diff --git a/FIXXMUSIC/plugins/tools/clone.py b/FIXXMUSIC/plugins/tools/clone.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f4f73..0000000
--- a/FIXXMUSIC/plugins/tools/clone.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import logging
-import asyncio
-import importlib
-from sys import argv
-from pyrogram import idle
-from pyrogram import Client, filters
-from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton
-from pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400 import (
- AccessTokenExpired,
- AccessTokenInvalid,
-from FIXXMUSIC.utils.database import get_assistant
-from config import API_ID, API_HASH
-from FIXXMUSIC import app
-from FIXXMUSIC.misc import SUDOERS
-from FIXXMUSIC.utils.database import get_assistant, clonebotdb
-from config import LOGGER_ID
-CLONES = set()
-@app.on_message(filters.command("vashuclone" , "vclone") & SUDOERS)
-async def clone_txt(client, message):
- userbot = await get_assistant(message.chat.id)
- if len(message.command) > 1:
- bot_token = message.text.split("/clone", 1)[1].strip()
- mi = await message.reply_text("Please wait while I process the bot token salee clone mat bana please andy bandy sandy ager tune clone banaya to tere maa randi.")
- try:
- ai = Client(
- bot_token,
- bot_token=bot_token,
- plugins=dict(root="FIXXMUSIC.plugin"),
- )
- await ai.start()
- bot = await ai.get_me()
- bot_users = await ai.get_users(bot.username)
- bot_id = bot_users.id
- except (AccessTokenExpired, AccessTokenInvalid):
- await mi.edit_text(
- "You have provided an invalid bot token. Please provide a valid bot token sun clone mat bana bhenchod."
- )
- return
- except Exception as e:
- await mi.edit_text(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
- return
- # Proceed with the cloning process
- await mi.edit_text(
- "Cloning process started. Please wait for the bot to be start."
- )
- try:
- await app.send_message(
- LOGGER_ID, f"**#New_Clones**\n\n**Bot:- @{bot.username}**"
- )
- await userbot.send_message(bot.username, "/start")
- details = {
- "bot_id": bot.id,
- "is_bot": True,
- "user_id": message.from_user.id,
- "name": bot.first_name,
- "token": bot_token,
- "username": bot.username,
- }
- clonebotdb.insert_one(details)
- CLONES.add(bot.id)
- await mi.edit_text(
- f"Bot @{bot.username} has been successfully cloned and started ✅.\n**Remove cloned by :- /delclone**"
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- logging.exception("Error while cloning bot.")
- await mi.edit_text(
- f"⚠️ ᴇʀʀᴏʀ:\n\n{e}
\n\n**ᴋɪɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ @Vashu23456 ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ**"
- )
- else:
- await message.reply_text(
- "**Give Bot Token After /clone Command From @Botfather.**"
- )
- filters.command(
- [
- "deletecloned",
- "delcloned",
- "delclone",
- "deleteclone",
- "removeclone",
- "cancelclone",
- ]
- )
-async def delete_cloned_bot(client, message):
- try:
- if len(message.command) < 2:
- await message.reply_text(
- "**⚠️ Please provide the bot token after the command.**"
- )
- return
- bot_token = " ".join(message.command[1:])
- await message.reply_text("Processing the bot token...")
- cloned_bot = clonebotdb.find_one({"token": bot_token})
- if cloned_bot:
- clonebotdb.delete_one({"token": bot_token})
- CLONES.remove(cloned_bot["bot_id"])
- await message.reply_text(
- "**🤖 your cloned bot has been disconnected from my server ☠️\nClone by :- /clone**"
- )
- await restart_bots()
- # Call restart function here after successful deletion
- else:
- await message.reply_text(
- "**⚠️ The provided bot token is not in the cloned list.**"
- )
- except Exception as e:
- await message.reply_text("An error occurred while deleting the cloned bot.")
- logging.exception(e)
-async def restart_bots():
- global CLONES
- try:
- logging.info("Restarting all cloned bots........")
- bots = list(clonebotdb.find())
- for bot in bots:
- bot_token = bot["token"]
- ai = Client(
- f"{bot_token}",
- bot_token=bot_token,
- plugins=dict(root="FIXXMUSIC.cplugin"),
- )
- await ai.start()
- bot = await ai.get_me()
- if bot.id not in CLONES:
- try:
- CLONES.add(bot.id)
- except Exception:
- pass
- except Exception as e:
- logging.exception("Error while restarting bots.")
-@app.on_message(filters.command("vashucloned" , "Bhenchodclonematkar") & SUDOERS)
-async def list_cloned_bots(client, message):
- try:
- cloned_bots = list(clonebotdb.find())
- if not cloned_bots:
- await message.reply_text("No bots have been cloned yet.")
- return
- total_clones = len(cloned_bots)
- text = f"**Total Cloned Bots: {total_clones}**\n\n"
- for bot in cloned_bots:
- text += f"**Bot ID:** {bot['bot_id']}\n"
- text += f"**Bot Name:** {bot['name']}\n"
- text += f"**Bot Username:** @{bot['username']}\n\n"
- await message.reply_text(text)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.exception(e)
- await message.reply_text("An error occurred while listing cloned bots.")
-@app.on_message(filters.command("delallclone") & SUDOERS)
-async def delete_all_cloned_bots(client, message):
- try:
- await message.reply_text("Deleting all cloned bots...")
- # Delete all cloned bots from the database
- clonebotdb.delete_many({})
- # Clear the CLONES set
- CLONES.clear()
- await message.reply_text("All cloned bots have been deleted successfully.")
- except Exception as e:
- await message.reply_text("An error occurred while deleting all cloned bots.")
- logging.exception(e)