From 9004636d7cccd90ef914b86c1b11fa3f95605e96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: artur1214 <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 11:08:05 +0600
Subject: [PATCH] WebAuth class fixed. New api used. Email/guard code auth
 added. TODO: QR code auth add. Added function to unlogin on every device.
 Code refactoring done: added docstrings, typehints. NOTE: Current version now
 don't work with python <=3.5

 .gitignore                   |   1 +
 steam/client/     |  13 +-
 steam/client/builtins/ |   2 +
 steam/             | 515 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3f8a4ee0..67ea9b8c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/steam/client/ b/steam/client/
index e9aeb4cd..46f04f4f 100644
--- a/steam/client/
+++ b/steam/client/
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 from steam.utils import ip4_from_int, ip4_to_int
 from steam.utils.proto import proto_fill_from_dict
+# TODO: remove py2 support.
 if six.PY2:
     _cli_input = raw_input
@@ -42,14 +44,13 @@
 class SteamClient(CMClient, BuiltinBase):
     EVENT_LOGGED_ON = 'logged_on'
-    """After successful login
-    """
+    """After successful login"""
     EVENT_AUTH_CODE_REQUIRED = 'auth_code_required'
-    """When either email or 2FA code is needed for login
-    """
+    """When either email or 2FA code is needed for login"""
     EVENT_NEW_LOGIN_KEY = 'new_login_key'
-    """After a new login key is accepted
-    """
+    """After a new login key is accepted"""
     _LOG = logging.getLogger("SteamClient")
     _reconnect_backoff_c = 0
diff --git a/steam/client/builtins/ b/steam/client/builtins/
index 861975ce..b30cb440 100644
--- a/steam/client/builtins/
+++ b/steam/client/builtins/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     def __handle_disconnect(self):
         self._web_session = None
+    # TODO: DEPRECATED. This function not work anymore.
+    #This function must be rewritten to use  WebAuth
     def get_web_session_cookies(self):
         """Get web authentication cookies via WebAPI's ``AuthenticateUser``
diff --git a/steam/ b/steam/
index aeabbab5..58f65d63 100644
--- a/steam/
+++ b/steam/
@@ -61,10 +61,15 @@
 import six
 import requests
+from steam.enums.proto import EAuthSessionGuardType
 from steam.steamid import SteamID
-from steam.utils.web import make_requests_session, generate_session_id
+from steam.utils.web import generate_session_id
 from steam.core.crypto import rsa_publickey, pkcs1v15_encrypt
+# TODO: Remove python2 support.
+# TODO: Encrease min python version to 3.5
 if six.PY2:
     intBase = long
     _cli_input = raw_input
@@ -72,228 +77,328 @@
     intBase = int
     _cli_input = input
+    'origin': '',
+    'referer': '',
+    'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'
+API_URL = '{}Service/{}/v{}'
 class WebAuth(object):
-    key = None
-    logged_on = False    #: whether authentication has been completed successfully
-    session = None      #: :class:`requests.Session` (with auth cookies after auth is completed)
-    session_id = None   #: :class:`str`, session id string
-    captcha_gid = -1
-    captcha_code = ''
-    steam_id = None     #: :class:`.SteamID` (after auth is completed)
-    def __init__(self, username, password=''):
-        self.__dict__.update(locals())
-        self.session = make_requests_session()
-        self._session_setup()
-    def _session_setup(self):
-        pass
-    @property
-    def captcha_url(self):
-        """If a captch is required this property will return url to the image, or ``None``"""
-        if self.captcha_gid == -1:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return "" % self.captcha_gid
+    """New WEB Auth class.
-    def get_rsa_key(self, username):
-        """Get rsa key for a given username
+    This class works with Steam API:
-        :param username: username
-        :type  username: :class:`str`
-        :return: json response
-        :rtype: :class:`dict`
-        :raises HTTPError: any problem with http request, timeouts, 5xx, 4xx etc
-        """
-        try:
-            resp ='',
-                                     timeout=15,
-                                     data={
-                                         'username': username,
-                                         'donotcache': int(time() * 1000),
-                                         },
-                                     ).json()
-        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-            raise HTTPError(str(e))
+    Currently, supports bsaic login/password auth with no 2FA, 2FA via
+    steam guard code and 2FA via EMAIL confirmation.
-        return resp
+    TODO: Add QR code support.
-    def _load_key(self):
-        if not self.key:
-            resp = self.get_rsa_key(self.username)
+    TODO: Fully rework api handling. PUT api into separate class,
+      in order to make this class responsible only for actual auth.
-            self.key = rsa_publickey(intBase(resp['publickey_mod'], 16),
-                                     intBase(resp['publickey_exp'], 16),
-                                     )
-            self.timestamp = resp['timestamp']
+        Actually, at real login page
+        steam handles function little bit different.
+        e.g.
+        can handle multipart/form-data; with something like.
-    def _send_login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='', twofactor_code=''):
-        data = {
-            'username': self.username,
-            "password": b64encode(pkcs1v15_encrypt(self.key, password.encode('ascii'))),
-            "emailauth": email_code,
-            "emailsteamid": str(self.steam_id) if email_code else '',
-            "twofactorcode": twofactor_code,
-            "captchagid": self.captcha_gid,
-            "captcha_text": captcha,
-            "loginfriendlyname": "python-steam webauth",
-            "rsatimestamp": self.timestamp,
-            "remember_login": 'true',
-            "donotcache": int(time() * 100000),
+        {
+            input_protobuf_encoded: 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
+        it's protobuf encoded value. You can decode it here:
+        some fields I can understand:
+            2) string - steamlogin
+            3) string - encrypted password
+            4) timestamp to map to a key - STime
+            5) some INT (probably it's always 1) it's DEPRECATED
+            7) whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session
+            8) (EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth.
+               e.g. "Store"
+            9) Protobuf of device type (see CAuthentication_DeviceDetails):
+                9.1) string - User-Agent
+                9.2) Int - platform identifier e.g. 2 (means Web Browser)
+                    (See EAuthTokenPlatformType protobuf).
+                9.3) os_type (MOSTLY NOT PRESENTED IN REAL REQUESTS)
+                9.4) gaming_device_type (MOSTLY NOT PRESENTED IN REAL REQUESTS)
+            11) UNDOCUMENTED AT ALL: Some number (like 8)
+        We currently uses basic multipart/form-data and "key-value"
+        data presentation.
+        But I  Think, it's important to know, that real steam works differently,
+        and maybe we can once upon a time simulate it's REAL behavior.
+    """
+    # Pretend to be chrome on windows, made this act as most like a
+    # browser as possible to (hopefully) avoid breakage in the future from valve
+    def __init__(self, username='', password='',
+                 userAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)'
+                           ' AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)'
+                           ' Chrome/ Safari/537.36'):
+        self.session = requests.session()
+        self.user_agent = userAgent
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+        self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent
+        self.steam_id = None
+        self.client_id = None
+        self.request_id = None
+        self.refresh_token = None
+        self.access_token = None
+        self.session_id = None
+        self.email_auth_waits = False  # Not used yet.
+        self.logged_on = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def send_api_request(data, steam_api_interface, steam_api_method,
+                         steam_api_version):
+        """Send request to Steam API via requests"""
+        steam_url = API_URL.format(steam_api_interface, steam_api_method,
+                                   steam_api_version)
+        if steam_api_method == "GetPasswordRSAPublicKey":  # It's GET method
+            res = requests.get(steam_url, timeout=10, headers=API_HEADERS,
+                               params=data)
+        else:  # Every other API endpoints are POST.
+            res =, timeout=10, headers=API_HEADERS,
+                                data=data)
+        res.raise_for_status()
+        return res.json()
+    def _get_rsa_key(self):
+        """Get rsa key to crypt password."""
+        return self.send_api_request({'account_name': self.username},
+                              "IAuthentication", 'GetPasswordRSAPublicKey', 1)
+    def _encrypt_password(self):
+        """Encrypt password via RSA key
+        Steam handles every password only in encoded way.
+        """
+        r = self._get_rsa_key()
-        try:
-            return'', data=data, timeout=15).json()
-        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-            raise HTTPError(str(e))
+        mod = intBase(r['response']['publickey_mod'], 16)
+        exp = intBase(r['response']['publickey_exp'], 16)
-    def _finalize_login(self, login_response):
-        self.steam_id = SteamID(login_response['transfer_parameters']['steamid'])
-    def login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='', twofactor_code='', language='english'):
-        """Attempts web login and returns on a session with cookies set
-        :param password: password, if it wasn't provided on instance init
-        :type  password: :class:`str`
-        :param captcha: text reponse for captcha challenge
-        :type  captcha: :class:`str`
-        :param email_code: email code for steam guard
-        :type  email_code: :class:`str`
-        :param twofactor_code: 2FA code for steam guard
-        :type  twofactor_code: :class:`str`
-        :param language: select language for steam web pages (sets language cookie)
-        :type  language: :class:`str`
-        :return: a session on success and :class:`None` otherwise
-        :rtype: :class:`requests.Session`, :class:`None`
-        :raises HTTPError: any problem with http request, timeouts, 5xx, 4xx etc
-        :raises LoginIncorrect: wrong username or password
-        :raises CaptchaRequired: when captcha is needed
-        :raises CaptchaRequiredLoginIncorrect: when captcha is needed and login is incorrect
-        :raises EmailCodeRequired: when email is needed
-        :raises TwoFactorCodeRequired: when 2FA is needed
-        """
-        if self.logged_on:
-            return self.session
+        pub_key = rsa_publickey(mod, exp)
+        encrypted = pkcs1v15_encrypt(pub_key, self.password.encode('ascii'))
+        b64 = b64encode(encrypted)
+        return tuple((b64.decode('ascii'), r['response']['timestamp']))
+    def _startSessionWithCredentials(self, account_encrypted_password: str,
+                                     time_stamp: int):
+        """Start login session via BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials
-        if password:
-            self.password = password
-        elif self.password:
-            password = self.password
-        else:
-            raise LoginIncorrect("password is not specified")
-        if not captcha and self.captcha_code:
-            captcha = self.captcha_code
+        """
+        resp = self.send_api_request(
+            {'device_friendly_name': self.user_agent,
+             'account_name': self.username,
+             'encrypted_password': account_encrypted_password,
+             'encryption_timestamp': time_stamp,
+             'remember_login': '1',
+             'platform_type': '2',
+             'persistence': '1',
+             'website_id': 'Community',
+             },
+            'IAuthentication',
+            'BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials',
+            1
+        )
+        self.client_id = resp['response']['client_id']
+        self.request_id = resp['response']['request_id']
+        self.steam_id = SteamID(resp['response']['steamid'])
+    def _startLoginSession(self):
+        """Starts login session via credentials."""
+        encrypted_password = self._encrypt_password()
+        self._startSessionWithCredentials(encrypted_password[0],
+                                          encrypted_password[1])
+    def _pollLoginStatus(self):
+        """Get status of current Login Session
+        This function asks server about login session status.
+        If we logged in, this returns access_token that we needed.
+        TODO: add check of interval, returned from _startSessionWithCredentials
+            actually it has no need now, but
+        """
+        resp = self.send_api_request({
+            'client_id': str(self.client_id),
+            'request_id': str(self.request_id)
+        }, 'IAuthentication', 'PollAuthSessionStatus', 1)
+        try:
+            self.refresh_token = resp['response']['refresh_token']
+            self.access_token = resp['response']['access_token']
+        except KeyError:
+            raise WebAuthException('Authentication requires 2fa token, which is not provided or invalid')
+    def _finalizeLogin(self):
+        self.sessionID = generate_session_id()
+        self.logged_on = True
+        for domain in ['', '',
+                       '']:
+            self.session.cookies.set('sessionid', self.sessionID, domain=domain)
+            self.session.cookies.set('steamLoginSecure',
+                                     str(self.steam_id.as_64) + "||" + str(
+                                         self.access_token), domain=domain)
+    def _update_login_token(
+            self,
+            code: str,
+            code_type: EAuthSessionGuardType = EAuthSessionGuardType.DeviceCode
+    ):
+        """Send 2FA token to steam
+        Please note, that very rare, login can be unsuccessful,
+        if you use code, that guard provided you BEFORE log in session
+        was started. To fix it, just rerun login.
-        self._load_key()
-        resp = self._send_login(password=password, captcha=captcha, email_code=email_code, twofactor_code=twofactor_code)
+        """
+        data = {
+            'client_id': self.client_id,
+            'steamid': self.steam_id,
+            'code': code,
+            'code_type': code_type
+        }
+        res = self.send_api_request(data, 'IAuthentication',
+                             'UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode', 1)
+        return res
-        if resp['success'] and resp['login_complete']:
-            self.logged_on = True
-            self.password = self.captcha_code = ''
-            self.captcha_gid = -1
-            for cookie in list(self.session.cookies):
-                for domain in ['', '', '']:
-                    self.session.cookies.set(, cookie.value, domain=domain,
+    def login(self, username: str = '', password: str = '', code: str = None,
+              email_required=False):
+        """Log in user by new Steam API
-            self.session_id = generate_session_id()
+        If user has no need 2FA, this function will just  log in user.
+        If 2FA SteamGuard code needed, when user can provide it just
+        with guard.SteamAuthenticator.get_code like it always was.
-            for domain in ['', '', '']:
-                self.session.cookies.set('Steam_Language', language, domain=domain)
-                self.session.cookies.set('birthtime', '-3333', domain=domain)
-                self.session.cookies.set('sessionid', self.session_id, domain=domain)
+        If Email code is required, when user can provide email_required.
+        If email_required was provided, when this function only setup auth
+        and return new function.
-            self._finalize_login(resp)
+        this function will receive email code. Once email code will be provided
+        authentication process will be complete.
+        If wrong code provided in this new function, when error will be raised.
+        And new code will be waited.
+        """
+        if self.logged_on:
             return self.session
-        else:
-            if resp.get('captcha_needed', False):
-                self.captcha_gid = resp['captcha_gid']
-                self.captcha_code = ''
-                if resp.get('clear_password_field', False):
-                    self.password = ''
-                    raise CaptchaRequiredLoginIncorrect(resp['message'])
-                else:
-                    raise CaptchaRequired(resp['message'])
-            elif resp.get('emailauth_needed', False):
-                self.steam_id = SteamID(resp['emailsteamid'])
-                raise EmailCodeRequired(resp['message'])
-            elif resp.get('requires_twofactor', False):
-                raise TwoFactorCodeRequired(resp['message'])
-            elif 'too many login failures' in resp.get('message', ''):
-                raise TooManyLoginFailures(resp['message'])
-            else:
-                self.password = ''
-                raise LoginIncorrect(resp['message'])
-    def cli_login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='', twofactor_code='', language='english'):
-        """Generates CLI prompts to perform the entire login process
+        if username == '' or password == '':
+            if self.username == '' and self.password == '':
+                raise ValueError("Username or password is provided empty!")
+        else:
+            self.username = username
+            self.password = password
-        :param password: password, if it wasn't provided on instance init
-        :type  password: :class:`str`
-        :param captcha: text reponse for captcha challenge
-        :type  captcha: :class:`str`
-        :param email_code: email code for steam guard
-        :type  email_code: :class:`str`
-        :param twofactor_code: 2FA code for steam guard
-        :type  twofactor_code: :class:`str`
-        :param language: select language for steam web pages (sets language cookie)
-        :type  language: :class:`str`
-        :return: a session on success and :class:`None` otherwise
-        :rtype: :class:`requests.Session`, :class:`None`
+        self._startLoginSession()
+        if code:
+            self._update_login_token(code)
+        if email_required:
+            # We do another request, which force steam to send email code
+            # (otherwise code just not sent).
+            url = (f''
+                   f'{self.steam_id}')
+            res =, data={
+                'clientid': self.client_id,
+                'steamid': self.steam_id
+            }).json()
+            if res.get('result') == 8:
+                # This usually mean code sent now.
+                def end_login(email_code: str):
+                    self._update_login_token(email_code,
+                                             EAuthSessionGuardType.EmailCode)
+                    self._pollLoginStatus()
+                    self._finalizeLogin()
+                    return self.session
+                return end_login
+            if res.get('result') == 29:
+                # This code 100% means some data not valid
+                # Actually this must will never be called, because
+                # Errors can be only like wrong cookies. (Theoretically)
+                raise WebAuthException("Something invalid went. Try again later.")
+        self._pollLoginStatus()
+        self._finalizeLogin()
-        .. code:: python
+        return self.session
-            In [3]: user.cli_login()
-            Enter password for 'steamuser':
-            Solve CAPTCHA at
-            CAPTCHA code: 123456
-            Invalid password for 'steamuser'. Enter password:
-            Solve CAPTCHA at
-            CAPTCHA code: abcdef
-            Enter 2FA code: AB123
-            Out[3]: <requests.sessions.Session at 0x6fffe56bef0>
+    def logout_everywhere(self):
+        """Log out on every device.
+        This function works just like button at
+        and allows user to logout on every device.
+        Can be VERY useful e.g. for users, who practice account rent.
+        session_id = self.session.cookies.get('sessionid',
+                    domain='')
-        # loop until successful login
-        while True:
-            try:
-                return self.login(password, captcha, email_code, twofactor_code, language)
-            except (LoginIncorrect, CaptchaRequired) as exp:
-                email_code = twofactor_code = ''
-                if isinstance(exp, LoginIncorrect):
-                    prompt = ("Enter password for %s: " if not password else
-                              "Invalid password for %s. Enter password: ")
-                    password = getpass(prompt % repr(self.username))
-                if isinstance(exp, CaptchaRequired):
-                    prompt = "Solve CAPTCHA at %s\nCAPTCHA code: " % self.captcha_url
-                    captcha = _cli_input(prompt)
-                else:
-                    captcha = ''
-            except EmailCodeRequired:
-                prompt = ("Enter email code: " if not email_code else
-                          "Incorrect code. Enter email code: ")
-                email_code, twofactor_code = _cli_input(prompt), ''
-            except TwoFactorCodeRequired:
-                prompt = ("Enter 2FA code: " if not twofactor_code else
-                          "Incorrect code. Enter 2FA code: ")
-                email_code, twofactor_code = '', _cli_input(prompt)
+        # By the times I saw session can be both of keys, so select valid.
+        session_id = session_id or self.session.cookies.get(
+                'sessionId', domain='')
+        data = {
+            "action": "deauthorize",
+            "sessionid": session_id
+        }
+        resp =
+            '',
+            data=data
+        )
+        return resp.status_code == 200
+    def cli_login(self, username: str = '', password: str = '', code: str =     '',
+                      email_required: bool = False):
+        """Generates CLI prompts to perform the entire login process
+        If you use email confirm, provide email_required = True,
+        else just provide code.
+        """
+        res = self.login(
+            username,
+            password,
+            code,
+            email_required
+        )
+        if hasattr(res, '__call__'):
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    twofactor_code = input('Enter your 2fa/email code: ')
+                    resp = res(twofactor_code)
+                    return resp
+                except WebAuthException:
+                    pass
+        else:
+            return self.session
+#TODO: DEPRECATED, must be rewritten, like WebAuth
 class MobileWebAuth(WebAuth):
     """Identical to :class:`WebAuth`, except it authenticates as a mobile device."""
     oauth_token = None  #: holds oauth_token after successful login
-    def _send_login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='', twofactor_code=''):
+    def _send_login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='',
+                    twofactor_code=''):
         data = {
             'username': self.username,
-            "password": b64encode(pkcs1v15_encrypt(self.key, password.encode('ascii'))),
+            "password": b64encode(
+                pkcs1v15_encrypt(self.key, password.encode('ascii'))),
             "emailauth": email_code,
             "emailsteamid": str(self.steam_id) if email_code else '',
             "twofactorcode": twofactor_code,
@@ -311,7 +416,9 @@ def _send_login(self, password='', captcha='', email_code='', twofactor_code='')
         self.session.cookies.set('mobileClient', 'android')
-            return'', data=data, timeout=15).json()
+            return
+                '', data=data,
+                timeout=15).json()
         except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
             raise HTTPError(str(e))
@@ -357,7 +464,9 @@ def oauth_login(self, oauth_token='', steam_id='', language='english'):
-            resp ='', data=data)
+            resp =
+                '',
+                data=data)
         except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
             raise HTTPError(str(e))
@@ -371,13 +480,20 @@ def oauth_login(self, oauth_token='', steam_id='', language='english'):
         self.session_id = generate_session_id()
-        for domain in ['', '', '']:
+        for domain in ['', '',
+                       '']:
             self.session.cookies.set('birthtime', '-3333', domain=domain)
-            self.session.cookies.set('sessionid', self.session_id, domain=domain)
-            self.session.cookies.set('mobileClientVersion', '0 (2.1.3)', domain=domain)
+            self.session.cookies.set('sessionid', self.session_id,
+                                     domain=domain)
+            self.session.cookies.set('mobileClientVersion', '0 (2.1.3)',
+                                     domain=domain)
             self.session.cookies.set('mobileClient', 'android', domain=domain)
-            self.session.cookies.set('steamLogin', str(steam_id) + "%7C%7C" + resp_data['token'], domain=domain)
-            self.session.cookies.set('steamLoginSecure', str(steam_id) + "%7C%7C" + resp_data['token_secure'],
+            self.session.cookies.set('steamLogin',
+                                     str(steam_id) + "%7C%7C" + resp_data[
+                                         'token'], domain=domain)
+            self.session.cookies.set('steamLoginSecure',
+                                     str(steam_id) + "%7C%7C" + resp_data[
+                                         'token_secure'],
                                      domain=domain, secure=True)
             self.session.cookies.set('Steam_Language', language, domain=domain)
@@ -389,23 +505,34 @@ def oauth_login(self, oauth_token='', steam_id='', language='english'):
 class WebAuthException(Exception):
+class TwoFactorAuthNotProvided(WebAuthException):
+    pass
 class HTTPError(WebAuthException):
 class LoginIncorrect(WebAuthException):
 class CaptchaRequired(WebAuthException):
 class CaptchaRequiredLoginIncorrect(CaptchaRequired, LoginIncorrect):
 class EmailCodeRequired(WebAuthException):
 class TwoFactorCodeRequired(WebAuthException):
 class TooManyLoginFailures(WebAuthException):