Ling (灵) 是一个支持 LLM 流式输出(Streaming)的工作流框架。
- 支持 JSONL 协议的数据流输出
- JSON 的 TOKEN 异常的自动修复
- 支持复杂的异步工作流
- 支持流式输出过程中的状态消息
- 支持 Server Sent Events
- 提供 Clinet SDK
一些复杂的AI工作流,如波波熊学伴,需要多个 Agent/Bot 协同处理结构化数据。但是,考虑实时响应,采用结构化数据输出,不利于使用流式接口提升时效性。 因为常用的 JSON 数据格式虽然灵活,但是它的结构具有完整性,也就是说,在所有内容输出完整之前,我们很难将其正确解析出来。当然我们可以采用其他一些结构数据格式,例如yaml,但是又不如 JSON 格式强大和方便。
Ling 正是为了解决这个问题而诞生的流式框架,它的核心是一个实时转换器,可以将输入的 JSON 数据流,一个字符一个字符地进行解析,将内容以 jsonuri 的方式输出。
"outline": [
"topic": "云朵是由什么构成的?"
"topic": "为什么云朵看起来软软的?"
// ...
在流式输入时,内容依次被实时转换成如下数据输出(使用 Server-sent Events):
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "云"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "朵"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "是"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "由"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "什"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "么"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "构"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "成"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "的"}
data: {"uri": "outline/0/topic", "delta": "?"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "为"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "什"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "么"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "云"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "朵"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "看"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "起"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "来"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "软"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "软"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "的"}
data: {"uri": "outline/1/topic", "delta": "?"}
import 'dotenv/config';
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import cors from 'cors';
import { Ling } from "@bearbobo/ling";
import type { ChatConfig } from "@bearbobo/ling/types";
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises';
const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY as string;
const model_name = process.env.MODEL_NAME as string;
const endpoint = process.env.ENDPOINT as string;
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World!');
});'/api', async (req, res) => {
const question = req.body.question;
const config: ChatConfig = {
api_key: apiKey,
endpoint: endpoint,
// ------- The work flow start --------
const ling = new Ling(config);
const bot = ling.createBot(/*'bearbobo'*/);
bot.addPrompt('Respond to me in JSON format, starting with {.\n[Example]\n{"answer": "My response"}');;
bot.on('string-response', ({uri, delta}) => {
// Infer the content of the string in the JSON, and send the content of the 'answer' field to the second bot.
console.log('bot string-response', uri, delta);
const bot2 = ling.createBot(/*'bearbobo'*/);
bot2.addPrompt(`Expand the content I gave you into more detailed content, answer me in JSON format, place the detailed answer text in the 'details' field, and place 2-3 related knowledge points in the 'related_question' field.\n[Example]\n{"details": "My detailed answer", "related_question": [...]}`);;
bot2.on('response', (content) => {
// Stream data push completed.
console.log('bot2 response finished', content);
const bot3 = ling.createBot();
bot3.addPrompt('Expand the content I gave you into more detailed content, using Chinese. answer me in JSON format, place the detailed answer in Chinese in the 'details' field.\n[Example]\n{"details_cn": "my answer..."}');;
bot3.on('response', (content) => {
// Stream data push completed.
console.log('bot3 response finished', content);
ling.close(); // It can be directly closed, and when closing, it checks whether the status of all bots has been finished.
// ------- The work flow end --------
// setting below headers for Streaming the data
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': "text/event-stream",
'Cache-Control': "no-cache",
'Connection': "keep-alive"
pipeline(( as any), res);
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { set, get } from 'jsonuri';
const response = ref({
answer: 'Brief:',
details: 'Details:',
details_eng: 'Translation:',
related_question: [
onMounted(async () => {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
question: 'Can I laid on the cloud?'
const reader = res.body.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let done = false;
const data = {
answer: 'Brief:',
details: 'Details:',
related_question: [],
while (!done) {
const { value, done: doneReading } = await;
done = doneReading;
if(!done) {
const content = decoder.decode(value);
const lines = content.trim().split('\n');
for(const line of lines) {
const input = JSON.parse(line);
if(input.uri) {
const content = get(data, input.uri);
set(data, input.uri, (content || '') +;
response.value = {};
<p>{{ response.answer }}</p>
<p>{{ response.details }}</p>
<p>{{ response.details_eng }}</p>
<p v-for="item in response.related_question" :key=""> >>> {{ item }}</p>
当 AI 输出的 JSON 中,字符串字段输出完成时,触发这个事件,返回一个 josnuri 对象。
当 AI 本次推理完成时,触发这个事件,返回完整的输出内容,此时流式输出可能还没结束,数据还在继续发送给前端。
当 AI 本次生成的数据已经全部发送给前端时触发。
注意:通常情况下,string-response 先于 inference-done 先于 response。
有时候我们希望发送自定义事件给前端,让前端更新状态,可以在server使用 ling.sendEvent({event, data})
推送消息给前端。前端可以从流中接收到 JSON {event, data}
bot.on('inference-done', () => {
bot.sendEvent({event: 'inference-done', state: 'Outline generated!'});
也可以直接推送 jsonuri 状态,方便前端直接设置
bot.on('inference-done', () => {
bot.sendEvent({uri: 'state/outline', delta: true});
可以通过 ling.setSSE(true)
转换成 Server-sent Events 的数据格式,这样前端就可以用 EventSource
API 来处理数据。
const es = new EventSource('http://localhost:3000/?question=Can I laid on the cloud?');
es.onmessage = (e) => {
es.onopen = () => {
es.onerror = (e) => {