Things to do:
A day
in the HTML parser's to_format(:html):
- If you write in an include, verify b/a.html gets used for index.html and a.html gets used for b/index.html (more in HTMLParser)
Clarify pathname/filename/file/path convention
Check how much disk activity we have. Add an IO-caching module and replace the methods called in includes. (AddingFiles#read)
Check parser memory usage. Maybe spin up 1000 parsers and parse away!
Performance profile the hashes we're throwing around. We could do this with getter/setter methods for text.
parse_file() is now in place. Be careful with HTML files and includes and parsing order.
Improve adding dependencies with find_files() - currently using find_file_with_dependency wrapper in Dependencies module which is gross.
Add Caching
Actually add ignores
Improve the way file-ignores are handled. Maybe we just want a parser for that.
Integration tests
Implement alias_method_chain - it's just lying around there.
Add tests for marking SCSS dependencies
Add tests for multi-JS optimized-mode scripts
Add test coverage for asset paths in optimized mode
Figure out a better way of setting input directory, output directory and cache directory on every bloody parser.
An hour
- Add tests for all the binstubs
- HTMLify (in error messages for template)
- Parser#from_parser(parser) should transfer all the information, but maybe not in a hash
- Fix the duplication of Parsers's parse_file class method!
- Create a Project object that just contains the input_, cache_, and output_directory paths, use this everywhere instead of hashes
A few minutes
- Uncomment a few tests
- right-click and edit in the UI isn't working
- Ignore with .hammer-ignore
- Check that installing updates doesn't make Hammer build all projects