Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Name of the signature request | |
delivery_mode | string | Delivery mode to notify signers. | |
ordered_signers | bool | Enable an ordered workflow, each signer will be requested to sign in a sequential order | [optional] |
reminder_settings | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateSignatureRequestReminderSettings | [optional] | |
timezone | string | tz database format | [optional] |
email_custom_note | string | A custom note added to emails sent to signers. | [optional] |
expiration_date | \DateTime | Due date of the signature request (yyyy-mm-dd). Default to 6 month after the activation. | [optional] |
template_id | string | Create a signature request from an existing template. | [optional] |
external_id | string | Store a custom id that will be added to webhooks & appended to redirect urls. | [optional] |
branding_id | string | Use a specific branding to customize the signature experience. | [optional] |
custom_experience_id | string | Use a specific Custom Experience to customize the signature experience. | [optional] |
documents | string[] | You can directly attach orphan documents to the signature request. | [optional] |
signers | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateSignatureRequestSignersInner[] | Can only be used if you add documents at the same time. | [optional] |
workspace_id | string | Scope the signature request to a specific workspace. If template_id is filled and Template is already linked to a Workspace, keep this field to null ; the created Signature Request will be scoped to Template's Workspace. | [optional] |
audit_trail_locale | \Yousign\Client\Model\AuditTrailLocale | Define the locale for the generated audit trail. | [optional] |
signers_allowed_to_decline | bool | Allowing signers to decline to sign. | [optional] [default to false] |
email_notification | \Yousign\Client\Model\SignatureRequestEmailNotification | [optional] | |
template_placeholders | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateSignatureRequestTemplatePlaceholders | [optional] | |
archiving | \Yousign\Client\Model\Archiving | [optional] |