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Fargate Trunk-Based Deployment (v1)

Table of Contents


This repository should never be used directly, the "Use this template" button should always be utilized to create fork of this repository.

Folder Structure

This section describes the layout of the v1 version of this project.

  • build: Everything that build processes would need to execute successfully.
    • For AWS CodeBuild, the needed BuildSpec and related shell scripts are all in this folder.
  • env: Any environment-related override files.
    • There are a number of JSON files in this folder which are used to override parameters in the various CloudFormation templates (via CodePipeline CloudFormation stages). This is very useful for making specific changes to different environments.
    • This folder could also contain other environment configuration files for the application itself.
  • git-hook: Any git hooks that are needed for local development.
  • iac: Any infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates.
    • Currently this only contains CloudFormation YAML templates.
    • The templates are categorized by AWS service to try to make finding and updated infrastructure easy.
    • This folder could also contain templates for other IaC solutions.
  • script: General scripts that are needed for this project.
    • This folder includes the main infrastructure setup script, which is the starting point of getting things running.
    • This folder could contain any other general scripts needed for this project (sans the CodeBuild related scripts, which are always in the build folder).
  • src: The source files needed for the application.
    • This folder should contain any files that the Dockerfile needs to build the application.
  • test: Any resources needed for doing testing of the application.
    • This project supports Cucumber.js Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) testing by default.
    • Cucumber.js is a very versatile testing solution which integrates well with CodeBuild reporting.
    • Cucumber tests can be written in many different programming languages including Java, Node.js, Ruby, C++, Go, PHP, Python, etc.
  • version root: All of the files that are generally designed to be at the base of the project.
    • Build-related files, such as the github.json placeholder file.
    • Docker-related files, such as the main Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file (if Docker Compose is being used).
    • Node.js-related files, such as the package.json file.
    • Miscellaneous files, such as the .shellcheckrc and file.

Install/Initial Setup


These setup instructions assume you are working with a non-prod/prod AWS account split and that you have already set up the base infrastructure: boilerplate-aws-account-setup

The boilerplate-aws-account-setup repository will get cloned (uisng the "Use this template" button) for each set of accounts; this allows for base infrastructure changes that are specific to that account. The changes can be made without impacting the original boilerplate repository.

Prerequisite Setup

GitHub User Connection

  1. This repository is meant to be used as a starting template, so please make use of the "Use this template" button in the GitHub console to create your own copy of this repository.
  2. Since you have the base infrastructure in place, in your primary region, there should be an SSM parameter named: /account/main/github/service/username
  3. This should be the name of the GitHub service account that was created for use with your AWS account.
  4. You will want to add this service account user to your new repository (since the repository is likely private, this is required).
  5. During the initial setup, the GitHub service account will need to be given admin. access so that it can create the needed webhook (no other access level can create webhooks at this time).
  6. Once you try to add the service account user to your repository, someone who is on the mailing list for that service account should approve the request.

Local AWS CLI Credentials (Needed for AWS CLI Helper Script)

If you want to use the helper script (recommended), you will need to have AWS credentials for both your AWS non-prod and AWS production accounts and have the AWS CLI installed.

  1. Instructions for installing the AWS CLI:
  2. WarnerMedia currently only allows for local credentials to be generated from your SSO access.
  3. You will need to install and configure the gimme-aws-creds tool.
  4. You will then use that tool to generate the needed AWS CLI credentials for both the non-prod and production AWS accounts.
  5. You will need to keep track of what your AWS profile names are for use with the script.


You will need either DevOps or Admin SSO role in order to have enough permissions to set things up.

Primary Setup

This can be done via the helper script or manually through CloudFormation. The script takes more setup but then handles more things for you. The manual CloudFormation upload requires more clicking around but less setup since you don't have to locally configure the AWS CLI, etc.

Using the Helper Script (AWS CLI)

Prepare Credentials

  1. Make sure that you know the names of your AWS CLI account profiles for the non-production and production accounts.
  2. Retrieve a fresh set of AWS CLI credentials for your non-prod and prod AWS CLI account profiles (using the gimme-aws-creds tool). These credentials generally expire every 12 hours.

Prepare Defaults

  1. You will want to make a local checkout of the repository that you created.
  2. Once you have the local checkout, switch to the v1 folder.
  3. Change to this directory: ./script/cfn/setup/
  4. Locate the following file: .setuprc
  5. Open this file for editing, you will see the initial values that the boilerplate was making use of.
  6. Modify all of these values to line up with the values related to your accounts. It may be useful to look at the .setuprc of an existing repository for your account if you are not familiar with the values that you need to fill in.

Execute the Script

  1. Run the following script:
  2. The script will use the .setuprc file to set its default values.
  3. The script will ask you a number of questions, at which time you will have the option to change some of the default values.
  4. Once you have run through all of the questions in the script, it will kick off the CloudFormation process in both the non-prod and production accounts.
  5. At this point, CloudFormation will create a setup and infrastructure CodePipeline. These CodePipelines will set up everything else that your CI/CD process needs. The following environments will be set up:
    • dev
    • int
    • qa
    • stage
    • prod
  6. If you need to make changes to any of the infrastructure, you can do so via CloudFormation templates located in this folder: v1/iac/cfn
  7. You can make your changes and merge then into the main branch via a pull request. From this point forward, the CodePipelines will make sure the appropriate resources are updated.

Manually Setup (AWS Console)

If you don't want to go through the work of setting up the AWS CLI locally, you can manually upload the main setup CloudFormation template.

You may want to look at the helper script to make sure you set all the parameters correctly.


This method is not recommended as the potential for human error or confusion is higher.

Production (Should Be Done First)

  1. You will want to make a local checkout of the repository that you created.
  2. Once you have the local checkout, switch to the v1 folder.
  3. Find the following CloudFormation template: iac/cfn/setup/main.yaml
  4. Log into the AWS Console for your production account.
  5. Go to the CloudFormation console.
  6. Upload this template and then fill in all of the needed parameter values.
  7. Go through all the other CloudFormation screens and then launch the stack.
  8. Monitor the stack and make sure that it completes successfully.

Non-Prod (Should Be Done Second)

  1. Switch to the v1 folder.
  2. Find the following CloudFormation template: iac/cfn/setup/main.yaml
  3. Log into the AWS Console for your non-prod account.
  4. Go to the CloudFormation console.
  5. Upload this template and then fill in all of the needed parameter values.
  6. Go through all the other CloudFormation screens and then launch the stack.
  7. Monitor the stack and make sure that it completes successfully.

Initial Kick-Off

  1. Once the stacks have created everything successfully, you will need to kick the CodeBuild off. This can be done in one of two ways:
    • Make a commit to your main branch in your repository.
    • In the primary region of each account, locate a CodeBuild project in your primary region named (your project name)-orchestrator and then run a build (with no overrides).
  2. At this point, CloudFormation will create a setup and infrastructure CodePipeline. These CodePipelines will set up everything else that your CI/CD process needs. The following environments will be set up:
    • dev
    • int
    • qa
    • stage
    • prod
  3. If you need to make changes to any of the infrastructure, you can do so via CloudFormation templates located in this folder: iac/cfn/
  4. You can make your changes and merge them into the main branch via a pull request.
  5. From this point forward, the CodePipelines will make sure the appropriate resources are updated.

Local Application Development

Since ECS works with Docker, it is recommended to use Docker locally to develop your application. A tool named Docker Compose can make this process easier.


Your local system will need to have the following installed:

  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose


By default, the docker-compose.yml file in this folder is set up to work with a remote image (to be used for the applicaitn testing CodePipeline stage). You will have to modify the file slightly for local development (and then switch things back when done). Optionally, you could split into two different Docker Compose files.

Running the Docker application locally

  1. Make any needed changes to the application in the src folder.
  2. Make any needed changes to your Dockerfile file in this folder.
  3. Make any needed changes to the docker-compose.yml file in this folder.
  4. To build the image locally, run the following command from the same folder as the docker-compose.yml file: docker-compose build
  5. Once the image has finished building, it can be spun up by running the following command: docker-compose up
  6. You should then be able to pull up your application in a web browser (e.g. http://localhost:8080/hc/)

GitHub Branch Flow


Use of direct commits to the main branch is discouraged. Pull requests should always be used to help give visibility to all changes that are being made.

Development Flow

This repository uses a trunk-based development flow. You can read up on trunk-based flows on this website:

Commenting of Commits

The use of "Conventional Commits" is encouraged in order to help make commit message more meaningful. Details can be found on the following website:

Primary Branches

  1. main:
    • This branch is the primary branch that all bug and feature branches will be created from and merged into.
    • For the purposes of this flow, it is the "trunk" branch.
  2. dev:
    • This is a pseudo-primary branch which should always be considered unstable.
    • It will be automatically created once the first production deployment happens and will be based off of the release that was just deployed.
    • This branch will support an "off-to-the-side" environment for testing changes that may be too risky to deploy into the main flow. For instance, interactions with a new AWS service that are hard to test locally.
    • All feature or bug-fix branches can be merged into this branch for testing before being merged into the main branch.
    • NOTE: The dev branch should never be merged into the main branch, only feature or bugfix branches should ever be merged into main.
  3. .*hotfix.*:
    • Branches with the keyword hotfix anywhere in the middle of the name will temporarily override the main flow, allowing for a specific hotfix to get pushed through the flow.
    • Once a hotfix branch has been deployed to fix the problem, the changes can be copied/cherry-picked back into the main branch for deployment with the next full release.
    • All hotfix branches should be considered temporary and can be deleted once merged into the main branch.
  4. feature/bugfix branches:
    • These branches will be created from the main branch.
    • Engineers will use their feature/bugfix branch for local development.
    • Feature branch names typically take the form of f/(ticket number)/(short description). For example, f/ABC-123/update-service-resources
    • Bug fix branch names typically take the form of b/(ticket number)/(short description). For example, b/ABC-123/correct-service-variable
    • Once a change is deemed ready locally, a pull request should be used to get it merged into the main branch.
    • An optional step would be to merge your feature branch into the dev branch first to test in the dev environment.
    • If you do merge your feature/bugfix branch into the dev branch for testing, once you verify things are good, then you would merge your feature/bugfix branch into the main branch via a pull request.
    • NOTE: The dev branch should never be merged into the main branch, only feature/bugfix branches should ever be merged into main.
    • All feature/bugfix branches should be considered temporary and can be deleted once merged into the main branch. The pull request will keep the details of what was merged.

General Flow

Local Development

  1. An engineer would create a feature/bugfix branch from the local checkout of the local, current main branch.
  2. The engineer would then make their changes and do in-depth local testing.
  3. The engineer should write any needed application/infrastructure tests related to their changes.
  4. If this feature isn't fully functional, it is good practice to wrap it in a feature flag so that it can be disabled until it is ready.
  5. Once things look good locally, the engineer would push the branch to GitHub.

Non-Prod Deployment

  1. In GitHub, a pull request will be created to the main branch.
  2. A peer review should be done of the pull request by at least one other engineer.
  3. Once the pull request is approved, it will be merged into the main branch.
  4. This will trigger a CodePipeline which will build the Docker image and deploy it to ECR (normally to both a non-prod and prod account repository for each region).
  5. Once the Docker image is deployed to all required ECS repositories, the image produced will be tagged for the int environment.
  6. The int ECR tagging will cause the changes to be deployed to the initial integration (int) environment.
  7. If things are approved in the int environment, then a manual approval in the CodePipeline will promote the changes to the Quality Assurance (qa) environment.
  8. At this point a GitHub pre-release tag will be created and a link to a GitHub changelog will be added to the notes of the pre-release.
  9. Once things are approved in the qa environment, a manual approval in the CodePipeline will promote the change to the Staging (stage) environment.
  10. The stage environment will allow for one last review before things go to the production (prod) environment.

Production Deployment

  1. Now that things are ready for a production deployment, a time and date should be set for the production deployment and all deployment documentation processes and notifications should be done.
  2. At the desired time, a manual approval in the stage CodePipeline will then promote the changes to the prod environment in the production AWS account.
  3. The changes will then be deployed to the production account.
  4. Once things have been successfully deployed to production, the dev branch will be overwritten with the release that was just deployed to production.

Optional Flow Steps

In the above flow, there is one additional environment that changes can be pushed to if they are high-risk. Here are the details:

  1. Once an engineer is ready to get their changes merged into the main branch, they can optionally first choose to create a pull request into the dev branch.
  2. Once their branch is merged into the dev branch, a development build CodePipeline will be triggered to build and deploy the dev Docker image to ECR.
  3. The Docker image will get deployed to the same ECR repositories as the main flow, but version tag will have a -dev added to the end (to help indicate that this image should never be deployed to production). The image will also get tagged for the dev environment.
  4. Since the image is now tagged for the dev environment, changes will be deployed to an "off-to-the-side" environment where the changes can be tested and verified without blocking the main flow.
  5. Once the changes look good on the dev environment, the engineer can create a separate pull request for their branch to the main branch.
  6. The dev branch is wiped out and replaced whenever there is a production deployment. It is replaced with the release SHA that was just deployed to the production environment. This prevents the dev environment from becoming a "junk drawer" of failed test branches.
  7. The dev branch and environment should never really be considered a "stable" environment.
  8. NOTE: The dev branch should never be merged into the main branch, only feature/bugfix branches should ever be merged into the main branch.

AWS CodeBuild/CodePipeline Infrastructure

This project uses AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to get your application deployed. Here we will outline the different components of the deployment flow.

CodeBuild Orchestrator

  • The orchestrator is a CodeBuild project which is triggered by a GitHub Webhook.
  • This CodeBuild project can be found in the primary region where you set up the infrastructure and have a name that follows this pattern: (your project name)-orchestrator
  • The orchestrator will examine the changes that were just committed and determine the type of change which was just made.
  • The changes will be packaged into different ZIP archives and then deploy them to archive S3 bucket.
  • The appropriate CodePipelines will then be triggered based on the type of change that was committed.
  • The orchestrator creates different ZIP archives, the contents of those ZIP archives are managed by *.list files which are located here: env/cfn/codebuild/orchestrator/

Project Infrastructure CodePipelines

  • There are two project infrastructure CodePipelines, the setup CodePipeline and the Infrastructure CodePipeline.

Setup CodePipeline

  • When the initial setup CloudFormation template runs, it creates a setup CodePipeline.
  • This CodePipeline will get triggered within a minute of the first successful CodeBuild orchestrator run.
  • This CodePipeline is very simple, it's only purpose is to create and maintain the infrastructure CodePipeline.
  • This CodePipeline may feel like an extra step, but it is there so that project infrastructure changes can be made easily.
  • Updates to the CodePipeline should be rare.
  • NOTE: If changes need to be made to the setup CodePipeline, then the the main setup template will need to be edited and the changes manually run from the AWS CloudFormation console.

Infrastructure CodePipeline

  • This CodePipeline is initially created and maintained by the setup CodePipeline.
  • The template that manages this CodePipeline is located here: iac/cfn/codepipeline/infrastructure.yaml
  • Any environment parameters overrides can be set in the JSON files located in this folder: env/cfn/codepipeline/infrastructure
  • This CodePipeline will create/maintain all of the base infrastructure for this project. Some examples are:
    • General IAM Roles, such as roles for the testing CodeBuild projects, deployment CodePipelines, etc.
    • General CodeBuild projects. For example, CodeBuild projects that the deployment CodePipelines would use for testing stages, etc.
    • Deployment CodePipelines for all of the different environments: dev, int, qa, stage, and prod.
  • You can review the CloudFormation parameters in the infrastructure CodePipeline template to see what options are all available.
    • For example, there is a parameter to turn on a manual approval step for the infrastructure CodePipeline; this is useful for approving changes to the production infrastructure after being verified in non-prod.
  • You would use this CodePipeline to set up things that are shared by all deployment CodePipelines, or things that will rarely change.
  • There is an optional CodeBuild stage that can be activated which would allow you to run custom commands, such as triggered a different IAC solution or triggering an AWS CLI command after things are all updated.
  • This CodePipeline is configured to work with up to three different regions and deploy to two regions as standard functionality.
    • It is good to have your infrastructure and application deployed in two regions for spreading load, redundancy, and disaster recovery.
    • The CodePipeline could do deployments in up to three different regions. However, with each region you add, you also add complexity.
    • Though there is a good case to be made for running in two regions for things like disaster recovery, the case for going into more regions gets weaker (as costs will rise for maintenance, data synchronization, etc.)
    • The main reason for third region is that you could switch to a different region if one of your normal regions is going to be down for a prolonged period of time.
    • Running in two regions is fairly complex and one should make sure they have that perfected before trying to add the complexity of any additional regions.

Build CodePipelines

  • The build CodePipelines have one purpose, to build and deploy the Docker images to ECR.
  • There are two build CodePipelines, the dev branch has an isolated build CodePipeline, the main and *hotfix* branches use the primary build CodePipeline.
  • The build CodePipelines are triggered by the orchestrator.
  • Once a build CodePipeline successfully runs, it will trigger the required deployment CodePipeline.

Deployment CodePipelines

  • There is an individual CodePipeline for each environment.
  • Because each environment gets a CodePipeline, this means that environments can be added or removed in a modular fashion.
  • In the default flow, there are five environments:
    • dev: This is an optional, "off-to-the-side" non-prod environment which can be used for testing risky changes (without blocking the main flow). It is trigger when the dev build CodePipeline successfully completes.
    • int: This is the first non-prod environment in the main deployment flow; it is triggered when the primary build CodePipeline successfully completes.
    • qa: This is the second non-prod environment in the main deployment flow; it is triggered when there is a manual approval in the int CodePipeline.
    • stage: This is the third and final non-prod environment in the main deployment flow; it is triggered when there is a manual approval in the qa CodePipeline.
    • prod: This is the only environment in the production account and the final step in the main deployment flow; it is triggered when there is a manual approval in the stage CodePipeline.
  • Each environment has the option to enable an application and infrastructure testing stage. These are controlled by parameters in the CloudFormation template.
  • Just like the infrastructure CodePipelines, each deployment CodePipeline is configured to work with up to three different regions and deploy to two regions as standard functionality.
    • Please see the details for the infrastructure CodePipeline to understand the reasoning for this.

CodePipeline Testing Stages

There are three application deployment CodePipeline testing stages that can be enabled for both regions. These testing stages are run using AWS CodeBuild (this allows for a lot of flexibility in testing).

The three testing stages are:

  1. Security
  2. Application
  3. Infrastructure

By default, all three stages use Cucumber.js to run the tests. Other testing frameworks can be used, but this is the one that is part of this boilerplate.

Testing Stage Descriptions


The Security stage is intended for running any needed security scans of your code. By default, There is a Cucumber.js skeleton testing script in place as well as corresponding feature file.

Currently the default test script doesn't do anything, you need to set up the logic for any custom scans that you want to do.

If enabled, this is the first testing stage that runs in application deployment CodePipeline.


This stage is intended for testing the application Docker image and running tests to ensure the image is healthy. It leverages Docker Compose to run the container inside of CodeBuild.

If enabled, this stage would run after the security stage, but before the application is deployed.


This stage is intended for testing the application once it has been fully deployed in the AWS infrastructure. It can test things like making sure the secure certificate is valid and working and also that you are getting the intended responses, etc.

If enabled, this stage would run after the other two testing stages and after the application has been deployed.

How to Enable/Disable Testing Stages

The testing stages are all part of the application deployment CodePipeline. This template has parameters that can be switched between Yes and No values for each environment.

The CloudFormation environment JSON files can be used to switch these on per environment. These JSON files are located here:


For example, if you wanted to disable security scanning for the int environment, you would modify the following file...


...and then modify the CodeBuildRunSecurityTests parameter value to No. The JSON would look something like this:

  "Parameters": {
    "ActionMode": "REPLACE_ON_FAILURE",
    "ApprovalEnvironment": "qa",
    "CodeBuildRunAppTests": "Yes",
    "CodeBuildRunInfrastructureTests": "Yes",
    "CodeBuildRunSecurityTests": "No",
    "ServiceSourceFile": "",
    "ServiceEnvSourceFile": "",
    "TestSourceFile": ""

Once these changes are merged into the main branch, the application deployment CodePipeline for int would get updated to no longer have this testing stage.

This same process can be used for all three testing stage types in all the environments. So you can mix and match as needed.

Version Management

The version of the application can be managed manually or automatically (via the deployment flow).


Semantic versioning should be used for maintaining the version of this application. If the same versioning method is used between applications, it is helpful for consistency.

Semantic Versioning

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
  • Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Manual Version Update

Since this is a Node.js application, we will leverage the package.json file for managing the version number.

  1. Once you have your changes ready to commit to your bugfix/feature branch, review the changes and see which semantic versioning level they match up with.
  2. Open the package.json file.
  3. Update the the version property in the JSON object to the needed value.
  4. Commit this change with the rest of your changes.
  5. Merge your pull request into either the main or dev branch.
  6. The build process will notice that you manually updated the version number and will use your version number.
  7. When your changes are promoted to the Quality Assurance (QA) environment, this version number will be used as the pre-release tag in GitHub:<organization>/<repository>/releases
  8. Once the application is promoted to production, the GitHub pre-release will get promoted to a full release.

NOTE: It is recommended to manually update the package JSON file to ensure that thought is given to which semantic versioning level should be updated.

Automatic Version Update

If you merge a bugfix/feature branch into the main or dev branch, but did not manually update the package.json file, the following will happen:

  1. The build process will notice that you did not update the version number and will automatically increment the PATCH level of the semantic version (e.g. 1.1.2 to 1.1.3).
  2. When your changes are promoted to the Quality Assurance (QA) environment, this version number will be used as the pre-release tag in GitHub:<organization>/<repository>/releases
  3. Once the application is promoted to production, the GitHub pre-release will get promoted to a full release.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I don't like all these environments, are they all required?
    • No, not all of the environments are required. That is why each environment has its own deployment CodePipeline, the idea is that you could remove environments.
    • If you look through the CloudFormation templates, you will notice that there are configuration options for environment setup, such as environment names, which one is the initial environment, etc.
    • At minimum, you would need to have three environments, one primary non-prod environment, one prod environment, and then one off-to-the-side environment for testing risky changes.
    • NOTE: In-depth full testing of removing environments has not been done, if you try to remove/refactor environments and run into major bugs, please report them so that the boilerplate can be improved.
  2. Why are there all these testing stages, and why are they failing for my project?
    • Each CodePipeline has the option to test your security, application, and AWS infrastructure using a CodeBuild testing stage (which, by default, uses Cucumber.js).
    • If your test phases are failing (most-likely due to the boilerplate code being replaced with your actual code), then you have the following options:
      • Update the Cucumber.js test to tests that will work with your application and AWS infrastructure (recommended).
      • Replace the Cucumber.js tests with your own test suite/testing solution (this is also fine/recommended).
      • Shut off the testing stages in all environments (which is supported by CloudFormation parameters) and figure out the whole testing thing later (not recommended).
    • Though you can use another product other than Cucumber/Cucumber.js, please note the reporting will break, unless your testing suite outputs to one of the supported formats.
  3. Can I turn on testing stages for only certain environments?
    • Yes, the application and infrastructure testing stages can be turned on or off in any environment via parameters in the CloudFormation templates. You can use the environment JSON files for this purpose.
  4. When making changes to the infrastructure CodePipeline, I don't like the fact that the changes are deployed out to the production account immediately, I would like to approve changes; is there a way to do that?
    • Yes, you can activate a manual approval step for the infrastructure CodePipeline using the environment JSON files to override the default parameter value for the EnableManualApproval CloudFormation parameter.
    • When things are first set up, we want all the infrastructure to get established in both the non-prod and prod accounts. But as your product matures, you may not want that. You may want to approve infrastructure changes in production (or even non-prod), so this feature was added.
  5. I have added or removed files, but the CodePipelines cannot find them. How do I fix this?
    • The orchestrator CodeBuild uses some *.list files to know which things it should include and exclude from the various artifact ZIP archives (allowing you to control when, say, the infrastructure CodePipeline is triggered).
    • Make sure that your *.list files are up-to-date with your latest changes, and then get these changes merged in via a pull request, this will trigger a new orchestrator run and the ZIP archive files will be updated appropriately.
    • If you look at the build logs from the orchestrator CodeBuild, you will see which files are being included into the different ZIP archives.
  6. When the automatic GitHub patch occurs, it is triggering another build, which starts a build loop; how do I fix this?
    • When you first set up the project, the orchestrator is given the ID of a GitHub user that it adds to the GitHub WebHook, any changes coming from this user are ignored.
    • If the wrong GitHub ID is provided for the GitHub WebHook, then it will get triggered when you do not want it to be triggered.
    • The GitHub ID needs to match the ID of the GitHub service account that is being used by the deployment flow. This username should be in the following SSM parameter: /account/main/github/service/username
    • You can find the GitHub ID by using this HTTPS URL:<your github user name>
    • NOTE: If you notice a build loop happening, you want to make sure to disable the CodePipeline that is in the loop; otherwise, if left to run, you could run up a significant CodeBuild/CodePipeline bill.
  7. How can I determine if a feature of the deployment flow is configurable?
    • There are many configurable aspects of the CloudFormation templates, the best thing to do is open the template you are interested in and see what parameters the template already has available.