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Releases: VoxelPrismatic/rabbit.nvim

v3.0.0; API = A Pain In (my ass)

27 May 06:19
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  • Actual plugin API that isn't janked together garbage
  • Plugin options are now in one spot instead of everywhere


  • File paths now show as many folders as possible
  • Actual color API


  • rabbit.Select -->
  • rabbit.Close --> rabbit.func.close
  • Entirely different options table, see readme for more details

v2.2.0 - plugins f'ing like rabbits

26 May 01:34
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  • Added plugin support!
  • New mode: reopen - Reopen recently closed buffers (still separated by window)
    • The old mode is called history


  • is now a table for these new modes = {
    history = "Function",     -- The old mode, hopping between open buffers
    reopen = "Macro",         -- The new 'reopen' mode to open recently closed buffers
  • New :Rabbit command, so you can rebind easily
    • Usage: :Rabbit {{mode}} eg :Rabbit history or :Rabbit reopen to open that mode


  • Confirm keys option now works (was hardcoded previously)


  • Screen module is now in charge of drawing borders
  • Autocmd is now bound on setup()
  • More dry

v2.1.0 - hopping between corners

20 May 19:07
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  • You can now choose to float in any corner
    • default is {"bottom", "right"}, see readme for more details
      *order does matter
    • you can choose an offset from the top left, { top = n, left = m }
  • Floating window now resizes to minuscule window
    • But who edits in 64x24 anyway? We're not using the Tandy TRS-80 anymore, are we?
  • You can now choose to split instead of to float, see readme for details
  • You can now choose to go fullscreen instead of float or split
  • The selected line is now highlighted accordingly
  • Rabbit now anchors itself to the current window, instead of the overall editor: (set to {"bottom", "left"})
    *the background is dark in the screenshot because of terminal transparency.


  • Ignored rabbit.opts.keys.quit (they are no longer hardcoded)

v2.0.0 - electric boogaloo

16 May 20:21
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  1. Added config API
  2. Created a new screen handler so I don't have to worry about string lengths not matching
  3. Rabbit now shows a popup message when no buffers are available
  4. No longer crashes on empty buffer names
  5. Now displays empty buffer names in red (along with buffer ID so you can distinguish between them)
  6. Paths are now shaded
  7. Paths are now truncated
  8. No longer crashes whenever it didn't catch that the window closed
  9. BREAKING: Hides Rabbit global
  10. Now pinned to the bottom left... unless you have a term larger than 10000 chars
  11. Tracks bufdelete more accurately


16 May 02:26
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Initial release

Very basic, but works well