype = Object.create( Controller.prototype );
AuthController.prototype.server = function(url,data) {
	return $.ajax( {
		url: url,
		data: data
	} );
AuthController.prototype.checkAuth = function() {
	var user = this.login.getUser();
	var pw = this.login.getPassword();

	if (this.login.validateEntry( user, pw )) {
		this.server( "/check-auth",{
			user: user,
			pw: pw
		} )
		.then( this.success.bind( this ) )
		.fail( this.failure.bind( this ) );
// Override to extend base `success()`
AuthController.prototype.success = function() {
	// "super" call this, "Authenticated!" );
// Override to extend base `failure()`
AuthController.prototype.failure = function(err) {
	// "super" call this, "Auth Failed: " + err );
var auth = new AuthController(
	// in addition to inheritance, we also need composition
	new LoginController()

We have base behaviors that all controllers share, which are success(..), failure(..) and showDialog(..). Our child classes LoginController and AuthController override failure(..) and success(..) to augment the default base class behavior. Also note that AuthController needs an instance of LoginController to interact with the login form, so that becomes a member data property.

The other thing to mention is that we chose some composition to sprinkle in on top of the inheritance. AuthController needs to know about LoginController, so we instantiate it (new LoginController()) and keep a class member property called this.login to reference it, so that AuthController can invoke behavior on LoginController.

Note: There might have been a slight temptation to make AuthController inherit from LoginController, or vice versa, such that we had virtual composition through the inheritance chain. But this is a strongly clear example of what's wrong with class inheritance as the model for the problem domain, because neither AuthController nor LoginController are specializing base behavior of the other, so inheritance between them makes little sense except if classes are your only design pattern. Instead, we layered in some simple composition and now they can cooperate, while still both benefiting from the inheritance from the parent base Controller.

If you're familiar with class-oriented (OO) design, this should all look pretty familiar and natural.


But, do we really need to model this problem with a parent Controller class, two child classes, and some composition? Is there a way to take advantage of OLOO-style behavior delegation and have a much simpler design? Yes!

var LoginController = {
	errors: [],
	getUser: function() {
		return document.getElementById( "login_username" ).value;
	getPassword: function() {
		return document.getElementById( "login_password" ).value;
	validateEntry: function(user,pw) {
		user = user || this.getUser();
		pw = pw || this.getPassword();

		if (!(user && pw)) {
			return this.failure( "Please enter a username & password!" );
		else if (pw.length < 5) {
			return this.failure( "Password must be 5+ characters!" );

		// got here? validated!
		return true;
	showDialog: function(title,msg) {
		// display success message to user in dialog
	failure: function(err) {
		this.errors.push( err );
		this.showDialog( "Error", "Login invalid: " + err );
// Link `AuthController` to delegate to `LoginController`
var AuthController = Object.create( LoginController );

AuthController.errors = [];
AuthController.checkAuth = function() {
	var user = this.getUser();
	var pw = this.getPassword();

	if (this.validateEntry( user, pw )) {
		this.server( "/check-auth",{
			user: user,
			pw: pw
		} )
		.then( this.accepted.bind( this ) )
		.fail( this.rejected.bind( this ) );
AuthController.server = function(url,data) {
	return $.ajax( {
		url: url,
		data: data
	} );
AuthController.accepted = function() {
	this.showDialog( "Success", "Authenticated!" )
AuthController.rejected = function(err) {
	this.failure( "Auth Failed: " + err );

Since AuthController is just an object (so is LoginController), we don't need to instantiate (like new AuthController()) to perform our task. All we need to do is:


Of course, with OLOO, if you do need to create one or more additional objects in the delegation chain, that's easy, and still doesn't require anything like class instantiation:

var controller1 = Object.create( AuthController );
var controller2 = Object.create( AuthController );

With behavior delegation, AuthController and LoginController are just objects, horizontal peers of each other, and are not arranged or related as parents and children in class-orientation. We somewhat arbitrarily chose to have AuthController delegate to LoginController -- it would have been just as valid for the delegation to go the reverse direction.

The main takeaway from this second code listing is that we only have two entities (LoginController and AuthController), not three as before.

We didn't need a base Controller class to "share" behavior between the two, because delegation is a powerful enough mechanism to give us the functionality we need. We also, as noted before, don't need to instantiate our classes to work with them, because there are no classes, just the objects themselves. Furthermore, there's no need for composition as delegation gives the two objects the ability to cooperate differentially as needed.

Lastly, we avoided the polymorphism pitfalls of class-oriented design by not having the names success(..) and failure(..) be the same on both objects, which would have required ugly explicit pseudopolymorphism. Instead, we called them accepted() and rejected(..) on AuthController -- slightly more descriptive names for their specific tasks.

Bottom line: we end up with the same capability, but a (significantly) simpler design. That's the power of OLOO-style code and the power of the behavior delegation design pattern.

Nicer Syntax

One of the nicer things that makes ES6's class so deceptively attractive (see Appendix A on why to avoid it!) is the short-hand syntax for declaring class methods:

class Foo {
	methodName() { /* .. */ }

We get to drop the word function from the declaration, which makes JS developers everywhere cheer!

And you may have noticed and been frustrated that the suggested OLOO syntax above has lots of function appearances, which seems like a bit of a detractor to the goal of OLOO simplification. But it doesn't have to be that way!

As of ES6, we can use concise method declarations in any object literal, so an object in OLOO style can be declared this way (same short-hand sugar as with class body syntax):

var LoginController = {
	errors: [],
	getUser() { // Look ma, no `function`!
		// ...
	getPassword() {
		// ...
	// ...

About the only difference is that object literals will still require , comma separators between elements whereas class syntax doesn't. Pretty minor concession in the whole scheme of things.

Moreover, as of ES6, the clunkier syntax you use (like for the AuthController definition), where you're assigning properties individually and not using an object literal, can be re-written using an object literal (so that you can use concise methods), and you can just modify that object's [[Prototype]] with Object.setPrototypeOf(..), like this:

// use nicer object literal syntax w/ concise methods!
var AuthController = {
	errors: [],
	checkAuth() {
		// ...
	server(url,data) {
		// ...
	// ...

// NOW, link `AuthController` to delegate to `LoginController`
Object.setPrototypeOf( AuthController, LoginController );

OLOO-style as of ES6, with concise methods, is a lot friendlier than it was before (and even then, it was much simpler and nicer than classical prototype-style code). You don't have to opt for class (complexity) to get nice clean object syntax!


There is one drawback to concise methods that's subtle but important to note. Consider this code:

var Foo = {
	bar() { /*..*/ },
	baz: function baz() { /*..*/ }

Here's the syntactic de-sugaring that expresses how that code will operate:

var Foo = {
	bar: function() { /*..*/ },
	baz: function baz() { /*..*/ }

See the difference? The bar() short-hand became an anonymous function expression (function()..) attached to the bar property, because the function object itself has no name identifier. Compare that to the manually specified named function expression (function baz()..) which has a lexical name identifier baz in addition to being attached to a .baz property.

So what? In the "Scope & Closures" title of this "You Don't Know JS" book series, we cover the three main downsides of anonymous function expressions in detail. We'll just briefly repeat them so we can compare to the concise method short-hand.

Lack of a name identifier on an anonymous function:

  1. makes debugging stack traces harder
  2. makes self-referencing (recursion, event (un)binding, etc) harder
  3. makes code (a little bit) harder to understand

Items 1 and 3 don't apply to concise methods.

Even though the de-sugaring uses an anonymous function expression which normally would have no name in stack traces, concise methods are specified to set the internal name property of the function object accordingly, so stack traces should be able to use it (though that's implementation dependent so not guaranteed).

Item 2 is, unfortunately, still a drawback to concise methods. They will not have a lexical identifier to use as a self-reference. Consider:

var Foo = {
	bar: function(x) {
		if (x < 10) {
			return x * 2 );
		return x;
	baz: function baz(x) {
		if (x < 10) {
			return baz( x * 2 );
		return x;

The manual*2) reference above kind of suffices in this example, but there are many cases where a function wouldn't necessarily be able to do that, such as cases where the function is being shared in delegation across different objects, using this binding, etc. You would want to use a real self-reference, and the function object's name identifier is the best way to accomplish that.

Just be aware of this caveat for concise methods, and if you run into such issues with lack of self-reference, make sure to forgo the concise method syntax just for that declaration in favor of the manual named function expression declaration form: baz: function baz(){..}.


If you've spent much time with class oriented programming (either in JS or other languages), you're probably familiar with type introspection: inspecting an instance to find out what kind of object it is. The primary goal of type introspection with class instances is to reason about the structure/capabilities of the object based on how it was created.

Consider this code which uses instanceof (see Chapter 5) for introspecting on an object a1 to infer its capability:

function Foo() {
	// ...
Foo.prototype.something = function(){
	// ...

var a1 = new Foo();

// later

if (a1 instanceof Foo) {

Because Foo.prototype (not Foo!) is in the [[Prototype]] chain (see Chapter 5) of a1, the instanceof operator (confusingly) pretends to tell us that a1 is an instance of the Foo "class". With this knowledge, we then assume that a1 has the capabilities described by the Foo "class".

Of course, there is no Foo class, only a plain old normal function Foo, which happens to have a reference to an arbitrary object (Foo.prototype) that a1 happens to be delegation-linked to. By its syntax, instanceof pretends to be inspecting the relationship between a1 and Foo, but it's actually telling us whether a1 and (the arbitrary object referenced by) Foo.prototype are related.

The semantic confusion (and indirection) of instanceof syntax means that to use instanceof-based introspection to ask if object a1 is related to the capabilities object in question, you have to have a function that holds a reference to that object -- you can't just directly ask if the two objects are related.

Recall the abstract Foo / Bar / b1 example from earlier in this chapter, which we'll abbreviate here:

function Foo() { /* .. */ }

function Bar() { /* .. */ }
Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype );

var b1 = new Bar( "b1" );

For type introspection purposes on the entities in that example, using instanceof and .prototype semantics, here are the various checks you might need to perform:

// relating `Foo` and `Bar` to each other
Bar.prototype instanceof Foo; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype ) === Foo.prototype; // true
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype ); // true

// relating `b1` to both `Foo` and `Bar`
b1 instanceof Foo; // true
b1 instanceof Bar; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( b1 ) === Bar.prototype; // true
Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Bar.prototype.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true

It's fair to say that some of that kinda sucks. For instance, intuitively (with classes) you might want to be able to say something like Bar instanceof Foo (because it's easy to mix up what "instance" means to think it includes "inheritance"), but that's not a sensible comparison in JS. You have to do Bar.prototype instanceof Foo instead.

Another common, but perhaps less robust, pattern for type introspection, which many devs seem to prefer over instanceof, is called "duck typing". This term comes from the adage, "if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck".


if (a1.something) {

Rather than inspecting for a relationship between a1 and an object that holds the delegatable something() function, we assume that the test for a1.something passing means a1 has the capability to call .something() (regardless of if it found the method directly on a1 or delegated to some other object). In and of itself, that assumption isn't so risky.

But "duck typing" is often extended to make other assumptions about the object's capabilities besides what's being tested, which of course introduces more risk (aka, brittle design) into the test.

One notable example of "duck typing" comes with ES6 Promises (which as an earlier note explained are not being covered in this book).

For various reasons, there's a need to determine if any arbitrary object reference is a Promise, but the way that test is done is to check if the object happens to have a then() function present on it. In other words, if any object happens to have a then() method, ES6 Promises will assume unconditionally that the object is a "thenable" and therefore will expect it to behave conformantly to all standard behaviors of Promises.

If you have any non-Promise object that happens for whatever reason to have a then() method on it, you are strongly advised to keep it far away from the ES6 Promise mechanism to avoid broken assumptions.

That example clearly illustrates the perils of "duck typing". You should only use such approaches sparingly and in controlled conditions.

Turning our attention once again back to OLOO-style code as presented here in this chapter, type introspection turns out to be much cleaner. Let's recall (and abbreviate) the Foo / Bar / b1 OLOO example from earlier in the chapter:

var Foo = { /* .. */ };

var Bar = Object.create( Foo );

var b1 = Object.create( Bar );

Using this OLOO approach, where all we have are plain objects that are related via [[Prototype]] delegation, here's the quite simplified type introspection we might use:

// relating `Foo` and `Bar` to each other
Foo.isPrototypeOf( Bar ); // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( Bar ) === Foo; // true

// relating `b1` to both `Foo` and `Bar`
Foo.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Bar.isPrototypeOf( b1 ); // true
Object.getPrototypeOf( b1 ) === Bar; // true

We're not using instanceof anymore, because it's confusingly pretending to have something to do with classes. Now, we just ask the (informally stated) question, "are you a prototype of me?" There's no more indirection necessary with stuff like Foo.prototype or the painfully verbose Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(..).

I think it's fair to say these checks are significantly less complicated/confusing than the previous set of introspection checks. Yet again, we see that OLOO is simpler than (but with all the same power of) class-style coding in JavaScript.

Review (TL;DR)

Classes and inheritance are a design pattern you can choose, or not choose, in your software architecture. Most developers take for granted that classes are the only (proper) way to organize code, but here we've seen there's another less-commonly talked about pattern that's actually quite powerful: behavior delegation.

Behavior delegation suggests objects as peers of each other, which delegate amongst themselves, rather than parent and child class relationships. JavaScript's [[Prototype]] mechanism is, by its very designed nature, a behavior delegation mechanism. That means we can either choose to struggle to implement class mechanics on top of JS (see Chapters 4 and 5), or we can just embrace the natural state of [[Prototype]] as a delegation mechanism.

When you design code with objects only, not only does it simplify the syntax you use, but it can actually lead to simpler code architecture design.

OLOO (objects-linked-to-other-objects) is a code style which creates and relates objects directly without the abstraction of classes. OLOO quite naturally implements [[Prototype]]-based behavior delegation.