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VBrazhnik edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

Part I: Preparing for solving

Step 1: Indexation

By the task we know that given numbers cannot contain duplicates. So we can assign index for each number. It will help us in future steps.

The index 0 will be assigned to the smallest number. To the largest number will be assigned the count of numbers - 1 index.


Number Index
-2147483648 0
2100 4
220010 6
-1 1
7 2
210815 5
121 3

Step 2: Markup

I have two different markup modes:

  • greater than markup mode
  • by index markup mode

At first I use one markup mode in my algorithm, and then I use the second one. Finally, I compare result of their work and display a better result.

During markup, we have to decide which elements we will keep in stack A. Other elements will be moved to the stack B.

We try to keep in stack A as many elements as possible in chosen mode.

At this step we have to find markup_head and also make a markup with selected markup_head and in given markup mode. markup_head is a start element for markup.

To find markup_head we make a markup with each element in the stack and then assign as markup_head that element which will keep the biggest number of element in stack A.

If two elements have the same result, as a markup_head will be chosen element with smaller index.

greater than markup mode

Starting from markup_head each element must be greater than previous. Elements that are not satisfied this statement will be moved to the stack B.


Markup result in greater than markup mode with -2147483648 element as markup_head.

Number Index Keep in Stack A
-2147483648 0 true
2100 4 true
220010 6 true
-1 1 false
7 2 false
210815 5 false
121 3 false

Another example

Markup result in greater than markup mode with -1 element as markup_head.

Number Index Keep in Stack A
-2147483648 0 false
2100 4 false
220010 6 false
-1 1 true
7 2 true
210815 5 true
121 3 false

by index markup mode

Starting from markup_head each one element must have index greater by 1 than index in previous element. Elements that are not satisfied this statement will be moved to the stack B.


Markup result in by index markup mode with -2147483648 element as markup_head.

Number Index Keep in Stack A
-2147483648 0 true
2100 4 false
220010 6 false
-1 1 true
7 2 true
210815 5 false
121 3 true

Part II: From Stack A to Stack B


WHILE stack A has elements with "false" value in "Keep in Stack A" field
      IF sa (swap a) is needed
            perform sa (swap a) command
            update markup
      ELSE IF head element of stack A has "false" value in "Keep in Stack A" field
            perform pb (push b) command
            perform ra (reverse a) command

How to check that sa (swap a) is needed?

You have to do sa (swap a) and then remake markup. We only have to update markup with chosen at previous steps parameters (as markup_head).

Then we have to compare how many elements will be kept in stack A with performed sa (swap a) and without it.

If after performing sa (swap a) more elements will be kept, it means that there is a reason to do it.

After all we have to undo sa (swap a) and return result of our calculations.

Part III: From Stack B to Stack A


WHILE stack B is not empty
      choose element in stack B for moving to stack A
      move stack A and stack B to prepare them for pa (push a) with chosen element
      perform pa (push a) command

How to choose element in stack B for moving to stack A?

We have to calculate how many commands we need to perform for moving element from stack B to the top of its stack and how many commands we need to perform for moving suitable element from stack A to the top of its stack.

We have to calculate this value for each element in stack B and then choose element with the smallest calculated value and move it to stack A.

Part IV: Align Stack A

And the last one task is to align stack A. We have to move stack A while the smallest element is not on the top of stack.


I perform this algorithm two times. At first time I use one markup mode, and then I use another. Finally, I compare result of their work and display a better result.

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