ExchangeRates is an API for current and old foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank ( The API is built on ASP.NET Core (v3.1) with Razor pages and controllers. Hosted for limited time at Azure:
Usage: Get the latest foreign exchange rates. GET /api/rates/latest
Get historical rates from 1999 until today. GET /api/rates/2005-05-25
Default base currency is Euro. Base curency can be changed by setting the 'basecur' parameter in the request. GET /api/rates/latest?base=USD
Get exchange rates for specific currencies by setting the 'symbols' parameter. GET api/rates/latest?symbols=USD,GBP
Rates history Get historical rates for a timespan. GET api/rates/history?startdate=2008-01-01&enddate=2020-09-01
Get historical rates for specific currencies by setting the 'symbols' parameter. GET api/rates/history?startdate=2008-01-01&enddate=2020-09-01&symbols=ILS,JPY
Get historical rates against a different currency. GET api/rates/history?startdate=2008-01-01&enddate=2020-09-01&base=USD
Copyrights 2020 ExchangeRates. The API is only for personal usage.