- Fix extension removes the original HTML language support
- Fix syntax of ruby snippet
- Test Slim snippets
- fix template name from html to erb
- fix member and collection space problem
- routes
- add member block
- add collection block
- html.erb
- change to
- pre
- pre-
- preb
- preb-
- change to
- fix if elsif and if elsif else have %3 problem
- update if snippets prefix for Ruby
- add if snippet for Ruby and Rails
- if
- if else
- if elsif
- if elsif else
- add if snippet
- add dependent snippet
- change CRUD sort
- remove functions with only syntax
- lile: resource_only
- add only & except function
- add add_reference function
- add date & datetime html field snippets
- Add grammars which taken from https://github.com/craigmaslowski/vscode-erb
- Add Ruby and html(html.erb) Snippets
- Initial release of vscode-extension rails