The Ruby Chargeback SDK ships with a built in program which can be used to generate your specific configuration.
This program runs as follows:
Welcome to Vantiv eCommerce Ruby_Chargeback_SDK
please input your user name:
please input your password:
Please choose Vantiv eCommerce url from the following list (example: 'prelive') or directly input another URL:
sandbox =>
prelive =>
Please input the proxy address, if no proxy hit enter key:
Please input the proxy port, if no proxy hit enter key:
The Vantiv eCommerce configuration file has been generated, the file is located at: /<your-home-directory>/.cnp_chargeback_config.yml
You may change the configuration values at anytime by running Setup.rb again, or simpy opening the configuration file directly in the editor of your choice and changing the appropriate fields.
NOTICE you can set the environment variable $CNP_CB_CONFIG_DIR to locate your configuration file in a location other than the $HOME Directory, the the file will reside in $CNP_CB_CONFIG_DIR/.cnp_chargeback_config.yml
user: test_user
password: test_password
proxy_addr: yourproxyserver
proxy_port: 8080