This project is a result from the research project "VWS4LS". It provides a node definition for Node-RED that checks if a certain machine is able to provide a certain capability required to produce (parts of) a wiring harness. One example would be to crimp a certain contact with a wire of a certain diameter.
The actual capability check is performed by the node module capability-check
More information can be found in its own readme.
- Clone the Git repository
- Install this node module into you Node-RED runtime:
npm install <local-path-to-git-repository>/capability-check-node-red
For more information about installing a module into your Node-RED runtime, refer to the Node-RED documentation.
A Docker image that already includes node-red as well as the capability-check node can be created executing the following command in this directory:
docker build -t capability-check-node-red -f Dockerfile ..
Alternatively, you can use one of the pre-built images from the Releases.
To load one of these, download the image and then perform docker load -i <path-to-image.tar>
Once installed correctly, your Node-RED runtime should provide an addtional node called capability-check
in the 'function' section.
After instantiating this node, make sure to provide its input with messages containing a payload object of the following structure:
// either a string representing the endpoint of an AAS server providing access to all relevant AASes and submodels or an object with two members
// 'aasRegistryEndpoint' and 'submodelRegistryEndpoint' describing the registry endpoints used to find the servers hosting the relevant AASes and submodels
"endpoint" : "http://localhost:5001", // or: {"aasRegistryEndpoint" = "http://localhost:5001", "submodelRegistryEndpoint" = "http://localhost:5001"}
// id of the AAS submodel defining the required capability
// (this is expected to be available at the AAS server, see above)
"requiredCapabiltySubmodelId" : "",
// idShort path(s) pointing to the required capability/ies to check; this is expected
// to be within the required capability submodel identified via 'requiredCapabiltySubmodelId'
"requiredCapabilityContainerIdShortPath" : "CapabilitySet/CapabilityContainer01", // or: ["CapabilitySet/CapabilityContainer01", "CapabilitySet/CapabilityContainer04"]
// the id of the AAS representing the machine to check for the required capability
// (this is expected to be available at the AAS server, see above)
"machineAasId" : "",
// whether the capability check shall take into account only the currently mounted tools (true) or all tools that can theoretically be mounted (false);
// default is 'false'
"instanceCheck" : false, // or: omit this parameter
// username that will be included when fetching data from the endpoint(s); username/password will be included directly in the fetch urls; it
// is assumed that username and passwords for all endpoints are identical
"username" : "my-username", // or: omit this parameter
// password that will be included when fetching data from the endpoint(s); username/password will be included directly in the fetch urls; it
// is assumed that username and passwords for all endpoints are identical
"password" : "my-password" // or: omit this parameter
When triggered, the node will send a message with the result(s) of the capability check to the output. The result object(s) contain/s detailed information about the result of the capability check, e.g. a message via the check failed or information about additional tools required to provide a capability. A detailed explanation of the various fields of the result object is provided in the following section.
// the 'endpoint' that was set in the request
"endpoint": "http://aas-env:8081",
// the 'requiredCapabiltySubmodelId' that was set in the request
"requiredCapabiltySubmodelId": "",
// the 'requiredCapabilityContainerIdShortPath' that was set in the request
"requiredCapabilityContainerIdShortPath": "CapabilitySet/CapabilityContainer01",
// the 'machineAasId' that was set in the request
"machineAasId": "",
// the 'assetKind' of the requested asset/AAS (instance/type)
"assetKind": "instance",
// wheter only currently mounted tools shall be regarded (this is equivalent to the 'instanceCheck' parameter in the request)
"onlyRegardMountedTools": false,
// if the algorithm determined that a tool is required by the machine to execute the capability
"toolRequired": true,
// which type of tool is required by the machine to execute the capability (only if 'toolRequired' is true)
"requiredToolType": "CrimpingApplicator",
// the list of tools currently mounted in the machine (represented by their AAS id)
"mountedTools": [
// the subset of the mounted tools that are of the 'requiredTooltype'
"suitableMountedTools": [],
// the list of tools that are of the 'requiredToolType' and are able to fulfil the capability (represented by their AAS id);
// NOTE: this also includes tools that are not currently mounted!
"suitableTools": [
// whether the capability check succeeded, i.e. whether the machine is (theoretically) capable of executing the required capability, potentially with the help of a tool to be mounted
"success": true,
// a result code that further describes the result of the check; this is one of:
// --> successful: the machine fulfills the capability and no tool is required
// --> successful: the machine fulfills the capability and is already equipped with a suitable tol
// --> successflu: the machine fulfills the capability and a suitable tool exists but the tool needs
// to be mounted into the machine first
// --> not successful: the machine does not fulfill the capability
// --> not successful: the machine fulfills the capability but no suitable tool was mounted
// (only if 'instanceCheck' was set to 'true')
// --> not successful: the machine fulfills the capability but no suitable tool was found (in the registry)
// --> not successful: the machine fulfills the capabiilty and at least one suitable tool was found but the
// tool canot be mounted in the machine
// --> not sucessful: an internal error occurred
// a human readable message explaining the result
"message": "AAS with id \"\" offers the required capability \"Crimp\" and fulfills all constraints\"! However, a suitable tool needs to be mounted.",
// for each of the 'suitableTools', a list of potential 'mounting paths';
// each mounting path is represented by an array that starts with the AAS id of the tool and ends with the AAS id of the machine; these are connected by a list of 'slots' (represented by their name) and further resources that are required to mount the tool into the machine (represented by the AAS id)
"mountingPathsByTool": {
"": [