Deep Learning is an Artificial Intelligence function that imitates the workings of the human brain in processing data and creating patterns for use in decision making. DL is a subset of ML in AI that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled, also known as deep neural learning or deep neural network.
For learning deep, advanced concepts of DL and becoming an expert, you can go ahead with this paid course on Udemy.
This lecture series has very good introduction to Neural Network and Deep Learning
The concepts in this series explained are bit abstract, concepts are hard to understand in first go
Video Lectures By Yoshua Bengio on Theoritical Aspects of Deep Learning
Ronan Collobert lecture (it's quite old new, from 2008 but I think it is still useful)
Lecture series by Chris Manning and Richard Socher given at NAACL 2013
TOPIC COURSE IN DEEP LEARNING by Joan Brune, UC Berkley Stats Department
This is a short book on Deep Learning written by Yoshua Bengio
ENSEMBLING guide. It is Very useful for designing practical ML systems
Tensorflow.js Train and Deploy machine learning models in the browser.
* Keras.
* Nltk.
* All methods and techniques mentioned are listed below:
- Keras
- All about Keras
- A friendly guide to Keras
- Sequential
- Dense
- Adam
- KerasClassifier
- Project to try out: Rock Paper Scissors game
- Nltk
- What is Nltk
- word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
- stopwords
- PunktSentenceTokenizer
- Stemming
- Project to try out: Chat Bot