Objects commonly handled in Macros, ordered by (percieved) commonness and the tasks associated with them.
- modify the geometry of a shape. Targetting cells like PinX, PinY, Width, Height, Angle, etc.
shp.Cells("Width").Formula = shp.Cells("Height").ResultIU
- modify the path of the geometry of a shape
for i = 1 to 10
shp.Cells("Geometry1.X"&i).Formula = R*cos(i)
shp.Cells("Geometry1.Y"&i).Formula = R*sin(i)
next i
- Adding user or prop cells to shapes
if not shp.SectionExists(visSectionUser,False) then
shp.AddSection visSectionUser
end if
if not shp.CellExists("user.spam", False) then
shp.AddNamedRow visSectionUser, "spam", visTagDefault
end if
- iterate over shapes
- get a handle on the application when remote controlling Visio from another software
- get or set the document properties
- open, edit and save documents and stencils
- work with on several pages
- work with backgrounds
- toggle the visibility of pages
- manage layers - adding, deleting, setting properties
- editing masters