Name | Type | Description | Notes |
endpoint | string | Https target URL of the webhook | [optional] |
description | string | Short description of the webhook. This property cannot start or end with whitespace, does not allow HTML tags, URL or email. | [optional] |
sandbox | bool | [optional] | |
subscribed_events | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateWebhookSubscriptionSubscribedEvents | [optional] | |
secret_key | string | Autogenerated 32 bytes key | [optional] |
scopes | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateWebhookSubscriptionScopes | [optional] | |
workspaces | \Yousign\Client\Model\CreateWebhookSubscriptionWorkspaces | [optional] | |
auto_retry | bool | If a Webhook request fails for any reason, Yousign will retry the request 8 times using a back-off mechanism after: 2, 6, 30, 60, 300, 1080, 1440, 2880 min | [optional] |
enabled | bool | Choose whether the webhook is enabled or not. | [optional] |