💨 A simple, fast and easy-to-use blog 🚀
⚠️ Caution: Working in progress - It's not production ready 🚧
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* **preview :** [https://www.lizc.net](https://www.lizc.net "blog")
## Features
* 🌙☀ Theme: Support light and dark themes
* 🐐 APi: Node-blog through Nodejs and express provide the Restful API
* 🚜 Database: Data stored in Mongodb,Driven by Mongoose
* 🔨 Powerful build: Use powerful webpack to build projects
* 🍓 Framework support: React, Ant design, Express, Typescript, ...
* 🌲 Nextjs: Support server-side render
* 📲 Responsive: Responsive layout for mobile-side
* ⚙️ Best Practices: Solid workflow to make your code healthy
* ......
## Structure
├─server // provide blog server api, based one nodejs, mongodb
client // client ui
├──web // front-end ui
├──admin // admin ui
├─docker-compose.yml // docker-compose config file
## Todo
- [x] Article tags
- [x] Writing new article in browser
- [x] Comments
- [x] Search support
- [x] Mobile web support
- [x] Light theme & Dark theme
- [x] Other support ...
## Development
**1,clone code**
git clone https://github.com/bs32g1038/node-blog.git
cd **
npm install
**3,init database data**
// this will generate the faker data to database
npm run init:dev:data
**4,run app**
npm run dev // development mode
**4, build dist**
npm run build // build dist for server and client
## Deploy
The project has integrated related suites, such as client ui, dockerfile, docker-compose.yml. So you can easy to deploy the project.
* First: I recommend that you debug locally and make changes to configuration information, such as database information and personal information.
* Secondly: you can choice the docker to deploy this project. It is very esay. you only ```pull``` the project to your server and install ```docker```, and run ```docker-compose build``` command, and run ```docker-compose up -d``` command
If you don't want to use docker, you must to ```cd``` the current item and run ```npm install or yarn install``` command.
At the same time, when finish install, you need to run ```npm run start:prod``` command.
Besides, you may need to install ```mongodb```,before you run the application.
## Environment dependence
Operating System: Linux, OS X or Windows.
Node.js Runtime: 14.x or newer; it is recommended that you use LTS Releases.
database: mongdb 5.x or newer;
## Browsers support
Modern browsers.
| [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)Edge | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Firefox | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Chrome | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Safari | [](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Opera | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | ## Thank you: If you think these contents are useful to you, please add a "Star" at the top right. This is the encouragement to me, thank you! # License MIT # Blog_FullStack