Here is a collection of ReID-related research with links to codes and papers. You are welcome to submit PRs if you find something missing.
- Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Spatial-Temporal Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Horizontal Pyramid Matching for Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Backbone Can Not be Trained at Once: Rolling Back to Pre-trained Network for Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- A Bottom-Up Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Generalizing A Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously. [paper][code]
- Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Deep Group-Shuffling Random Walk for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- End-to-End Deep Kronecker-Product Matching for Person Re-identification. [paper][code]
- Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Group Consistent Similarity Learning via Deep CRF for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Multi-Level Factorisation Net for Person Re-Identification. [paper][code]
- Resource Aware Person Re-identification across Multiple Resolutions. [paper][code]
- Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Stepwise Learning. [paper][code]