diff --git a/VenafiPS/Public/Find-VcCertificate.ps1 b/VenafiPS/Public/Find-VcCertificate.ps1
index c03245de..f386b5ad 100644
--- a/VenafiPS/Public/Find-VcCertificate.ps1
+++ b/VenafiPS/Public/Find-VcCertificate.ps1
@@ -19,13 +19,20 @@ function Find-VcCertificate {
     For each item in the array, you can provide a field name by itself; this will default to ascending.
     You can also provide a hashtable with the field name as the key and either asc or desc as the value.
+    .PARAMETER Name
+    Certificate name to find via regex match
     .PARAMETER SavedSearchName
     Find certificates based on a saved search, see https://docs.venafi.cloud/vaas/certificates/saving-certificate-filters
     .PARAMETER First
     Only retrieve this many records
-    .PARAMETER IncludeVaasOwner
+    .PARAMETER ApplicationDetail
+    Retrieve detailed application info.
+    This will cause additional api calls to be made and take longer.
+    .PARAMETER OwnerDetail
     Retrieve detailed user/team owner info.
     This will cause additional api calls to be made and take longer.
@@ -108,6 +115,7 @@ function Find-VcCertificate {
         [switch] $ApplicationDetail,
+        [Alias('IncludeVaasOwner')]
         [switch] $OwnerDetail,