All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.6.2 (2021-08-24)
- style info: fix empty custom fields (43596fd)
- topics: update filter (4c17d20)
- update placeholder text color (4d3e0c9)
4.6.1 (2021-07-10)
- topics: hide topics when filters are active (c358e29)
4.6.0 (2021-05-29)
- style: parse and store parent for forked repositories (7c7c4f3)
- style info: show parent repo for forked styles (870c845)
- topics: add topics aggregation request (f97dab8)
- topics: replace features block with topics list (2fe9169)
- alert: increase timeout before disappearing (fdf5fa6)
- router: fix redirect on non-existing pages (6af2029)
4.5.2 (2021-05-27)
4.5.1 (2021-05-04)
4.5.0 (2021-04-24)
- confirmation: add loading state (3fb01ba)
- profile: add profile page (bef9568)
- profile: add style info editor (2d82d33)
4.4.3 (2021-04-04)
- preview: render all gif frames instead of only the first one (133c7ce)
4.4.2 (2021-03-23)
- preview: fallback to original url if resize service returned error (d4f64bd)
4.4.1 (2021-03-21)
- maintenance: add styles for dark color-scheme, add status page (6c45282)
- preview: keep protocol in '' request (452b229)
4.4.0 (2021-03-21)
- api: add limit parameter to /styles request (b23893e)
- preview: compress preview images via (aa042d0)
- emoji: remove extra file extension (4b6a60f)
- images: invert dark images in dark-theme (5c68f79)
- style update: output update result as string (8f1877e)
4.3.0 (2021-02-19)
- style search: add search by substring (8b55132)
- sort options: keep options while loading, decrease opacity (33c5587)
- style search: allow search only with query longer than 2 characters (dd6a3d8)
- styles: fix style duplication (7b200db)
4.2.2 (2021-02-14)
- User model: add sparse parameter to ids (5b90c6f)
4.2.1 (2021-02-11)
- add style: add custom fields description (dd6992a)
- style grid: throttle scroll, do not show skeleton on loaded cards (2c08316)
4.2.0 (2021-02-01)
- parser: search usercss files in folders (3b42951)
- parser: search usercss files in subfolders (d062a2b)
- User: fix Codeberg organization name parsing (8cdaa7c)
4.1.1 (2021-01-29)
- auth: fix codeberg login (ad265fe)
- style card: open style dialog by clicking anywhere on the card (54c7077)
4.1.0 (2021-01-15)
- meta: change title and description in different states (85893bc)
- search: add search by query with active owner filter (45e0ddd)
- seo: disallow "/search/" in robots.txt (c93ee5d)
- url: correctly set URL when closing a modal with active filters (a459df5)
4.0.1 (2021-01-11)
- auth: store username instead of displayName (f3c73a5)
- session: keep user logged in (d3cbd63)
- style card: add gap between "stars" and "last update" blocks (ce45e87)
- style card: replace text with emojis (9e4cf64)
4.0.0 (2021-01-07)
- styles: URL's for styles and users have changed. New style URL: New user URL:
- styles: add styleId field to be used in style url (9ebb722)
- favicon: optimize svg (9523220)
- parser: store original style name (e1d8ecc)
- style card: show original style name (a8f9e06)
3.5.0 (2021-01-03)
- TypeScript support for server
- dialogs: update titles and paddings (377fc6e)
- favicon: optimize svg (145fdda)
- favicon: remove legacy icons (38d9a61)
- filter: do not request all styles when the owner filter is active (e118225)
- HowToUse: update texts (f742e79)
- parser: throw and catch metadata parser errors (6f44ab2)
- style card: truncate name that's longer than 2 lines (5845bec)
3.4.1 (2020-12-27)
- alert: support multiple alerts (7e8f6f7)
- helmet: add data URL to script-src directive (37ceb3f)
- parser: do not replace parentheses in style name (842b64b)
3.4.0 (2020-12-27)
- parser: fill style name, description, license from metadata (efc6e07)
- database: fix owner id being stored as string instead of number (c060cf0)
- features: update texts (f302361)
- login: add authorization information (e5fe070)
- rss: add RSS feed link in the head tag (3536e92)
- server: remove Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (b05eca6)
- style edit: fix user organizations check (e1cd00c)
- style update: update style with metadata in scheduled update (0c522e7)
- styles: rearrange sort options, set 'most liked' as default (bd553fc)
- styles: set initial sort order after filter reset (4372346)
3.3.0 (2020-12-17)
- dark mode: add dark theme and system theme detection (e103613)
- dark mode: add ARIA attributes to switcher (23bf2fa)
- styles: show fetch errors in snackbar (001c664)
- update color scheme and 'no-preview' image (5233b77)
3.2.1 (2020-12-16)
- close button: increase lines width (376b335)
- feature block: fix border-width (b8c1fd0)
- header: clear filters on logo click (e15825e)
3.2.0 (2020-12-15)
- add style: set custom fields before submitting a style (b408ab5)
- custom fields: fix old values rewriting (06b4175)
- custom preview: disallow icns, ico, sketch extensions (a54719f)
- style grid: fetch style list on a style update (cf0b3a4)
- style update: skip failed requests and update other styles (08b3db8)
- styles api: change 'edit style' request method to patch (698b239)
3.1.1 (2020-12-13)
- parser: add repository name to parser errors (e4c36ba)
- style update: convert style owner id value to string (9b1c181)
- user: request organizations depending on a provider (7a19bc4)
3.1.0 (2020-12-13)
- add style: support repos (730a5aa)
- authentication: add gitea login strategy (885ddcd)
- login: add dialog with login options (47ffca7)
- parser: support repos (97fdee9)
- add style: fix wrong parameters when looking for duplicates (27675f0)
- authorization: check owner by id instead of username (5b921ec)
- parser: handle empty url, handle unsupported hosting providers (caddb9a)
- style card: capitalize first letters of a style name (4dfbc40)
- user model: fix creating new user with codeberg id (ad7f2e3)
3.0.3 (2020-12-09)
- style update: fix passing wrong argument to the parser (a1a823b)
3.0.2 (2020-12-09)
- robots.txt: disallow /login and /logout urls (e0a4496)
- style model: convert style name to lowercase (4ef38ff)
3.0.1 (2020-12-06)
- alerts: show custom style name in add/update/delete notifications (adcbcbd)
3.0.0 (2020-12-04)
- styles api: to select style which you want to edit/delete/update pass it's _id (was url)
- style model: remove unique flag from repository, add flag to style (b272b1d)
- styles: add style file selection (eae1d73)
- styles api: add 'custom description' field (e42bd82)
- parser: save style name without file extension (1ab4111)
- styles api: edit/delete/update styles using _id field (f55fbb5)
2.2.1 (2020-11-30)
- add style: trim trailing slash from url (74adde3)
- footer: fix footer to the bottom of page on desktop and tablets (cc81131)
2.2.0 (2020-11-27)
- footer: increase links font size and paddings in footer on mobile (2b7302c)
2.1.0 (2020-11-22)
- alert: add alert snackbar (6dfb1ce)
- authorization: allow organization members to edit repositories (2e8afb0)
- confirmation: add confirmation dialog component (ae03ddc)
- style info: add Twitter share button (5640879)
- style info: ask for confirmation before deleting a style (762e4ff)
- user: store user organizations (b96a624)
- authentication: remove scope to access only public data (14e60da)
- authorization: handle empty user (8fffddf)
- user model: set empty orgs array by default (28a1032)
2.0.1 (2020-11-17)
- db: send code and name on save error (25cf268)
- style info: fix actions on style removal (2b909c1)
- fix dialog component names (e04f767)
2.0.0 (2020-11-14)
- endpoint for styles by specific owner is changed from 'api/owner/:owner' to 'api/styles/:owner'
- endpoint for styles filtered by query is removed ('api/search/'). Now use 'api/styles/' with the 'query' GET parameter
- parser: support '.user.styl' files (f7dd9aa)
- styles: add sorting for styles filtered by query and by owner (df46ecc)
- vuex: add vuex, styles and user states, mutations, actions (a036be5)
no script: add styles for no-script block (9b05746)
search: change debounce behavior (a7c1fc0)
search: clear timeout on reset (fd408c3)
sort order: disable sort buttons on loading (5651789)
sort order: hide sort order if only one style found (4733f24)
styles api: add lean parameter (6713392)
styles api: allow empty custom name and custom preview fields (e154638)
styles api: check custom preview file extension (a197043)
vuex: close modal window only if opened (0033769)
vuex: set search query even if it's empty (8b32947)
refactor!(styles api): use same function for query and owner search (b39ffc5)
1.8.0 (2020-10-31)
- components: add BaseCard component (bbc8807)
- components: update StyleCard and StyleCardSkeleton (2eb0ed0)
- Components: add skeleton loader component for StyleCard (10f4321)
- recaptcha: use rate-limiter instead of recaptcha (075ddbe)
- style card: change skeleton animation (1270691)
- style info: add button to delete the style (11e1bb6)
- helmet: remove google recaptcha from csp (6d2e37d)
- style grid: set skeleton cards amount depending on the current page (27f33d8)
- style info: handle submit via form (8b6780a)
- styles api: fix url parameters in update and delete requests (959570c)
- vue config: add login and logout urls to devServer proxy (d9e7a16)
- vue-loader: preserve whitespace (61566f1)
1.7.0 (2020-10-17)
- add logout button (be178f4)
- buttons: add types and aria-labels (c83fea0)
- style info: add alternative text to image (401fb94)
- style info: fix mobile styles (2380dd5)
1.6.0 (2020-10-15)
- parser: add mercy-preview header (a121495)
- style info: add search by topic (231f750)
- style info: add topics block (162d927)
- styles: store topics in DB (f46a996)
1.5.0 (2020-10-13)
- login: add login button and user session check (cf17bc6)
- Style: add 'edit style' request and custom fields (fe3b347)
- style card: use manually added title and preview (b49ad47)
- style info: add "edit style" block (a95cc8d)
- add style: move disabled state from exit button to submit button (9af0285)
- analytics: set correct page path (a075166)
- authentication: change scope from email to profile data (63b170d)
- buttons: set width and height globally, add mobile styles (4b31241)
- edit style: add custom preview protocol check (9b9d46f)
- edit style: allow owner to edit the style (2bd833e)
- edit style: clear cache on style edit and delete (599891e)
- edit style: update only customName and customPreview fields (944c6e9)
- helmet: allow images from any secure source (1fa889b)
- update style: use url instead of _id to update style (be1cc0f)
1.4.0 (2020-10-10)
- header: add burger menu (a8dc3a6)
- helmet: add to img-src CSP (fde5008)
- make "b" uppercase in the site name (a5eee88)
- helmet: add data scheme to img-src CSP (c3485dc)
- styles: add margin to title on mobile (b9da67c)
1.3.1 (2020-10-08)
- parser: add error status and text fields (6349c5a)
- parser: set default branch (6d41942)
- rate limiter: send error message as object (be6f2fc)
- routes: disable middleware checks on non production environment (3f65f15)
- style info: restore no-scroll class in body when modal is active (62863f7)
1.3.0 (2020-10-07)
- header: scroll to top on logo click (b001569)
- style card: add image for empty preview (f6775b3)
- set document title when changing history state (c6c608a)
1.2.0 (2020-10-04)
- analytics: add events for StyleCard and AddStyleDialog (0dd1abb)
- support site search in omnibox (d801c51)
- agenda: remove condition when agenda stops (2c5e5d7)
- parser: prioritize image with "preview" in file name (620bfd6)
- style card: cut long names (683b300)
- style info: add mixin to replace dash and underscore in style name (179c058)
- style info: parse and replace emojis in description (45dc100)
- style info: update links (021a073)
1.1.1 (2020-10-03)
- add style: fix style name in successful response (d4e5e91)
- search bar: change placeholder text (fa52b64)
1.1.0 (2020-10-03)
- Home: add owner filter to url (dd421db)
- search: add search query to url (a9cff70)
- server: add maintenance page (721ec68)
- style info: open style popup with data from url (0d801fa)
- style popup: add owner and style name to url (3b7f4a8)
- add style: show clear button only with text (422125d)
- agenda: stop agenda on non-production deployments (fdfbdc6)
- get style: get style by owner and name instead of _id (cdfcd45)
- Home: move container to component (18bcdfe)
- parser: store repo names with dashes, replace to spaces in view (6136971)
- sort options: remove list margin, compensate bottom padding (3aecb4c)
- style grid: make grid fill all available space (4848482)
- style info: make a separate request for style data (9a87110)
- url: fix url when changing history state (4ce6f49)
- Initial release