title | layout | next | nexttitle | prev | prevtitle |
Section 2: Server Commands |
default |
3.html |
Section 3: Navigating Discord |
1.html |
Section 1: Minecraft Commands |
There are a variety of plugins that add important or convenient commands. Not all of the plugins we use have commands to know and those that do may not have commands that need to be memorized and used frequently. Here are the plugins we currently use:
{% include split.html contentleft="
- CoreProtect
- Dreamvisitor
- EssentialsX
- Eye of Onyx
- GriefDefender
- LuckPerms
- SignShop
- spark
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
" contentright="
Plugins, unlike data packs and resource packs, are not a vanilla Minecraft feature, nor a client-side modification such as a mod. The community-built Bukkit API (as well as the expanded Spigot and Paper APIs) provides the capability that plugins have. Having optimized direct hooks into the main thread as well as being multithreaded allows them to be much more optimized than data packs (in general).
" %}
{% include sidenote.html content="On a single-player Minecraft world, the world runs on an internal server. When you open a world, that server starts and connects your client to itself. The server side does all the back-end world management and tick calculation. It path-finds mobs, calculates light levels, and runs things like redstone and command blocks. The client side is the actual interface that the player uses to interact with the world, but it doesn't do any world generation or entity ticking. The client side is just responsible for letting the player interact with the game (moving, changing blocks, running commands, rendering the game). This concept is similar on a multiplayer server. The only difference is that all the previous server-side tasks are handled on a separate computer (the server) that the client connects to. All world updates run on the server side and have to be sent to the client for each tick." %}
CoreProtect is a fast, efficient, data logging and anti-griefing tool. Rollback and restore any amount of damage. Designed with large servers in mind, CoreProtect will record and manage data without impacting server performance.
Command | Description |
/co help |
🛡️ 📗 Display a list of commands in-game. |
/co inspect |
🛡️ 📗 Enable the inspector. Type the command again to disable it. You can also use just /co i . |
/co lookup u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> i:<include> e:<exclude> |
🛡️ 📗 Perform a lookup. Nearly all the parameters are optional. |
/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> i:<include> e:<exclude> |
🛡️ 📒 Perform a rollback. Uses the same parameters as /co lookup . Rollbacks can be used to revert player actions. |
/co restore |
🛡️ 📒 Perform a restore. Uses the same parameters as /co lookup . Restoring can be used to undorollbacks or to restore player actions. |
/co purge t:<time> r:<world> |
🛡️ 📒 Purge old block data. Useful for freeing up space on your HDD if you don't need the older data. |
/co reload |
🛡️ 📗 Reloads the configuration file. |
/co status |
🛡️ 📗 Displays the plugin status and version information. |
/co consumer |
🛡️ 📗 Console command to pause or resume consumer queue processing. |
Parameter | Description |
u:<user> |
You can specify a single user or multiple users. |
t:<time> |
You can specify weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Time amounts can be combined, and decimals may be used. |
r:<radius> |
A numeric radius targets within that many blocks of your player location. |
a:<action> |
Restrict the command to a specific action. |
i:<include> |
Can be used to specify a block/item/entity. |
e:<exclude> |
Can be used to exclude a block/item/entity/user. |
#<hashtag>> |
Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions. |
Dreamvisitor, created by Bog specifically for the server, has a variety of features. It serves as an all-in-one utility plugin and Discord bot. Below are several commands. You can view them all on the Dreamvisitor wiki.
Command | Description |
/aradio <message>... |
🛡️ 📗 Sends a message to all operators. |
/discord |
📗 Toggle whether messages from the Discord chat bridge appear in your chat. |
/dvset |
📗 Manage your Dreamvisitor settings. |
/hub [entities] |
🛡️ 📗 Teleport entities to the hub location. |
/invswap |
🛡️ 📗 Swap between two different inventories. |
/itemblacklist |
🛡️ 📒 Open the item ban list inventory GUI. |
/moonglobe <subcommand> |
🛡️ 📗 Create and remove moon globes to/from players. |
/panic |
🛡️ 📕 Kicks all players and sets the player limit override to 0. |
/parcel <subcommand> |
🛡️ 📒 Manage the mail economy mini-game system. |
/pausebypass <subcommand> |
🛡️ 📗 Allow players to chat even when chat is paused. |
/pausechat |
🛡️ 📕 Suppresses messages from players and the Discord chat bridge. |
/playerlimit [newLimit] |
🛡️ 📕 Override the server player limit. |
/radio <message> |
🛡️ 📗 Send a message to all other players who can access the radio. |
/sandbox <player> [on|off] |
🛡️ 📒 Manage players' access to Sandbox Mode. |
/setback <players> [location] [rotation] [world] |
🛡️ 📗 Set a player's last EssentialsX location. |
/setmotd [newMotd...]] |
🛡️ 📗 Set or reset the server MOTD. |
/softwhitelist <subcommand> |
🛡️ 📒 Manage the soft whitelist. |
/synctime |
🛡️ 📗 Sync time across all worlds. |
/tagradio <tag> <message> |
🛡️ 📗 Send a message to all players with a given tag. |
/togglepvp |
🛡️ 📗 Toggle whether PvP is enabled or disabled. |
/tribeupdate <players> |
🛡️ 📒 Update the roles of a player based on their tribe. |
/unwax |
🛡️ 📗 Unwax the sign you are looking at. |
/user <player> |
🛡️ 📗 Get details of a player, online or offline. |
/zoop |
🛡️ 📗 Sends a fake leave message to Discord and hides you from the list command. |
will open a chest-like inventory. Items placed in this container will be saved in their place and players with matching items will have them automatically removed from non-operator player inventories. This removal is permanent. Be cautious of items you add. Items are only removed if the data is an exact match. If you put a potato into the blacklist GUI, potatoes that have been renamed or enchanted will not be removed.
{% include caption.html content="A demonstration of the item blacklist." %}
The soft whitelist acts as a secondary whitelist that works much like Minecraft's built-in whitelist feature. This allows reducing the allowed players to a specified group while not modifying the main whitelist. Players with the dreamvisitor.nowhitelist
permission will always bypass the soft whitelist. Operators will always bypass the soft whitelist.
The soft whitelist persists through restarts.
Sandbox Mode is a feature that allows administrators to safely allow players to use Creative Mode. When a player is put into Sandbox Mode, their inventory is swapped, and they are put into Creative Mode with the following restrictions:
- They cannot access containers.
- They cannot drop items.
- They cannot use spawn eggs.
- They cannot teleport.
A player with the dreamvisitor.sandbox
permission (who will be referred to as an admin) must be online for Sandbox Mode to remain active. If all admins leave, all players in Sandbox Mode will be removed from Sandbox Mode, restoring their inventories. If players leave the game while in Sandbox Mode, they will remain in Sandbox Mode when they rejoin unless there are no admins. When a Sandboxed player joins, admins will be notified.
The /pausechat
command will stop all incoming chat messages from being broadcasted. It will also block messages from /me
and Discord pass-through. You can allow certain players to bypass this with /pausebypass
. Players with the dreamvisitor.nopause
permission will always bypass chat pause. Operators will always bypass chat pause.
Chat pause will persist through restarts.
Moon Globes can be created with the moonglobe
A player may only have one moon globe at a time. Each moon globe has an origin and a maximum distance. By default, the maximum distance is 256 blocks. If a moon globe (not the player) moves beyond that distance, it will be removed. It will also be removed if the player moves to a different dimension. It will not be removed if the player disconnects, though it will disappear until the player reconnects. Moon globes are not saved, so they will be deleted upon a server shutdown.
Players can earn money by delivering mail. Players may interact with a mail terminal to receive a parcel. They will be assigned a location to deliver it to, and they must interact with the terminal at that location without teleportation to get a reward based on the distance.
When a player interacts with a terminal (a command block with the command /parcel terminal @p
), Dreamvisitor will choose a random end location with each location weighted by an inherent, preset weight, and the distance from the start location, weighing closer locations higher than further ones. The distance weight can be multiplied using the mailDeliveryLocationSelectionDistanceWeightMultiplier
option in config.yml
The player will be given an enchanted book that they must keep with them until they complete the delivery. The book will be addressed to a random name. There is a 45% chance that the name will be of the tribe associated with the start location, a 45% chance that the name will be of the tribe associated with the end location, and a 10% chance that the name will be of a random tribe. A random lore string will also be chosen from a preset pool. If the player does not have the parcel when they reach the destination location, they delivery will not be completed and they must re-obtain the parcel or cancel the delivery. If a player cancels their deliver while they still have the parcel, they will keep the parcel.
When a player completes a delivery, the parcel will be removed from them, and they will be given a reward based on the distance between the start and end location, multiplied by mailDistanceToRewardMultiplier in config.yml
Dreamvisitor has an economy system. Users may purchase items from a shop using currency that can be used.
The shop consists of up to 25 items. Items have an ID, name, description, price, sale percent, quantity, and max allowed quantity. The ID is randomly chosen upon item creation. The name and description are chosen upon creation. The price represent the regular price of the item. It must not be negative. The sale percent is a number form 0 to 100 that represents the percent removed from the price. The quantity represents the number of items available in the shop (or infinity if -1). If the item is purchased, the quantity will be reduced by one. When at zero, the item can no longer be purchased. Max allowed quantity represents the maximum number of the item a user can hold in their inventory.
Items also have the following flags:
- enabled - Whether the item appears in the shop and can be purchased.
- giftingEnabled - Whether the item can be transferred by one user to another.
- useDisabled - Whether the item can be used.
- useOnPurchase - Whether the item is automatically used when purchased. Does not override useDisabled.
Items can do the any of following on use:
- Add roles
- Remove roles
- Add parent groups (requires LuckPerms)
- Remove parent groups (requires LuckPerms)
- Execute commands via the console
Users can gain currency by claiming daily rewards and working.
Users can claim a daily reward every 24 hours. If they claim their reward before 48 hours after their last, they can build a streak. The daily reward is configured by dailyBaseAmount
and the steak multiplier is configured by dailyStreakMultiplier
in config.yml
Users can work once every hour. The work reward is configured by workReward
EssentialsX is the most comprehensive general-purpose plugin available. It provides teleportation, moderation tools, gameplay enhancements, homes, warps, sign shops, kits, and everything in between. Being a general-purpose plugin, it doesn't excel at any specific feature or function, but its versatility means there are a lot of commands to consider. Here are the most important for an admin:
Command | Description |
/editsign <set|clear|copy|paste> [line number] [text] |
🛡️ 📗 Edits a sign that the player is looking at. |
/msgtoggle [player] [on|off] |
📗 Blocks receiving all private messages. |
/mute <player> [datediff] |
📗 Mutes or unmutes a player. |
/spawner <mob> [delay] |
🛡️ 📗 Change the mob type of a spawner. |
/powertool [l:|a:|r:|c:|d:][command] [arguments] ({player} can be replaced by name of a clicked player.) |
🛡️ 📒 Assigns a command to the item in hand. Use c: as the command to make a chat macro. Use a: to append multiple commands. Use r: to remove a single command. Use l: to list all power tools Use d: to remove all power tools. |
/gc |
🛡️ 📗 Reports memory, uptime and tick info. |
/enderchest [player], /ec |
🛡️ 📗 Lets you see inside an ender chest. |
/powertooltoggle |
🛡️ 📗 Enables or disables all current powertools. |
/speed [type] <speed> [player] |
🛡️ 📗 Change your walk or fly speed. |
/whois <nickname|playername> |
🛡️ 📗 Displays player information. |
/disposal |
🛡️ 📗 Opens a portable disposal menu. |
/condense [itemname] |
🛡️ 📗 Condenses items into more compact blocks. |
/book [title|author [name]] |
🛡️ 📗 Allows reopening and editing of sealed books. |
/mail [read|clear|clear [number]|send [to] [message]|sendtemp [to] [expire time] [message]|sendall [message]] |
📗 Manages inter-player, intra-server mail. |
/pweather [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*] |
🛡️ 📗 Adjust a player's weather. |
/ignore <player> |
📗 Toggles ignoring other players. |
/near [playername] [radius] |
📗 Lists the players nearby or around a player. |
/invsee <player> [armor] |
🛡️ 📗 See and/or edit the inventory of other players. |
/socialspy [player] [on|off] |
🛡️ 📗 Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat. |
/ptime [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*] |
🛡️ 📗 Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix. |
/home [player:]<name> |
📗 Teleport to your home. |
/vanish [player] [on|off] |
🛡️ 📗 Hide yourself from other players. |
/god [player] [on|off] |
🛡️ 📗 Enables your godly powers. |
/skull [owner] |
🛡️ 📗 Get the player head item with your skin or a skin of a specified player, or change the skin of the head you're holding. |
/broadcast <msg> |
🛡️ 📗 Broadcasts a message to the entire server. |
/itemdb <item> |
🛡️ 📗 Searches for an item. |
/itemlore <add|set|clear> [text|line] [text] |
🛡️ 📗 Edit the lore of an item. |
/itemname [name] |
🛡️ 📗 Renames the item you're currently holding. Leave [name] empty to reset. You can add in color codes when you have permission to. |
/eco <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount> |
🛡️ 📒 Manages a player's economy. |
/feed [player] |
🛡️ 📗 Satisfy the hunger. |
/heal [player] |
🛡️ 📗 Heals you or the given player. |
/nick [player] <nickname|off> |
🛡️ 📗 Change your nickname or that of another player. |
allows you to assign a command to an item. Pressing the attack button (left mouse button by default) will execute the command. The argument {player}
will insert the name of a clicked player. There are five flags you can prepend to the argument that change the behavior of /powertool. c:
will create a chat macro. Instead of running a command, the powertool will send a chat message. Use a:
to append multiple commands. Use r:
to remove a single command from a powertool. Use l:
to list all power tools and their commandes. Use d:
to remove all power tools.
/powertool setblock ~ ~-1 ~ stone
# Executes 'setblock ~ ~-1 ~ stone' on click
/powertool effect give {player} regeneration
# Gives regeneration to a clicked player
/powertool a:effect give {player} saturation
# Adds a subsequent command to give saturation to a clicked player
Eye of Onyx is the custom royalty management plugin co-developed by Stonley890 and iHeron. Its purpose is to completely automate the royalty board and challenge system across both Minecraft and Discord.
Command | Description |
/royalty list [tribe] |
📗 Lists the royalty board. If a tribe is specified, only that tribe will be reported. |
/royalty set <player> <position> |
🛡️ 📗 Sets the specified member to the specified position of their tribe. This will overwrite the specified position of their tribe. |
/royalty clear <tribe> <position> |
🛡️ 📗 Clears the entry at the specified location and updates the royalty board. This will cancel any challenge involving this player. |
/royalty swap <tribe> <pos1> <pos2> |
🛡️ 📗 Swap two positions on a tribe's royalty board. This will cancel any challenges involving these players. |
/royalty update |
🛡️ 📒 Reloads, recalculates, and updates the entire royalty board. It may take some time to completely apply permissions and roles. |
/royalty manage <tribe> <position> [key] [value] |
🛡️ 📕 Manually set data values in board.yml. |
/eyeofonyx ban <username> |
🛡️ 📗 Adds a player to the royalty ban list. Banned players may not participate in royalty. |
/eyeofonyx unban <username> |
🛡️ 📗 Removes a player from the royalty ban list. |
/eyeofonyx freeze |
🛡️ 📕 Toggles whether the royalty board can change or not. In the frozen state, challenge initiation and royalty board movement are disabled. |
/eyeofonyx disable |
🛡️ ✖️ Disables the Eye of Onyx plugin. Use in a dire emergency. |
/eyeofonyx config [key] [value] |
🛡️ 📕 Allows changing some values in config.yml. |
/challenge |
📗 Initiate a challenge. |
More information about Eye of Onyx and the royalty system can be found on their dedicated page.
GriefDefender is the anti-grief system we use that allows players to claim and protect 2D and 3D land plots.
Command | Description |
/abandon <all|claim|top> |
📒 📕 Abandon a specific claim, or all of your owned claims. |
/abandon world [world] |
🛡️ 📕 Abandon all claims in the current world or a specified world. |
/buyblocks <count></count> |
📗 Purchases additional claim blocks. |
/gd buy claim |
📗 View a list of claims for sale. |
/contractclaim <amount> |
📗 Contracts/shrinks the claim from the direction you are facing. |
/claimcreate <radius> [<a href="#claim-types">type</a>] |
📗 Creates a claim around the player of the given type. |
/expandclaim <amount> |
📗 Expands the claim in the direction you are facing. |
/gd claim farewell <clear|message> |
📗 Sets a message to display when a player leaves the claim. |
/gd claim greeting <clear|message> |
📗 Sets a message to display when a player enters the claim. |
/claimnotifications |
📗 Enable/disable greeting and farewell messages on trusted claims. |
/gd claim we <claim|clear|select> |
📗 Used to manage GD claims with WorldEdit. |
/cuboid |
📗 Toggles 3D claiming on and off. |
/modeadmin |
🛡️ 📗 Enables admin claim mode with the claiming tool. |
/modebasic |
📗 Enables basic claim mode with the claiming tool. |
/modesubentryide |
📗 Enables subentryide claim mode with the claiming tool. |
/modetown |
📗 Enables town claim mode with the claiming tool. |
/gd player info <player> <world>|<player>|[<world>] |
🛡️ 📗 Gets information about a player and their claim blocks. |
/sellblocks <blocks> |
📗 Sell your claim blocks for server money. |
/gd sell claim <price> |
📗 Puts your claim up for sale at the set price. To disable sale, set the price to -1 or set ForSale setting in /claiminfo to false. |
/transferblocks <player> <amount> |
📗 Transfers the player's claim blocks to another player. |
/trapped |
📗 Teleports the player to a safe location if they are stuck and unable to build. |
/trust|trustall <player|group|list> <<a href="#trust-types">trusttype</a>> |
📗 View and manage claim permissions for this claim or all claims you own. |
/untrust|untrustall <player|group> |
📗 Revoke a player or group's access to this claim or all claims you own. |
- Basic: Default claim type used for users.
- Town: Can house other basic claims, similarly to how basic or admin claims can house subdivisions.
- Admin: Has no size restrictions, does not cost anything to create, can be created around any existing claim, can be rented, and are only manageable by administrators.
- Wilderness: Default claim around the world that is not owned by any player.
- Subdivision: Used to subdivide top level claims such as basic/admin/town into smaller areas.
- Resident: Player/group can create (sub?)claims. Includes Accessor trust.
- Accessor: Player/group can enter your claim and use your bed.
- Container: Player/group can access containers, crops, animals, beds, buttons, and levers in your claim.
- Builder: Player/group can build in your claim.
- Manager: Player/group can do all of the above and use this command.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
Command | Description |
/lp editor |
🛡️ 📗 Provides a link to a web editor. This editor is used to manage permissions. |
SignShop is an economy-dependent plugin that allows players to exchange goods with an installed economy plugin (for us, this is Vault). As there are few, if any, commands to know for SignShop usage, below is a table of sign types available with SignShop instead.
Sign | Description |
[Buy] / [Sell] |
Buy / sell an item from the shop chest for the price specified on the 4th line. |
[Trade] |
Trades one set of items for another, 2 chests required. |
[Share] |
Link to another SignShop to split profits, lines 2 and 3 are for the other players, line 4 is for % amounts (e.g. "25/50" for 75% to others). |
[Bank] |
Link to another SignShop to make the shop take/give money to a bank account, The bank account is specified on line 2 of the sign (Note: you must own the bank account for this to work). |
[Donate] |
Gives an item to the shop chest. |
[DonateHand] |
Donates the item in your hand to the shop chest. |
[Dispose] |
Takes the item in your hand and safely decomposes the material. |
[Slot] |
Gives a random item from the selected chest items (not the entire inventory) to the player. |
[DeviceOn] |
Turns a lever on. |
[DeviceOff] |
Turns a lever off. |
[Toggle] |
Toggles a lever. |
[Device] |
Temporarily turns on a lever. |
[DeviceItem] |
Temporarily turns on a lever using items as payment. |
[Jukebox] |
Allows players to create jukeboxes by placing music discs in a chest. |
[Restricted] |
Makes it so only certain permission groups can use the linked SignShop (listed on lines 2, 3, and 4). |
[gBuy] |
🛡️ Buy an item from the shop chest, but the owner receives no money. |
[gSell] |
🛡️ Sell an item to the shop chest, and the player receives money, but not from the owner. |
[iBuy] |
🛡️ Buy an item from the "shop", money goes to no one, infinite items. |
[iSell] |
🛡️ Sell an item to the "shop", infinite money, item disappears. |
[iTrade] |
🛡️ Trades one set of items for another, infinite stock. |
[Class] |
🛡️ Takes the user's inventory and replaces it with items from a chest, infinite stock. |
[Kit] |
🛡️ Gives the buyer a set of items once (infinite stock), must be reset using ResetKit sign before they can use it again. |
[ResetKit] |
🛡️ Allows a player to use a Kit sign again. |
[iBuyXP] |
🛡️ Buy the number of XP levels on the third line of the sign. |
[iSellXP] |
🛡️ Sell the number of XP levels on the third line of the sign. |
[iXPBuy] |
🛡️ Buy an item using raw XP points on the third line of the sign. |
[iXPSell] |
🛡️ Sell an item using raw XP points on the third line of the sign. |
[iSlot] |
🛡️ Gives a random item from the selected chest items with infinite stock. |
[Day] |
🛡️ Turns the time to day. |
[Night] |
🛡️ Turns the time to night. |
[Rain] |
🛡️ Turns on rain + thunder. |
[ClearSkies] |
🛡️ Turns off rain + thunder. |
[Repair] |
🛡️ Repairs the current item. |
[Heal] |
🛡️ Fully heals the player. |
[Enchant] |
🛡️ Sells the enchantments from the item in the chest. |
[Disenchant] |
🛡️ Removes enchantments from an item. |
[TpToOwner] |
🛡️ An example of a custom sign for running commands. |
[Command] |
🛡️ Allows players to run commands on the 2nd and 3rd lines of the sign. |
[UserCommand] |
🛡️ Allows players to run commands on the 2nd and 3rd lines of the sign as if they typed it themselves. |
[Promote] |
🛡️ Promotes players to the permission group listed on the 2nd line of the sign. |
spark (yes, the s in uncapitalized) is a performance monitoring tool.
Command | Description |
/spark profiler |
🛡️ 📗 Used to start, stop, or view information on a profiler. Profilers are used to create digestible information on how well the server is running. |
/spark tps |
🛡️ 📗 Prints information about the servers TPS (ticks per second) rate and CPU usage. |
/spark health |
🛡️ 📗 Generates a health report for the server, including TPS, CPU, Memory and Disk Usage. |
/spark ping [--player <username>] |
🛡️ 📗 Prints information about average (or specific) player ping. |
/spark tickmonitor |
🛡️ 📗 Controls the tick monitoring system. |
/spark gc |
🛡️ 📗 Prints information about the servers GC (garbage collection) history. |
/spark gcmonitor |
🛡️ 📗 Toggles the GC (garbage collection) monitoring system on or off. |
/spark heapsummary |
🛡️ 📗 Generates a new memory (heap) dump summary and upload it to the viewer. |
/spark heapdump |
🛡️ 📗 Generates a new heapdump (.hprof snapshot) file and saves to the disk. |
/spark activity |
🛡️ 📗 Prints information about recent activity performed by spark. |
WorldEdit is a terrain editing plugin that allows operators to move and shape large quantities of blocks. The WorldEdit CUI mod is recommended for some helpful visual information when using this tool. This guide will cover the most common commands. More in-depth information can be found at the WorldEdit Documentation Hub.
Command | Description |
//wand |
🛡️ 📗 Gives the player a wand (wooden axe). Left click to select the first desired position, right click to select the second. |
//undo [#] |
🛡️ 📗 Reverses a chosen number of WorldEdit commands. Defaults to 1. |
//redo [#] |
🛡️ 📗 Reverses a chosen number of //undo commands. Defaults to 1. |
//pos1|pos2, //1|2 |
🛡️ 📗 Sets first and second positions to your current location respectively without the wand. |
//set <block> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Sets the current selection to the chosen block. |
//replace <from> <to> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Replaces the target block in a selection to the chosen block. |
//replacenear <radius> <from> <to> |
🛡️ 📒 Replaces the target block in the radius to the chosen block. |
//copy |
🛡️ 📗 Copies all blocks in a selection to the clipboard. |
//cut |
🛡️ 📗 Cuts all blocks in a selection to the clipboard. |
//paste |
🛡️ 📒 📕 Pastes all blocks in the clipboard relative to the player's position. |
//clear clipboard |
🛡️ 📗 Clears the clipboard. |
//rotate <amount> |
🛡️ 📗 Rotates the contents of the clipboard with the given angle (multiples of 90). |
//flip <direction> |
🛡️ 📗 Flips the contents of the clipboard across the given direction or the direction the player is facing. |
//move <amount> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Moves all blocks in the selection to the chosen distance relative to the direction the player is facing. |
Command | Description |
//shift <amount> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Shifts the selection a given amount. |
//expand <amount> |
🛡️ 📗 Expands the selection a given amount. |
//sel |
🛡️ 📗 Deselects the selection. |
//count <target> |
🛡️ 📗 Counts the number of blocks in a selection. |
//size |
🛡️ 📗 Provides information about the selection. |
//drain <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Drains water and lava in the given radius. |
//fixwater|fixlava <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Levels water or lava in the given radius. |
/butcher <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Kills mobs in the given radius. |
/up <amount> |
🛡️ 📗 Teleports the player up on the y axis the given amount of blocks. |
/thru |
🛡️ 📗 Teleports the player through obstacles in the facing direction. |
/give <player> debugstick 1 |
🛡️ 📗 Gives the player a debug stick that can be used to easily rotate blocks. |
Command | Description |
//stack <#> |
🛡️ 📗 Repeats the content of the selection the chosen distance (#) relative to the direction the player is facing. |
//schematic list |
🛡️ 📗 Lists available saved schematics. |
//schematic load <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Loads the chosen schematic into the clipboard. |
//schematic paste |
🛡️ 📒 Pastes the schematic currently in the clipboard. |
//schematic save <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Saves the current selection as a schematic with the chosen name. |
//schematic delete <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Deletes the chosen saved schematic. |
//hollow <thickness> <block> |
🛡️ 📗 Hollows out the object in the selection with the given wall thickness and block. |
//walls <block> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates walls around the sides of the selection with the chosen block. |
//cyl <block> <radius> <height> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a cylinder of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//hcyl <block> <radius> <height> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a hollow cylinder of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//sphere <block> <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a sphere of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//hsphere <block> <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a hollow sphere of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//pyramid <block> <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a pyramid of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//hpyramid <block> <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a hollow pyramid of the specified size using the chosen block. |
//fill <block> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Fills a hole or container with the given block. |
//forest <type> |
🛡️ 📗 Generates the specified type of forest in the selected region. |
//snow <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Places snow in a given radius. |
Command | Description |
//br sphere <block> <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Applies a sphere brush to the held tool. Right click to use the brush. |
//br cyl <block> <radius> <height> |
🛡️ 📗 Applies a cylinder brush to the held tool. Unlike the sphere, the cylinder brush has a height parameter along with a radius. |
//br smooth <radius> <height> |
🛡️ 📗 Applies a horizontal smoothing brush to the held tool. |
//br deform <radius> |
🛡️ 📗 Applies a deform brush to the held tool. |
/br none/unbind |
🛡️ 📗 Unbinds the brush from the tool you are currently holding. |
/mask <block> |
🛡️ 📗 Applies or removes a mask to the selected brush. The brush will only affect the specified block until the mask is disabled using /mask again. |
/gmask <block> |
🛡️ 📗 Sets a global mask for all brushes. The brush will only affect the specified block until the mask is disabled using /gmask again. |
/tracemask #solid |
🛡️ 📗 Allows brush to work underwater. Run /tracemask to disable. |
Flag | Description |
[%block1,%block2,%block3,...] |
Percentage modifier that allows multiple blocks to be included in a command. The given percentage values must add up to 100% and are separated by a comma with no spaces. Exclude percentages for equal distribution. (e.g. //replace stone 70%dirt,30%cobblestone ) |
[facing=direction] |
Specifies where a directional block should face. |
[-a] |
Ignore air blocks |
[-e] |
Include entities |
[-b] |
Include biomes |
[-m <block>] |
Excludes everything that isn't a given block. |
[!] |
Prefixing any block with an exclamation point will exclude everything that comes after it. (e.g. //replace !dirt stone will replace everything that is not dirt with stone.) |
[*] |
Prefixing any block with an asterisk (*) will set the given block in random directions. |
WorldGuard is a plugin that allows operators to create regions with specific game rules and functions. The WorldEdit CUI mod is recommended for some helpful visual information when using this tool. This guide will cover the most common commands. More in-depth information can be found at the WorldGuard Documentation Hub.
Command | Description |
//wand |
🛡️ 📗 Gives the player a wand (wooden axe). Left click to select the first desired position, right click to select the second. |
//pos1|pos2 |
🛡️ 📗 Sets first and second positions to your current location respectively without the wand. |
/rg define <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Creates a new region using the current selection. |
/rg remove <name> |
🛡️ 📒 📕 Deletes the given region. This cannot be undone. |
/rg info <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Provides information on the given region. Defaults to the region the player is currently inside if no name is specified. Manual selections and changes can be made in this menu. |
/rg flags <name> |
🛡️ 📗 Lists all region flags in the given region. Manual selections can be made in this menu. |
/rg flag <name> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Allows or denies a specified game rule in the given region. |
/rg setpriority |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Sets the priority of a given region. Higher number priorities override the permissions of lower number priorities. |
/rg flag <name> deny-message <content> |
🛡️ 📗 Sets the message players will receive when an action they attempt is blocked. |
/rg flag <name> blocked-cmds </command> |
🛡️ 📗 📒 Blocks specific commands from being used in the given region. Additional commands can be added by separating with a comma. (e.g. /rg flag spawn blocked-cmd /tpa,/back,/tell ) |
Below are protection-based flags. Note that there are three default permission groups: non-member
, member
, and owner
. You do not need to set any flags to protect a region. Also note that flags are not player-specific. Setting block-break
to deny will prevent pistons, endermen, and any other mechanics that move or remove blocks from doing so because setting that flag denies access to members.
A member is defined as anything inside the region. By default, pistons will work inside the region, but pistons outside the region cannot push blocks inside because they are non-members. Because players are non-members by default, you don't need to set any flags for protection, and it still allows members to function correctly. In specific cases, you may want to disallow any block modification whatsoever. What you want to do is to deny building for all permission groups. This is when you want to set build
to deny
Region groups are powerful, but can be difficult to understand. Keep this in mind: Members are objects that exist/originate within the region. Non-members are objects that do not exist/originate within the region, including all players. Most flags, by default, unset, allow members but deny non-members. Setting a flag to allow
or deny
applies that setting to both members and non-members.
Flag | Description |
passthrough | 📒 This flag is short for 'passthrough build'. It has nothing to do with movement. If not set (default), then the region protects it area. If set to deny , then the region protects its area. If set to allow , then the region no longer protects its area. |
build | 📕 Whether blocks can be mined or placed, whether doors, levers, etc. (but not inventories) can be used, whether entities and blocks can be interacted with, whether player versus player combat is permitted, whether sleeping in a bed is permitted, whether inventories can be accessed, whether vehicles (boats, minecarts) can be placed, etc. This should not be used to protect a region! Regions are automatically protected by the passthrough flag. |
interact | 📗 Everything that involves 'using' a block or entity: Whether doors, levers, etc. (but not inventories) can be used, whether vehicles (including animals) can be mounted, etc. |
block-break / block-place | 📗 Whether blocks can be mined / used. |
use | 📗 Whether doors, levers, etc. (but not inventories) can be used. |
damage-animals | 📗 Whether players can harm friendly animals (cows, sheep, etc). |
chest-access | 📗 Whether inventories can be accessed. |
ride | 📗 Whether vehicles (including animals) can be mounted. |
pvp | 📗 Whether player versus player combat is permitted. |
sleep | 📗 Whether sleeping in a bed is permitted. |
respawn-anchors | 📗 Whether respawn anchors can be activated. |
tnt | 📗 Whether TNT detonation or damage is permitted. |
vehicle-place / vehicle-destroy | 📗 Whether vehicles (boats, minecarts) can be placed / destroyed. |
lighter | 📗 Whether flint and steel can be used. |
block-trampling | 📗 Whether farmland and turtle eggs can be trampled. |
frosted-ice-form | 📗 Whether players with frost walker boots will form ice. |
item-frame-rotation | 📗 Whether items can be rotated within item frames. |
firework-damage | 📗 Whether fireworks can deal damage to entities. |
use-anvil | 📗 Whether anvils can be used. |
use-dripleaf | 📗 Whether dripleaf can be used. |
WorldGuard Extra Flags provides the following extra flags. Note that most of these flags bypass operators entirely.
Flag | Description |
blocked-effects | 📗 Disables the effects of potion effects while inside. |
chat-prefix / chat-suffix | 📗 Defines the prefix/suffix shown when inside the region. |
chunk-unload | 📒 Prevents chunks the region occupies from being unloaded. |
command-on-entry / command-on-exit | 📒 Executes a command as the player when a player enters/exits the region. |
console-command-on-entry / console-command-on-exit | 📒 Executes a command as the console when a player enters/exits the region. |
fly | 📗 📒 When set to deny , disallows creative flight from the ground. |
frostwalker | 📗 When set to deny , stops frostwalker boots from forming ice on water within the region. |
give-effects | 📗 Gives players who enter the region a permanent potion effect until they leave. |
glide | 📗 When set to deny , stops all gliding inside the region. |
godmode | 📗 When set to allow , stops all damage delivered to players. |
item-durability | 📗 When set to deny , tools will not be damaged by any actions. |
join-location | 📗 Players who disconnect in the region will teleport to the given location when joining. |
keep-exp | 📒 When set to allow , players always keep experience levels on death. If the keepInventory gamerule is set to true and this flag is set to deny , the experience will be deleted on death. |
keep-inventory | 📒 When set to allow , players always keep inventory on death. If the keepInventory gamerule is set to true and this flag is set to deny , the inventory will be deleted on death. |
nether-portals | 📗 When set to deny , nether portals cannot be lit. |
play-sounds | 📒 Plays a sound (from a resource location) repeatedly at a specified interval to players inside the region. This flag may produce errors if it is set incorrectly. Ask a friend to help ou set this if you're not sure. |
respawn-location | 📗 Sets the location to respawn players upon death. |
teleport-on-entry / teleport-on-exit | 📗 Teleports a player to the give location when they enter/exit the region. |
walk-speed / fly-speed | 📗 Players inside the region will inherit this speed while walking/flying. |
worldedit | 📗 When set to deny , stops all WorldEdit operations. |