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A Common Slide View (aka. Carousel) build by UICollectionView.

Carousel is offen used to present Images / News / Events etc. The common use cases are really numerous and need no further explanation. so the VTAutoSlideView is here, let's see how to use it in our project😊


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 14.0+
  • Swift 5.7+


CocoaPods (Deprecated)

  • Added pod 'VTAutoSlideView' to your Podfile.
  • Then run pod install or pod update in the terminal.


.package(url: "")

Quick Start

Storyboard / Xib (Note: Storyboard and Xib only support horizontal scroll)

  1. in Storyboard or Xib create a View, and set the View's class as VTAutoSlideView,

  2. create a UICollectionViewCell and build as the UI as you want,

  3. register your cell in the caller, and setup VTAutoSlideView dataSource and dataList.

    @IBOutlet weak var slideView: VTAutoSlideView!
    // Your data sources
    lazy var imageList = {
        (1...4).map{ "0\($0)" }.map{ UIImage(named: $0) }.filter{ $0 != nil }.map{ $0! }
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // register your CollectionViewCell first
        // Case 1: use Xib
        slideView.register(nib: UINib(nibName: "DisplayImageCell", bundle: nibBundle))
        // Case 2: Or use pure code
        //slideView.register(cellClass: DisplayImageCell.self)
        slideView.dataSource = self
        slideView.dataList = imageList
  4. implement VTAutoSlideViewDataSource's configuration(cell:for) method and configure your cell

    extension ViewController: VTAutoSlideViewDataSource {
    	func configuration(cell: UICollectionViewCell, for index: Int)
           guard let cell = cell as? DisplayImageCell else {
        	 cell.imageView.image = imageList[index]
  5. finally, all should be set up! Run your project and if anything is configured, it should work fine🍻🍻


  1. Create VTAutoSlideView with direction and setup dataSource let slideView = VTAutoSlideView(direction: .vertical, dataSource: self)

  2. register cell,and set dataList

    slideView.register(nib: UINib(nibName: "DisplayImageCell", bundle: nibBundle))
    slideView.dataList = imageList
    slideView.activated = false // disable auto slide
    slideView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    // add constraints
    slideView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
    slideView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 20).isActive = true
    slideView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
    slideView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: view.bounds.height * 0.5).isActive = true
  3. 实现 VTAutoSlideViewDataSource 的 configuration(cell:for) 方法,配置你的 cell (参考 Storyboard / Xib 中的代码)

  4. 没有配置错的话,一切也已经可以正常运行起来了。

Update Notes

  • Updated at 01/04/2023: Fixed a potential crash issue.
  • 更新至 08/03/2023。 Support SPM, and update to Swift 5.7, the minimum support iOS version update to iOS 11。
  • 更新至 05/12/2019。 更新至Swift 5, 同时添加了Github workflows 来做持续集成。
  • 更新至 27/08/2018。 修复了一个会导致crash的bug , 修改demo 适配iPhone X。
  • 更新至 18/05/2017。 修改了如果只有一张图片的时候不允许轮播。
  • 更新至 28/03/2017。 添加了当 CollectionView 的 bounds 发生改变后的处理, 比如说屏幕旋转。
  • 更新至 09/02/2017。 添加了自动轮播功能和添加了在纯代码中使用的 Demo ~ 🍻🍻
  • 更新至 07/02/2017。 暂只演示了在 Storyboard 中的使用,后续将会补全在纯代码中的使用方法😋

Any Questions?

Please contact me via Email :


VTAutoSlideView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.