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ArXiv | Paper | Project Page

Official implementation of Controllable Text-to-3D Generation via Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting

Zhiqi Li, Yiming Chen, Lingzhe Zhao, Peidong Liu

Abstract: While text-to-3D and image-to-3D generation tasks have received considerable attention, one important but under-explored field between them is controllable text-to-3D generation, which we mainly focus on in this work. To address this task, 1) we introduce Multi-view ControlNet (MVControl), a novel neural network architecture designed to enhance existing pre-trained multi-view diffusion models by integrating additional input conditions, such as edge, depth, normal, and scribble maps. Our innovation lies in the introduction of a conditioning module that controls the base diffusion model using both local and global embeddings, which are computed from the input condition images and camera poses. Once trained, MVControl is able to offer 3D diffusion guidance for optimization-based 3D generation. And, 2) we propose an efficient multi-stage 3D generation pipeline that leverages the benefits of recent large reconstruction models and score distillation algorithm. Building upon our MVControl architecture, we employ a unique hybrid diffusion guidance method to direct the optimization process. In pursuit of efficiency, we adopt 3D Gaussians as our representation instead of the commonly used implicit representations. We also pioneer the use of SuGaR, a hybrid representation that binds Gaussians to mesh triangle faces. This approach alleviates the issue of poor geometry in 3D Gaussians and enables the direct sculpting of fine-grained geometry on the mesh. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves robust generalization and enables the controllable generation of high-quality 3D content.

Method Overview


  • [2024-05-30] We have fixed the previous noisy color issue of refined SuGaR and textured mesh by using a smaller learning rate for Gaussians' color, the new demo results have been updated in our Project Page!


Install threestudio

This part is the same as original threestudio repository, skip it if you have already installed the environment.

!!! The requirement.txt we use is slightly different from the original threestudio repository (the version of diffusers and gradio). If error occurs with the original threestudio env, please use our configuration file.

See for additional information, including installation via Docker.

The following steps have been tested on Ubuntu20.04.

  • You must have an NVIDIA graphics card with at least 6GB VRAM and have CUDA installed.
  • Install Python >= 3.8.
  • (Optional, Recommended) Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Newer pip versions, e.g. pip-23.x, can be much faster than old versions, e.g. pip-20.x.
# For instance, it caches the wheels of git packages to avoid unnecessarily rebuilding them later.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

- Install PyTorch >= 1.12. We have tested on torch1.12.1+cu113 and torch2.0.0+cu118, but other versions should also work fine.

  • Install PyTorch == 2.2.1 since xformers requires newest torch version.
# newest torch version under cuda11.8
pip install torch torchvision --index-url
  • (Optional, Recommended) Install ninja to speed up the compilation of CUDA extensions:
pip install ninja
  • Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional) tiny-cuda-nn installation might require downgrading pip to 23.0.1

  • (Optional, Recommended) The best-performing models in threestudio use the newly-released T2I model DeepFloyd IF, which currently requires signing a license agreement. If you would like to use these models, you need to accept the license on the model card of DeepFloyd IF, and login into the Hugging Face hub in the terminal by huggingface-cli login.

  • For contributors, see here.

Install 3D Gaussian dependencies

git clone --recursive
git clone
pip install ./diff-gaussian-rasterization
pip install ./simple-knn

Install SuGaR dependencies

pip install open3d
# Install pytorch3d
pip install "git+"

Install LGM dependencies

pip install -r requirements-lgm.txt

Download pre-trained models

  • For LGM, following the instructions in their official repository.
mkdir pretrained && cd pretrained
cd ..
  • For MVDream, we use our diffusers implementation. The weights will be downloaded automatically via huggingface hub.

  • Our pre-trained multi-view ControlNets have been uploaded to huggingface hub, and they will also be automatically downloaded.

  • Or you can also manually download the MVDream and MVControls' checkpoints from here.


Stage 1. Generate coarse 3D Gaussians via MVControl + LGM

The following command will launch a GUI powered by gradio. You should fill in asset_name box with the name of current experiment, and the results will be saved in directory workspace/mvcontrol_[condition_type]/[asset_name]. The input image can be both condition image or a RGB image. When RGB image is input, the option image need preprocess on top left of the UI should be tagged, so that condition image, mask, and RGBA images will be saved in the output directory.

condition_type=depth  # canny/depth/normal/scribble
python big --resume path/to/LGM/model_fp16.safetensors --condition_type $condition_type
# The generated coarse Gaussians will be saved to workspace/mvcontrol_{condition_type}/{asset_name}/coarse_gs.ply

Stage 2. Gaussian Optimizaiton

### Taking 'fatcat' as example
hint_path=load/conditions/fatcat_depth.png  # path/to/condition.png
mask_path=load/conditions/fatcat_mask.png   # path/to/mask.png
prompt="A fat cat, standing with hands in ponts pockets"  # prompt
coarse_gs_path=$exp_root_dir/coarse_gs.ply # path/to/saved/coarse_gs.ply

python --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/mvcontrol-gaussian.yaml --train --gpu 0 \
system.stage=gaussian \
system.hint_image_path=$hint_path \
system.hint_mask_path=$mask_path \
system.control_condition_type=$condition_type \
system.geometry.geometry_convert_from=$coarse_gs_path \
system.prompt_processor.prompt='$prompt' \
system.guidance_control.pretrained_controlnet_name_or_path='lzq49/mvcontrol-4v-${condition_type}' \
name=$asset_name \

# # If use only coarse Gaussians' positions for initialization
# # Add the following two options in the command 
# system.geometry.load_ply_only_vertex=ture \
# system.geometry.load_vertex_only_position=true

### Extract coarse SuGaR from refined Gaussians

python extern/sugar/ -s extern/sugar/load/scene \
-c $refined_gs_path -o $coarse_sugar_output_dir --use_vanilla_3dgs

Stage 3. SuGaR refinement


python --config custom/threestudio-3dgs/configs/mvcontrol-sugar-vsd.yaml --train --gpu 0 \
system.stage=sugar \
system.hint_image_path=$hint_path \
system.hint_mask_path=$mask_path \
system.control_condition_type=$condition_type \
system.geometry.surface_mesh_to_bind_path=$sugar_mesh_path \
system.prompt_processor.prompt='$prompt' \
system.guidance_control.pretrained_controlnet_name_or_path='lzq49/mvcontrol-4v-${condition_type}' \
name=$asset_name \

### Textured mesh extraction
python --config $sugar_out_dir/configs/parsed.yaml --export --gpu 0 resume=$sugar_out_dir/ckpts/last.ckpt

Easy way

We also provide a script running stage2 and stage3 from generated coarse Gaussians automatically:

python -n $asset_name -c $condition_type -p '$prompt' -cp $hint_path -mp $mask_path


  • Our method relies on coarse Gaussian initialization. So in the first stage, it's OK to try different random seeds to get a good LGM output, since the coarse Gaussian generation procedure is very fast (several seconds).
  • For better Gaussian optimization in stage 2, longer optimization steps can be used. We use 3000 steps in our paper for efficiency.


  • Release the inference code.
  • Reorgenize the code.
  • Improve the quality (texture & surface) of SuGaR refinement stage.
  • Provide more examples for test.


This project is built upon the awesome project threestudio and thanks to the open-source of these works: LGM, MVDream, ControlNet and SuGaR.


      title={Controllable Text-to-3D Generation via Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting}, 
      author={Zhiqi Li and Yiming Chen and Lingzhe Zhao and Peidong Liu},