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OPTAMI: OPTimization for Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Table of Contents

1. About

This package is dedicated to second and high-order optimization methods. All the methods can be used similarly to standard PyTorch optimizers.

2. Supported Algorithms

Although the library is primarily focused on second-order optimization methods, we call contributors to commit methods of any order, and also already provide some of first-order methods in this library. Below we list all the currently supported algorithms divided into categories by their type and order, with the links on their source papers and/or their wiki pages.

2.1 First-order Methods

  • Gradient Descent

  • Similar Triangles Method

    Gasnikov, A. and Nesterov, Y. 2018. "Universal Method for Stochastic Composite Optimization Problems." Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 58, pp.48–64.

2.2 Second-order Methods

2.3 Accelerated Envelopes

  • Nesterov Accelerated Tensor Method

    Nesterov, Y. 2021. "Implementable Tensor Methods in Unconstrained Convex Optimization." Mathematical Programming, 186, pp.157-183.

    Nesterov, Y. 2021. "Superfast Second-Order Methods for Unconstrained Convex Optimization." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 191, pp.1-30.

  • Nesterov Accelerated Tensor Method with A-Adaptation (NATA)

    Kamzolov, D., Pasechnyuk, D., Agafonov, A., Gasnikov, A. and Takáč, M. 2024. "OPTAMI: Global Superlinear Convergence of High-order Methods."

  • Near-Optimal Accelerated Tensor Method

    Bubeck, S., Jiang, Q., Lee, Y.T., Li, Y. and Sidford, A. 2019. "Near-Optimal Method for Highly Smooth Convex Optimization." In Conference on Learning Theory, pp. 492-507. PMLR.

    Gasnikov, A., Dvurechensky, P., Gorbunov, E., Vorontsova, E., Selikhanovych, D., Uribe, C.A., Jiang, B., Wang, H., Zhang, S., Bubeck, S. and Jiang, Q. 2019. "Near-Optimal Methods for Minimizing Convex Functions with Lipschitz $p$-th Derivatives." In Conference on Learning Theory, pp. 1392-1393. PMLR.

    Kamzolov, D. 2020. "Near-Optimal Hyperfast Second-order Method for Convex Optimization." International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, pp. 167–178.

  • Near-Optimal Proximal-Point Acceleration Method with Segment Search

    Nesterov, Y. 2021. "Inexact High-Order Proximal-Point Methods with Auxiliary Search Procedure." SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31(4), pp.2807-2828.

  • Optimal Tensor Method

    Kovalev, D., Gasnikov, A. 2022. "The First Optimal Acceleration of High-Order Methods in Smooth Convex Optimization." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, pp.35339-35351.

3. Citation

If you use code from OPTAMI, please cite both the original papers of the specific methods used and the following paper associated with the OPTAMI library:

Kamzolov, D., Pasechnyuk, D., Agafonov, A., Gasnikov, A. and Takáč, M. 2024. OPTAMI: Global Superlinear Convergence of High-order Methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.04083.

4. For contributors

4.1 Criteria for contributed algorithms

  1. Class describing the algorithm (we denote it by Algorithm) is derived from torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer
  2. The paper introducing algorithm and the list of contributors are presented in docstring for Algorithm
  3. The only required argument for constructor Algorithm::__init__ is params
  4. Algorithm does not takes the model itself in any way, only its model.parameters() as a param argument of constructor. As well as Algorithm does not take any information about loss, problem or other entities from outside. In other words, algorithms can use only zero-, first-, second- etc. oracle information provided by closure function, described below, or by the content of grad field of parameter p
  5. All the necessary constants (from Lipschitz, Hölder, or Polyak–Łojasiewicz etc. condition) are the arguments of Algorithm::__init__, are provided with reasonable default value (working for the Basic tests) and have corresponding check raising ValueError if value is incorrect
  6. Constructor Algorithm::__init__ takes non-required boolean argument verbose controlling all the printing in stdout may be produced by Algorithm
  7. Constructor Algorithm::__init__ takes non-required boolean argument testing which enables additional internal tests within the methods. Set testing to True for debugging and testing, or False to prioritize performance.
  8. Overridden method Algorithm::step takes one required parameter closure, that is the function evaluating loss (with a proper PyTorch forwarding) and that takes non-required boolean argument backward (if it is True, closure automatically performs backpropagation)
  9. For every group in self.param_groups, commonly used variables (like constants approximations, counters etc.) are stored in self.state[group['params'][0]]
  10. All the param-specific variables (typically x_k, y_k, z_k sequences) are stored by parts in self.state[p] for the corresponding p elements of group['params'] (note, that it is very undesirable to storage anything in self.state in a form of List[Tensor] or Dict[Tensor], if it is possible to satisfy the prescribed requirement)
  11. If Algorithm requires any additional functions for auxiliary calculations (excluding auxiliary optimization problems in need of iterative gradient-based subsolver), they are provided as a self-sufficient procedures before and outside the Algorithm implementation (note, that it is undesirable to use @staticmethod for this purpose)
  12. Do not contribute several algorithms differing only in the usage of L-adaptivity, restarts procedure etc. If there is the special envelope in package implementing one of this extensions, make your Algorithm compatible with it. If there is not, add corresponding non-required boolean argument to Algorithm::__init__, controlling their usage. For backwards compatibility, if algorithm supports the compound usage with some envelope, add the corresponding non-required boolean argument anyway with default value None and further check that raises AttributeError if value is not None
  13. Make sure that Algorithm passes Basic tests
  14. Algorithm must have static boolean attribute MONOTONE indicating whether method guarantees the monotonic decreasing of function value

4.2 Recommendations for contributed algorithms

  1. Make sure all the methods have clear comments
  2. Algorithm and override methods should be provided with docstrings in Google Style
  3. Try to use @torch.no_grad() annotation instead of with torch.no_grad(): when it is possible
  4. Class Algorithm should be named after the original name of the optimization algorithm (from its source paper), if it is unique and recognizable enough (like SARAH or Varag), or by the commonly accepted name of approach (like SimilarTriangles). The words "Method" and "Descent" should be omitted. Avoid the ambiguous abbreviations (e.g. use something like InterpolationLearningSGD instead of AMBSGD aka Accelerated Minibatch SGD)

5. Basic tests

The basic tests are intended to check the correctness of contributed algorithms and benchmark them. These tests are launched automatically after the every update of the main branch of repository, so we guarantee that implemented algorithms are correct and their performance non-decrease with the updates of implementations. Basic tests consist of three groups of tests:

  • Unit tests
  • Universal tests

5.1 Unit tests

Unit tests are implemented using the python unittest library, and are provided together with the source code of every algorithm in a distinct file. E.g., if algorithm is implemented in, unit tests are implemented in in the same directory. We ask contributors to provide their own versions of unit tests for the contributed algorithms. All the unit tests presented in library can be launched manually with a command ./

5.2 Universal tests

Universal tests check the expected behaviour and minimal performance requiremences for the algorithms on some toy problems. The main goal of these tests is to check the guarantees provided by the methods and eliminate the divergence of the algorithms. The universal tests are not available on edit for the side contributor, but can be complicated by authors in order to provide some more strong guarantees (for example, by checking the convergence rate on the problems with the known solution). In these cases, some algorithms that did not passed the enhanced tests may be deleted from main branch until the correction (so we recommend to use only release versions of out library as a dependency in your project). All the universal tests presented in library can be launched manually with a command ./

Now, the list of the used toy problems is as follows:

  • a9a dataset (n = 123, m = 32561)

6. Rights

Copyright © 2020–2024 Dmitry Kamzolov