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This is an object-oriented java library for reading and writing Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets. It is a wrapper around Apache POI that provides elegant and user friendly interface for creating Excel documents.


new XsWorkbook(
    new XsSheet(
        new XsRow()
            .with(new TextCells("name", "email", "salary", "bonus", "total"))
                new XsStyle(
                    new ForegroundColor(IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT.getIndex()),
                    new FillPattern(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND)
        new XsRow()
            .with(new TextCells("Steve Hook", ""))
            .with(new NumberCells(160000.0, 35337.6))
            .with(new FormulaCell("SUM(C3:D3)")
                    new XsStyle(
                        new ForegroundColor(IndexedColors.RED.getIndex()),
                        new FillPattern(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND)

This is how the result looks like:

Custom styles

You can create custom cells/rows/sheets:

new XsWorkbook(
    new XsSheet(
        new MyCustomRow("Boris", "Miksic", "ID:2450"),
        new MyCustomRow("Mirko", "Mirkic", "ID:1690")

Just extend appropriate template class and pass custom row/cell object to its constructor:

private static class MyCustomRow extends RowTemplate {

    public MyCustomRow(final String name, final String surname, final String id) {
            new XsRow()
                .with(new TextCells(name, surname))
                .with(new MyGreyCell(new TextCell(id)))

private static class MyGreyCell extends CellTemplate {

    public MyGreyCell(final ECell cell) {
            new XsStyle(
                new ForegroundColor(IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT.getIndex()),
                new FillPattern(FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND)

The result:


Please bare in mind that this is a poc version with 90% of features missing (mainly styles and properties). I will be regularly committing more and more functionality.