Sub Foo()
DIM shp as Shape
Set shp = ... 'here comes one of the methods described bellow to get a handle on a shape
'Properties of a shape are modified by setting the value of a cell of its shapesheet.
shp.Cells("PinX").Formula = "1"
shp.Cells("LineWeight").Formula = "1pt."
End sub
- Mind the differences between Formula and FormulaU. --> [Formula vs FormulaU]
- There are properties which are not included in the shapesheet. e.g. shp.Text
Sub Foo()
DIM shp as Shape
DIM t as string
Set shp = ... 'here comes one of the methods described bellow to get a handle on a shape
'Properties of a shape are read by using of the multiple "ResultX" methods of a cell of its shapesheet.
Debug.print shp.Cells("PinX").ResultStr("")
End sub
more on reading shapesheet values [ResultX]
Regardless of the operations to perform, you need first to get a handle on the object to process.
handling the first selected shape handling exactly one shape
handling shapes with direct processing on the current page
for each shp in ActivePage.Shapes
'do stuff directly
'of check first if the shape complies with certain requirements
if shp.Cells(...).ResultIU = ... then
'do stuff here
end if
next shp
handling every shape on every page
Dim pg as page
Dim shp as page
for each pg in ActiveDocument.Pages
for each shp in pg.Shapes
'do stuff
next shp
next pg
handling shapes and their sub-shapes
Sub Foo()
Bar ActivePage.Shapes
End sub
Sub Bar(shps as Shapes)
Dim shp as Shape
for each shp in shps
'do stuff to shp itself, then call the same procedure on its sub-shapes
Bar shp.Shapes
next shp
End sub
processing manually selected shapes
for each shp in ActiveWindow.Selection
'do stuff
next shp
working with selections
Sub Foo()
for each shp in ActivePage.Shapes
if ... then
ActiveWindow.Select shp, visSelect
end if
next shp
Bar ActiveWindow.Selection
End sub
Sub Bar(sel as Selection)
Dim shp as shp
For each shp in sel
'do stuff
next shp
End sub
If certain certain selections will be needed frequently it makes sence to shorten the selection process. Define a "category" for shapes
Sub SetupShapes
Dim shp as Shape
'Use the ActiveWindow.Selection or one of the previous other methods
For each shp in ActiveWindow.Selection
If not shp.SectionExists(visSectionUser, False) then
shp.AddSection visSectionUser
End if
If not shp.CellExists("user.shapeType", False) then
shp.AddNamedRow visSectionUser, "shapeType", visTagDefault
End if
shp.Cells("user.shapeType").Formula = chr(34) & "xyz" & chr(34)
Next shp
End sub
When needed the shapes are then called by
For each shp in ActivePage.Shapes
If shp.SectionExists(visSectionUser, False) then
If shp.CellExists("user.shapeType", False) then
If shp.Cells("user.shapeType").ResultStr("") = "xyz" then
'Do stuff
End if
End if
End if
Next shp
This can be shortened by:
Sub Foo
On Error Goto Errhandler
Dim shp as Shape
For each shp in ActivePage.Shapes
If shp.Cells("user.shapeType").ResultStr("") = "xyz" then 'This line will raise an error if the cell does not exist.
'Do stuff 1
'Do stuff 2
'Do stuff 3
End if
Next shp
Exit sub
'optional Debug information
Resume ResumePoint
End sub