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PromptCCD: Learning Gaussian Mixture Prompt Pool for Continual Category Discovery [ECCV 2024]

Fernando Julio Cendra1, Bingchen Zhao2, Kai Han1

1Visual AI Lab, The University of Hong Kong    2The University of Edinburgh

page arXiv

In Continual Category Discovery (CCD), the model receives the labelled set at the initial stage and is tasked to discover categories from the unlabelled data in the subsequent stages. There are two major challenges in CCD:

  • Category Discovery for both known and novel categories in the unlabelled data.
  • Catastrophic forgetting, a well-known issue in continual learning.

PromptCCD proposes a simple yet effective prompting framework for Continual Category Discovery (CCD). At the core of PromptCCD lies the Gaussian Mixture Prompting (GMP) module, which acts as a dynamic pool of prompts that updates over time to facilitate representation learning and prevent forgetting during category discovery by guiding foundation model with its prompt.


The environment can be easily installed through conda and pip. After cloning this repository, run the following command:

$ conda create -n promptccd python=3.10
$ conda activate promptccd

$ pip install scipy scikit-learn seaborn tensorboard kmeans-pytorch tensorboard opencv-python tqdm pycave timm
$ conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia

*After setting up the environment, it’s recommended to restart the kernel.

Data & Setup

Please refer to for more information regarding how to prepare and structure the datasets.


Please refer to for more information regarding the model configuration.

The configuration files for training and testing can be access at config/%DATASET%/*.yaml, organized based on different training datasets, and prompt module type. For example, to train PromptCCD w/ GMP where C (number of categories) is known on CIFAR100, run:

--config "config/cifar100/cifar100_promptccd_w_gmp.yaml" \

The training script will generate a directory in exp/%SAVE_PATH% where %SAVE_PATH% can be specified in the "configs/%DATASET%/*.yaml" file. All of the necessary outputs, e.g., training ckpt, learned gmm for each stage, and experiment results are stored inside the directory.

The file structure should be:

├── config/
|   └── %DATASET%/
:       └── *.yaml (model configuration)
└── exp/
    └── %SAVE PATH%/
        ├── *.yaml (copied model configurations)
        ├── gmm/
        ├── model/ (training ckpt for each stage)
        ├── pred_labels/ (predicted labels from unlabelled images)
        ├── log_Kmeans_eval_stage_%STAGE%.txt
        └── log_SS-Kmeans_test_stage_%STAGE%_w_ccd_metrics.txt


To replicate our results reported in the paper, copy the relative path of the *.yaml file stored in the %SAVE_PATH%, i.e., your saved training path and run:

--config "exp/%SAVE_PATH%/*.yaml" \


Our code is developed based on GCD and GPC repositories.


This project is under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. See LICENSE for details.


    author    = {Fernando Julio Cendra and Bingchen Zhao and Kai Han},
    title     = {PromptCCD: Learning Gaussian Mixture Prompt Pool for Continual Category Discovery},
    booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
    year      = {2024}