Confidential | Copyright © Weaver Network International Pte. Ltd. 2020
Author: Weaver International Technical Delivery Team
Date: 1-Jan-2021
Telephone: +65 6908 5816
All interfaces are encapsulated in a global object window.WfForm
Some interfaces have scope of use, minimum KB version and whether the mobile / PC end is unique. General purpose without special indication
Form field related operations, do not recommend the use of jQuery, prohibit native JS direct operation DOM structure
We recommend to use ECOA 9.0 API interface, unified operation and maintenance by the product R&D team, at the same time, only API could complete compatible mobile terminals
WfForm object interface, compatible with new mobile EM7
Since the API interface has been unified on the PC side and the mobile side, in order to reduce the development workload and later maintenance costs;
Therefore EM7 the form no longer introduces workflow_base table custompage4emoble columns as custom pages in mobile terminals, and directly introduces custompage columns (consistent with PC templates) as custom pages
Front end (JS method) distinguishing terminal:
WfForm.isMobile() could be used to check whether is mobile
var isMobile =WfForm.isMobile(); //true means eMobile、 WeChat, Dingtalk and other mobile device, false means PC
Backend requests (custom pages, etc.) detemien terminals:
boolean isMobile = "true".equals(request.getParameter("_ec_ismobile "); //true means eMobile、 WeChat, Dingtalk and other mobile device, false means PC
Mode 1: code blocks in each layout template, individually configured on display/print/mobile templates for individual nodes
Mode 2: workflow_base table custompage, for all nodes in the current workflow, display and print and mobile
Note that the process may have values if associated with budgets, attendance, vehicles, etc.Mode 3: Workflow management->Application settings->Process Form User-defined Page for all non-template scenarios (PC and movement). Note that this page is global custompage, avoid writing global functions such as ready、checkCustomize, and define only some function bodies
Special note: For Mode 2, Mode 3, prohibits use init_wev8.js.;
When the configuration does not take effect, please write the code block / custompage only alert confirmation method to check whether it takes effect, and then debug the cause of the error step by step.
New request: System will be automatically retrieve the active workflow version base on the workflow id"/workflow/request/CreateRequestForward.jsp?workflowid=747");
View request: User must have this request view permission, the primary and secondary account acccount must be in link. The parameter is request ID"/workflow/request/ViewRequestForwardSPA.jsp?requestid=5963690");
Mobile form link
// New link, the workflow id
var createUrl = "spa/workflow/forwardMobileForm.html?/ iscreate=1& workflowidiscreate=747";
// View links, Request id
var viewUrl = "spa/workflow/forwardMobileForm.html?/ requestid=4503066";
First method (recommended): Call the package method If the module is packaged with mobile framework, it can be called directly When it's a self-developed interface, you need to call /spa/coms/openLink.js Minimum support system version: KB900190601 openLink.openWorkflow (url, callbackFun, returnUrl)
Parameters | Parameter type | Remarks |
url | String | Links to open forms |
callbackFun | Function | EM client only, callback function when returned |
returnUrl | String | EM client, return/submit to specified link |
window.openLink.openWorkflow (createUrl,function(){
alert ("E-mobile opens the form link and triggers this callback function after return/submit");
// Non-EM open, return/submit then back to the process center
Second Method: EM client only, open the form and control the return/submission event callback
Use of EM-SDK, call webview to realize
// Two steps, first call SDK webview, thenn call SDK control callback refresh
window.em.openLink ({
window.em.ready (function(){
window.em.registerBroadcast ({
action:function (argument){
alert ("E-mobile opens the form link and triggers this callback function after return/submit");
Third Method: redirect
This way url you need to pass parameters returnUrl and transcode to specify the return/submit address.
If it is EM client to use mode one or mode two! (viewUrl +"& returnUrl="+window.encodeURIComponent "/test.jsp?param1=test11¶m2=test22"));
2.1 Register intercept event, specify action pre-execution trigger, and block/release follow-up actions
Support multiple registrations, execute in order of registration; support asynchronous ajax, avoid request jam Scenario 1: perform custom logic and block/release before submi, save, returnn, forward, withdraw, etc Scenario 2: execute custom logic and block/allow follow-up action before add/detele detail row
Type of action | Note | Minimum Version |
WfForm.OPER_SAVE | Save | |
WfForm.OPER_SUBMIT | Submission/approval/submission feedback/no feedback | |
WfForm.OPER_SUBMITCONFIRM | Submit to the confirmation page, if it is the confirmation interface, the click confirmation triggers the SUBMIT | |
WfForm.OPER_REJECT | Return | |
WfForm.OPER_REMARK | Note submission | |
WfForm.OPER_INTERVENE | Intervention | |
WfForm.OPER_FORWARD | Forwarding | |
WfForm.OPER_TAKEBACK | Compulsory recovery | |
WfForm.OPER_DELETE | Delete | |
WfForm.OPER_ADDROW | Add a line of detail and spell the serial number of the list | |
WfForm.OPER_DELROW | Delete the line and spell the list number | |
WfForm.OPER_PRINTPREVIEW | Print Preview | KB900190501 |
WfForm.OPER_EDITDETAILROW | Mobile - Edit Details | KB900191101 |
WfForm.OPER_BEFOREVERIFY | Check pre-fill trigger event | KB900191201 |
Interface name and parameter description
registerCheckEvent:function (type, fun)
Parameters | Parameter type | Required | Remarks |
type | String | Yes | Action type (see table above for details), separated by commas |
fun | Function | Yes | The custom function is entered into the body of the success function that performs callback, custom logic completion or asynchronous ajax, and the release needs to be called callback, does not call to block subsequent operations |
jQuery().ready (function(){
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_SAVE, function(callback){
jQuery ("#field27495").val(" Save automatic assign value");
callback()// continue to submit to callback, no callbacck means break
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_SAVE +,"+WfForm.OPER_SUBMIT,function(callback){
//... Execute user-defined logic
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_ADDROW +"1", function(callback){
alert (" execute logic before adding detail 1, detail 1 is OPER_ADDROW+1, and so on ");
callback()// Allows you to continue adding row calls callback, else break
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.Oper_DELROW +"2", function(callback){
alert(" Execution logic before deleting detail 2");
callback();// Allows continued deletion of line calls callback, else break
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_PRINTPREVIEW, function(callback){
alert(" Control default print preview window ");
alert(" this interface needs to be executed before the jump route, the component library provides this mechanism when the component library provides this mechanism ");
window.WfForm.printTimeout =3000;// product is the default delay 1s to pop-up, can control the delay time here
callback();// Allows continued pop-up calls callback, else break
WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.Oper_EDITDETAILROW, function (callback, params){
alert (JSON.stringify (params);/ parameter contains which list and which line is currently clicked
callback();// Allow jump detail edit window without calling block jump
Support multiple call registration and execute in order of registration
Type | Note | Minimum Version |
WfForm.ACTION_ADDROW | Add a line of detail and spell the serial number of the list | KB900190407 |
WfForm.ACTION_DELROW | Delete the line and spell the list number | KB900190407 |
WfForm.ACTION_EDITDETAILROW | Mobile-edit line, list number | KB900190501 |
WfForm.ACTION_SWITCHDETAILPAGING | Switching detail pages | KB900191201 |
WfForm.ACTION_SWITCHTABLAYOUT | Switch template layout tab | KB900191201 |
Interface name and parameter description
registerAction:function(actionname, fn)
Parameters | type | Required | Remarks |
actionname | String | Yes | Action type, see table above |
fn | Function | Yes | Trigger event |
Example |
WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_ADDROW +"1", function(index){
alert (" Add line subscript" +index);
// subscript from 1, detail 1 add line trigger event, register function entry parameter is new line subscript
WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_DELROW +"2", function(arg){
alert (" Delete row subscript set is "+arg.join(","");
});// subscript from 1, detail 2 delete line trigger event
WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_SWITCHDETAILPAGING, function (groupid){
alert (" Switching detail table page "+(groupid+1) +"trigger event");//Page number trigger event
WfForm.registerAction (Wform.ACTION_SWITCHTABLAYOUT, function(tabid){
alert (" Switch to tag item "+tabid+" Trigger event ");
This method support to achieve multi-form, multi-environment, code block commonly using; decoupling code block specified fieldid convertFieldNameToId:function (fieldname, symbol, prefix)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldname | String | Yes | Field name |
symbol | String | No | Form label, main table (main)/ specific schedule (detail_1), default main |
prefix | Boolean | No | Returns whether the value needs to field a string prefix, default to true |
var fieldid =WfForm.convertFieldNameToId ("zs");
var fieldid =WfForm.convertFieldNameToId ("zs_mx","detail_1");
var fieldid =WfForm.convertFieldNameToId ("zs_mx","detail_1", false);
getFieldValue:function (fieldMark)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
var fieldvalue = WfForm.getFieldValue ("field110");
3.3 Modify a single field value
This method modifies fields that, if they involve trigger linkage, cell formatting, etc., automatically trigger linkage/format change values in a format similar to other scenarios changeFieldValue:(fieldmark, valueInfo)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
valueInfo | JSON | Yes | The field value information, the non-browsing button field format is {value:" modified value "}; the specialobj is browsing button information, array format; the showhtml property is only valid for single line text type and read-only; |
// Modify field types such as text boxes, multi-line text, selection boxes, etc
WfForm.changeFieldValue ("field123",{ value:"1.234"});
// Modify the value of the browse field to have specialobj array structure objects
WfForm.changeFieldValue ("field11_2"),{
{id:"2",name:" Zhang San},
{id:"3",name:" Li Si}
// Modify the check box field (0 unchecked ,1 checked)
WfForm.changeFieldValue ("field123",{ value :"1"});
// For single-line text-box type, read-only, support display values that are inconsistent with library values
WfForm.changeFieldValue ("field123"),{
value:" actual value of storage ",
showhtml:" interface display value "
changeFieldAttr:function (fieldMark, viewAttr)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${fieldID}_field${line number} |
viewAttr | int | Yes | Change the status of the field ,1:Read-Only ,2:Editable ,3:Mandatory ,4:Hidden the field label and content |
WfForm.changeFieldAttr ("field110",1);// field changed to read-only
WfForm.changeFieldAttr ("field110",4);// field label and content are hidden, the effect is consistent with the display attribute hidden, only support the main table field
changeSingleField:function (fieldMark, valueInfo, variableInfo)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${fieldID}_field${linenumber} |
valueInfo | JSON | No | Field value information, consistent with interface 2 format, example :{value:" modified value "} |
variableInfo | JSON | No | Change property, example :{ viewAttr:3} |
WfForm.changeSingleField (" field110",{ value :" modified value "},{ viewAttr:"1"});// modified value and set it to read-only
changeMoreField:function (changeDatas, changeVariable)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
changeMoreField | JSON | Yes | Modified field value information set |
changeVariable | SON | No | Modified field display property collection |
WfForm.changeMoreField ({
field110:{value:" the modified value "},
{id:"2",name:" Zhang San "}{ id:"3",name:" Li Si "}
Note: Manually triggering all linkage involved in a single field, including field linkage, SQL linkage, date-time calculation, field assignment, formula, row rules, display attribute linkage, selection box linkage, bindPropertyChange event binding, etc.
Scenario: triggered subprocesses open default non-execution field linkage, archive node view form non-execution linkage
triggerFieldAllLinkage: (fieldmark)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
// form opens the linkage to enforce a field linkage
WfForm.triggerFieldAllLinkage("field110");// execute all linkage involved in the field
Note: obtain field information according to field ID, JSON format, including name, type, read-only properties, etc.
getFieldInfo:function (fieldid)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldid | String | Yes | Field ID, without any indication |
Return value propoeties description
Parameter | Remarks |
htmltype | field large type (text/multiline text...) |
detailtype | field small type (integer/float...) |
fieldname | field database name |
fieldlabel | field display name |
viewattr | field attribute (1: read-only 2: editable 3: required) |
This method is to obtain field display properties in real time, including possible changes such as display property linkage, code interface change, done, detail existing fields can not be modified, not only field properties of background configuration;
If you only want to obtain field properties of background configuration, call interface 3.8 return value viewattr property
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${fieldID}_field${linenumber} |
WfForm.getFieldCurViewAttr("field110_2");// Get detail field properties ,1: read-only ,2: editable ,3: mandatory; all done read-only;
Field value change will trigger the bound function, can be bound multiple times BindFieldChangeEvent:function (fieldMarkStr, funobj)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMarkStr | String | Yes | The binding field is marked, separated by multiple spliced commas, such as: field110( main field), field111_2( fine field )……) |
funobj | Function | Yes | The function passes the following three parameters by default, parameter 1: the DOM object of the trigger field, parameter 2: the mark of the trigger field (field27555, etc.), parameter 3: the modified value |
WfForm.bindFieldChangeEvent("field27555,field27556",function(obj, id, value){
console.log ("Wform.bindFieldChangeEvent--", obj, id, value);
Binding for newly added detail line fields and loaded fine line fields, and value changes trigger bound event bindDetailFieldChangeEvent:function (fieldMarkStr, funobj)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMarkStr | String | Yes | Binding detail fields, can not be underlined, can be separated by multiple splicing commas, for example: field110,field111 |
funobj | Function | Yes | Field value changes trigger custom functions, which by default pass the following three parameters, parameter 1: field mark (field27583), parameter 2: line mark, parameter 3: modified value |
WfForm.bindDetailFieldChangeEvent("field27583, field27584", function(id, rowIndex, value){
console.log(" Wform.bindDetailFieldChangeEvent --", id, rowIndex, value);
4.3 Field area binding action event
Recommend to use this method to develop, because this interface click, double-click and other actions are not bound to the field element, the interface bound to the cell All functions can be implemented in a formula
Type | Remarks |
onblur | Gets focus events that support only single-line text field types |
onfocus | Lost focus events, single-line text type only supported |
onclick | Click the event, where the field is in the cell area click trigger |
ondbclick | Double-click event, where field cell area double-click trigger |
mouseover | Mouse move event, mouse move field cell area trigger |
mouseout | Mouse out of the event, mouse out of the field where the cell area triggered |
bindFieldAction:function (type, fieldids, fn)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
type | String | Yes | Action types, see table above |
fieldids | String | Yes | Fields id collections, separated by multiple commas, and detail fields are not underlined for all lines |
fn | Function | Yes | Trigger function, which enters the parameter to receive two parameters, fieldid and rowIndex line numbers |
WfForm.bindFieldAction("onfocus ","field111, field222", function(fieldid, rowIndex){
Gets the focus trigger event alert("single-line text field111");
alert (get focus trigger event in line 222 of the "detail +rowIndex+");
WfForm.bindFieldAction("onclick ","field333",function(){
Click the trigger event alert(" the browse button field, not the magnifying glass selection, but the entire field in the cell area click will trigger "(");
Minimum version requirements :KB900190407
this interface is effective only for single-line text-box field types, Database field type is varchar
Display effect, events, field value could be controlled by each other, The editable field values modified through interface 3.3 will also be recorded.
System will pass in relevant props, React Developer Tools could used to grab data, Call on demand
proxyFieldComp:function (fieldMark, el, range)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
el | React Comp | Yes | Components rendered |
range | String | No | Scope of action, default all ,(1: read-only ,2: editable ,3: required), comma separated after combination |
WfForm.proxyFieldComp("field111", React.createElement(" div "),{
children:" sub-items "
// Custom rendering when Field 111 is read-only, editable, and required
WfForm.proxyFieldComp ("field222_1","<div> custom rendering field</div>","2,3");
// Custom rendering when Detail table field 222 is editable/required
Minimum Version Requirements : KB900190407
Add addtional user-defined rendering for after Method Based on Standard Fields Display Content
This interface parameter description and usage is similar to interface 4.4
afterFieldComp:function (field Mark, el, range)
href:"/test.jsp? userid="+WfForm.getFieldValue "("field222"),
children:" Custom link "
// Field 111 Appends and renders a custom link with read-only, editable, and required
Minimum version: KB900190701
Customize render form fields with function return values, support all field types, implement add/override/relayout based on original components, etc.
It is recommended to combine ecode together, to call before module loading, use JSX, to customization
This interface related to form field rendering with a higher priority than 4.4,4.5, that is, fields using this interface proxy, such as 4.4,4.5 will be invalid immediately
proxyFieldContentComp:function (fieldid, FN)
Inteface Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
field | String | Yes | Format |
fn | Function | Yes | Proxy function, which must have a return value that returns a custom rendered component |
Function Parameters of Proxy
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
info | JSON | Yes | Field base information including field values, field properties, etc |
compFn | Function | Yes | Proxy former field component function through which the original component can be obtained |
WfForm.proxyFieldContentComp("111",function(info, compFn){
console.log ("fieldid:",info.fieldid);
console.log ("line number :", info.rowIndex);
console.log ("field-only required attribute :", info.viewAttr);
console.log ("fieldvalue :", info.fieldValue);
// Returns custom rendered components
return React.createElement ("div",{},["play as you want");
// Return the original component
return compFn();
// Returns a copy component based on the original component
return React.createElement ("div",{},["pre-component", compFn()," post-component "]);
// If this interface call is made in blocks of code, custompage, etc .(non-module before loading), render fields once
Minimum Version: KB900190701
Get the field component according to the field identification, that is, the field component can be extracted separately and rendered anywhere. Note that the read-only editable properties of the field still need to be set up in the background in advance
It is recommended to work with the ecode, using the JSX, and then combined with the designer custom properties or interface 4.6, can achieve a certain area custom typesetting layout rendering multiple form field
Interface Parameters Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${field_ID}_field${Detail Row ID} |
// Examples of detailed multi-field, sub-specific requirements
Step 1: Template cells give custom class:area_1
Step 2: Custom typesetting rendering area_1 area
ReactDOM.render <div>
</div>, document.getElementByclassName("area_1");
//for reference only, parameter 2 is to distinguish row numbers from specific cells
addDetailRow:function (detailMark, initAddRowData ={})
Parameters Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
initAddRowData | JSON | No | Set the initial value after adding, in {field110:{value:"11"},field112:{value:"22"},…}, note key without underlining |
// Detail 2 Add a line and assign field111 to the newly added line field
WfForm.addDetailRow (" detail_2",{ field111:{ value :" initial value "});
// Dynamic field assignment, detail 1 adds a line and assigns a begindate field name
var begindatefield =WfForm.convertFieldNameToId (" beginate "," detail_1");
var addObj ={};
addObj[begindatefield]={ value:"2019-03-01"};}
WfForm.addDetailRow (" detail_1", addObj);
// Don't recommend this dynamic key writing, IE do n' t support it, avoid it
WfForm.addDetailRow (" detail_1",{[ beginfield ]:{ value :"2019-03-01"}})
delDetailRow:function (deleteMark, rowIndexMark)
Note: This method empties the details selected and there is no confirmation box indicating whether to delete
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
rowIndexMark | String | Yes | Delete all lines: all, delete some lines :"1,2,3" |
WfForm.delDetailRow("detail_1","all");// Delete all lines in detail 1
WfForm.delDetailRow("detail_1","3,6");// Delete line 3,6 in detail 1
checkDetailRow: function(detailMark, rowIndexMark,needClearBeforeChecked)
Note: This method is flexible and can be used to clear selected logic by needClearBeforeChecked parameters
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
rowIndexMark | String | No | All rows to be selected: all, Central Branch :"1,2,3" |
needClearBeforeChecked | Boolean | No | Need to clear selected |
WfForm.checkDetailRow("detail_2","all");// tick all lines in detail 2
WfForm.checkDetailRow("detail_2","true";// Clear detail 2 All selected
WfForm.checkDetailRow("detail_2","3,6", true);// Clear detail 2 All selected, then tick the row marked 3,6
WfForm.checkDetailRow("detail_2","7", false);
// Keep the selected record and append the selected row marked 7
getDetailAllRowIndexStr:function (detailMark)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
console.log(Wform.getDetailAllRowIndexStr("detail_2");// Output 1.3.etc
Minimum Version: KB900190501
getDetailCheckedRowIndexStr:function (detail Mark)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
console.log(Wform.getDetailCheckedRowIndexStr("detail_2");// output select line 1.3.etc
note: background configuration of the gray line (not allowed to delete), does not support through this API control
controlDetailRowDisableCheck:function (detailMark, rowIndexMark, disabledCheck)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | true | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
rowIndexMark | String | Yes | All rows to be selected: all, Central Branch :"1,2,3" |
disableCheck | boolean | true | true: not allow; false: allowed |
WfForm.controlDetailRowDisableCheck("detail_1","all", true);// Detail 1 All rows checkboxes are not checked
WfForm.controlDetailRowDisableCheck("detail_1","1,2", false);
// Detail 1 row marked 1,2 row release ash, allow tick
Note: only the interface effect is hidden, the serial number will not change, that is, the front and rear row serial number of the hidden row will be fault discontinuous
controlDetailRowDisplay:function (detail Mark, rowIndex Mark, need Hide)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | true | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
rowIndexMark | String | Yes | All rows to be selected: all, Central Branch :"1,2,3" |
needHide | boolean | true | Hide rows, true: hide, false: display |
WfForm.controlDetailRowDisplay ("detail_1","3,5", true);/The hidden display of line 1 marked 3,5 is not shown
WfForm.controlDetailRowDisplay ("detail_1","all", false);
// Detail 1 All lines are not hidden
getDetailRowKey:function (fieldMark) for the detail existing rows.
This method takes effect only for the detail existing rows, with newly added rows/non-existent rows returning to -1
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} for locating which list belongs |
WfForm.getDetailRowKey("field 112_3");// Gets the primary key in the fourth line of detail
getDetailRowCount:function (detail Mark)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
console.log (Wform.getDetailRowCount("detail_2");// output detail head office number, note that this result only represents detail head office number, can not be used as loop line
minimum version requirements: KB900190501
scenario: implement custom logic before adding lines, limit how many lines to add invalid, do not allow deletion, etc.
Use registration function mechanism, check details at section 2.1
Trigger events using hook mechanism, check detials at section 2.2
minimum version requirements: KB900190501
only for mobile client edit detail line, hook mechanism, check detials at section 2.2
setDetailAddUseCopy:function (detailMark, needCopy)
When adding detail: this method is called at ready, the last line field content is automatically assigned when the manual add new row, the settings before the node and the default value are overwritten, and the attachment upload field is not copied.
Note: E9 is the asynchronous ready after the execution of the point to add details to take effect, such as the default new empty details invalid; Parameter
Description Parameter
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
detailMark | String | Yes | A list indicates that detail 1 is detail_1, incremental analogy |
needCopy | Boolean | Yes | true: enable, false: disable |
WfForm.setDetailAddUseCopy("detail_1", true);
Minimum version requirements: KB900190601
scenario: according to the subscript of the line, obtain the current line details, can be used to prompt such a line exception
getDetailRowSerailNum:function (mark, rowIndex)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
mark | String | Yes | The list indicates that two formats detail_${ dindex} or fielddetail_${}{ rowIndex} are supported |
rowIndex | Int | Yes | Line identification, the first format detail_${ dindex} to pass this parameter |
WfForm.getDetailRowSerailNum("detail_1",3);// Gets a row number marked 3 in detail 1
WfForm.getDetailRowSerailNum("field222_3");// Gets the row number marked 3 under the corresponding list of fields 222
Description: including workflow id、 node id、 form id, primary and secondary account information
console.log(Wform.getBaseInfo();// Returns the underlying information for the current request
// Output description:
f_weaver_belongto_userid:"5240"//user information
formid:-2010// form id
isbill:"1"// new/old form
nodeid:19275// node id
id requestid:4487931// request id
workflowid:16084// workflow id
showMessage:function controlling display time (msg, type, duration)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
msg | String | true | Information content |
type | int | false | Prompt type ,1(warning),2(error),3(success),4(general), default is 1, different types of prompt messages have different effects |
duration | Float | false | How long automatically disappears, per second, default is 1.5 seconds |
WfForm.showMessage("end time should be greater than start time")// warning information should disappear automatically after 1.5 s "); and
WfForm.showMessage("operation error",2,10);// error message disappeared after 10s
Note: compatible with mobile, custom confirmation content and button name
showConfirm:function (content, okEvent, cancelEvent, otherInfo ={})
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
content | String | Yes | Confirmation of information |
okEvent | Function | Yes | Click Confirm Event |
cancelEvent | Function | No | Click Cancel Event |
otherInfo | Object | No | Custom information (button name) |
WfForm.showConfirm("confirm to delete?", function(){
alert("Delete successfully");
WfForm.showConfirm("Do you need any technical support?", function(){
alert("Click confirm to call some functions or trigger some event");
}, function(){
alert(Click Cancel to call some functions or trigger some event);
title:"Confirmation "// The title, valid on PC only
okText:"Need "// custom confirmation button name
cancelText:"No need" // custom cancel button name
Description: Set Form Top Button, Right-click Menu disable and restore to enable
isDisabledcontrolBtnDisabled:function (isDisabled)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
isDisabled | boolean | Yes | true:button all disable can not be operated, false: recovery button can be operated |
function subimtForm(params){
WfForm.controlBtnDisabled(true);// action button ash
Description: call right-click event logic, call only, do not allow override
doRightBtnEvent:function (type)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
type | String | Yes | Button |
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_SUBBACKNAME");// Feedback required to trigger submission
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_SUBMIT");// no feedback required to trigger submission
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_WFSAVE");// Trigger save
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_REJECTNAME");// trigger return
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_FORWARD");// Trigger forwarding
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_REMARKADVICE");// Trigger Consultation
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_TURNTODO");// Trigger transfer
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_DORETRACT");// Trigger forced recovery
WfForm.doRightBtnEvent("BTN_PRINT");// Trigger print
force refresh the form page, default to current requestid
reloadPage:function (params ={})
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
params | Object | No | Custom parameters, overrides default parameters |
WfForm.reloadPage({requestid :"11"});// coverage parameters
Only supports the mobile side, especially the non-main form user interface (for example: detail editing) needs to open the link in this way. By opening the link this way, the return does not refresh the form
window.showHoverWindow:function (url, baseRoute)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
url | String | Yes | Open link address |
baseRoute | String | Yes | The current routing address is specified in the url address, and the detail edit opens the req/editDetailRow'/ pass |
window.showHoverWindow('/workflow/test.jsp','/req');// main interface opens the link
window.showHoverWindow('','/req/editDetailRow'');// The detail line edit interface opens the link
Minimum version:KB900190801
Custom extension parameters sent to the server, the server can take the corresponding parameter value recommendation by request.getParameter
Suggest: the extended custom parameters start with cus_, Avoid affecting / covering the parameters necessary for standard products, resulting function abnormal
appendSubmitParam:function (obj ={})
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
obj | Object | No | JSON Format Custom Parameters |
WfForm.appendSubmitParam({cus_param1:"11", cus_param2:" Test "});// The server can take parameter value request.getParameter through the request object (" cus_param1"):
Minimum version: KB900191201
scenario: call the required verification logic of the product to obtain the first field that may not be filled in;
For example, work with WfForm.OPER_BEOPER_BEFOREVERIFY in section 2.1 to control custom control promptsgetFirstRequiredEmptyField:function()
var emptyField =WfForm.getFirstRequiredEmptyField()// Gets the first field not necessarily filled in at the call time, and the return value format is `field${ fieldid}_$}{}{}}}{
minimum version: KB900191201
manually trigger one time required field verification and prompt, optional control check must add empty detail / check field required
verifyFormRequired:function (mustAddDetail =true,fieldRequired=true)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
mustAddDetail | Boolean | No | Check whether you must add an empty detail by default |
fieldRequired | Boolean | No | Check fields must be filled in by default |
WfForm.verifyFormRequired();/ trigger must fill in verification and prompt, check must add empty details first, then check field must fill in
var result =WfForm.verifyFormRequired (false, true);// Check fields only must be filled in and prompted
if (! result)
alert(' there is a situation where it may not be filled in');
Limit condition: only applicable to non-date browse button type
Scenario: control browse button optional data range, limit range, dependent form field filter data range, etc.; for Lenovo input range and pop-up window selection range;
Implementation: interface expansion parameters will be submitted to the server interface through url parameters, need to modify the browse button interface class to take effect
appendBrowserDataUrlParam:function (field Mark, jsonParam)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field |
jsonParam | JSON | Yes | url |
WfForm.appendBrowserDataUrlParam("field395",{"customerid ":"2"});// Add url parameter customerid to browse button 395 when requesting background data
Limit condition: Only for Non-date browse button only
Get multiple browse button value, split string with splitChar
getBrowserShowName:function(fieldMark, splitChar)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
splitChar | String | No | delimiter, separated by comma by default |
WfForm.getBrowserShowName("field110");// Gets a comma-separated browse button field display value
Limit condition: Only for selection box
removeSelectOption:function only (fieldMark, optionkeys)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
optionKeys | String | Yes | Option options key values to be removed, multiple separated by commas |
WfForm.removeSelectOption("field112","3,4");// Removes the option in id selection box with a value of 3/4
Limit condition: Only for selection box
controlSelectOption:function only (fieldMark, optionkeys)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
optionKeys | String | Yes | Fully control the range of options in the selection box |
WfForm.controlSelectOption("field112","1,2,4");// The control selection box shows only 1/2/4 options
WfForm.controlSelectOption("field112","");// Clear all options in the box
Limit condition: Only for selection box
Get multiple selection box value, split string with splitChar
getSelectShowName:function(fieldMark, splitChar)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
splitChar | String | No | Separator, separated by comma by default (used only with multiple checkboxes) |
WfForm.getSelectShowName("field110_3");// Gets the value displayed in the field of the selection box
7.6 When text field is editable, if empty value display default gray prompt, mouse click input prompt disappear
Limit condition: only for single line text, integer, floating, multi-line text field (non-html) field type; support main field and detail field
setTextFieldEmptyShowContent:function (fieldMark, showContent)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
showContent | String | Yes | Hint information displayed when null, gray |
WfForm.setTextFieldEmptyShowContent("field 27555"," single text default prompt information 1");
WfForm.setTextFieldEmptyShowContent("field 27566"," Multi-text default prompt 2");
WfForm.setTextFieldEmptyShowContent("field222_0"," detail field prompt information ");// need to be used in conjunction with additional row events in interface 5.9
Supports only the browse button type, please use carefully, will completely overrides the browse button props
only passes props, the specific passed properties implement what requirements are controlled by internal function
overrideBrowserProp: function(fieldMark,jsonParam)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
jsonParam | JSON | Yes | Extending or copying props parameters |
Example WfForm.overrideBrowserProp("field111"){
onBeforeFocusCheck:function (success, failure){/***/}
});// Copy the props of the Browse button field 111
Minimum version: KB900190501
Only support date type, control manual selection of date range
controlDateRange:function (fieldMark, start, end)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | field designation, format field${ field ID}_field${ line number} |
start | String | Yes | Support for two formats, the first standard date format, such as 2019-05-28, the second integer, how many days before / after the current date |
end | String No | Format and start parameters consistent |
Example WfForm.controlDateRange("field111",-5,10);// Limit the optional range of dates, five days forward and 10 days later
WfForm.controlDateRange("field111",0,'2019-12-31')// Limit today to this year
WfForm.controlDateRange("field222_0",'2019-05-01','2019-05-31');// detail field, limiting the month
Minimum version: KB900190501
only supports single line text box in the selection box, the printing scnario, whether only the selected text is displayed, and the display empty if no selected
controlRadioPrintText: function(fieldid)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
fieldMark | String | Yes | fields id, format ${fields ID}, support detail fields |
WfForm.controlRadioPrintText("12580");// radio field 12580 print text
minimum version: KB900190501
WfForm.getSignRemark():// Get the signature comments
Minimum version : KB900190501
setSignRemark:function (text, is Clear =true,isAfter=true,callback)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
text | String | Yes | Content to be set |
isClear | Boolean | No | Whether to clear the opinion first, the default true, is to cover the content of the opinion, false for additional comments |
isAfter | Boolean | No | The additional position, default true, the original opinion content tail append, false the head add |
callback | Function | No | Callback function after opinion setting is successful |
WfForm.setSignRemark("override the content of the signature setting comment ");
WfForm.setSignRemark("additional request for approval before the original opinion ", false,false);
Signature Input Box Bottom Button supports Custom Extended
appendSignEditorBottomBar:function (comps =[]) based on built-in accessories, documents, processes)
Parameter Description
Parameter | type | Required | Remarks |
comps | React Comp Array | Yes | Arrays of React components to be expanded |
WfForm.appendSignEditorBottomBar ([
React.createElement("div ",{className :" wf-req-signbtn ", children :" custom button 1"}),
<div> custom button 2</ div<div>
The following configuration changes are valid for all current ecology system workflow
Default sysadmin account login, change configuration in the browser url calls the interface
value parameters (font) range
Font Valye | - |
仿宋_GB2312/FangSong_GB2312 | |
宋体/SimSun | |
微软雅黑/Microsoft YaHei | |
楷体/KaiTi | |
黑体/SimHei | |
Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif | |
新宋体/NSimSun | |
楷体_GB2312/KaiTi_GB2312 |
sysadmin account login, in the browser to call the interface to modify the configuration
api/workflow/index/updateWfConfig?// name=signinput_default_fontsize&value=36/36px
value parameter (font size) range
Font Size | - | - | - |
8/8px | 9/9px | 10/10px | 11/11px |
12/12px | 14/14px | 16/16px | 18/18px |
20/20px | 22/22px | 24/24px | 26/26px |
28/28px | 36/36px | - | - |
sysadmin access link modification configuration, real-time effect
value parameter 1 closes ,0 opens
cache task parameters and cleans data cache pages (task functions: save forms, open forms for custom browse box data caching and refresh, and clean custom browse box cache data bulk cleaning and single process cleaning)
scenarios: E9 limits the content to support html formats only if the field type is multiline text and check the field
A single-line text field, a multi-line text field, is not supported, but in some scenarios such field values are assigned through html external interface, etc This can be done by reconfiguring
Step 1: Find fields that need to support html format id( see the lower right corner through the Form Designer Template Cell (s), Suppose the field id is 12345, the format is: field12345_1 (In the case of an old form, the format is to select the generated form from the field library field12345_0, the old form refers to the field, usually before E8 system)
**Step 2: **
Perform SQL(different databases convert splices)
update workflow_config set value=value||, field12345_1'where name=‘support_html_textarea_field'
**Step 3: **
Restart resin effective
minimum version requirements: KB900190801
sysadmin access link modification configuration, real-time effect
value parameter 1 on ,0 off, default closed
9.6 When the horizontal scroll bar is enable in detail table, the first line (where the button is located) is fixed without following the scroll bar rolling
minimum version requirement: KB900191101
Scenario: detail open horizontal scroll bar, first line does not contain type other than button/text, first line contains add delete button and is in non-column locked area
Meet the above 3 conditions, the first row will be fixed, not follow the horizontal scroll bar rolling
There may be an inconsistency between the first line and the next line depending on the template
sysadmin access link modification configuration, real-time effect
value parameter 1 lock ,0 unlock, default lock
9.7 The detail fields sum total assign to the main field, when the detail does not add rows, assign zero or null
scenarios: configure the columns aggregate to the main field, when the detail does not add rows, the main table aggregates fields
Some scenarios need to be assigned empty to check the required
Certain scenarios need to be assigned to zero for export check
sysadmin access link modification configuration, effective in real time
value parameter 1 assigns zero value and 0 null value by default
Minimum Version : KB900191001
sysadmin access link modification configuration, real-time effect
value parameter 1 on ,0 off
minimum version: KB900191101:
sysadmin access link modification configuration, real-time effect
value parameter 1 on ,0 off, default closed
minimum version: KB900190308
Change configuration file:
mobileWFOffice parameter 1 open 0 close, after opening display sign approval button, otherwise do not display sign approval button
mobilePDFSign Minimum version requirements: KB900190901
mobilePDFSign configuration items are only valid for pdf files
mobilePDFSign parameter 1 pdf after the document is signed and approved, parameter 2 is placed in the attachment of the signature opinion. After the document is signed and approved, the original document parameter 3 is replaced directly by the user's choice to sign and approve, and then placed in the attachment of the signature opinion or replace the original document
Base on customer requirement, the style could be changed flexible
For the current template only --> write in the code block
Only valid for all nodes of the current workflow --> written on the workflow basic settings - Custom page (CSS file)
Take effect on all system workflows-> write in application settings-global custom page (CSS file)
Note: if you write in a code block, you need to wrap a layer of style label, no need in CSS file
scenarios: detail add delete button, always right display, how to achieve left display Insert style to code block :
No label is required if edit in css file
Scenario: inserts images in cell, always tiled from top left, how to center, how to scale adaptively
Minimum Version Requirements: KB900190901 Add custom attributes class identification to the cell where the picture is located:
The cell width is larger than the picture size, aligen picture in centere, add below style:
The width of the cell is smaller than the size of the picture, image adaptive zoom display with cell, adding style:
Scenario: Browse button link color is not controlled by cell color, how to modify browse button link color
Option 1: KB900190901 or more required Access the following link through the sysadmin account, to start configuration, after opening the browse button link color completely take the cell set color
api/workflow/index/updateWfConfig?name=browser_color_controlByCell&value=1 (value parameter 0 closes ,1 turns on, default closes)
Option 2: No system version limitation
Add custom attributes class identification to the cell where the Browse button is located:
Added style
.browserColorCell a{color:red! important}// force a link to the browse button to appear in red
Scenario: main table selection box field, minimum width requirement 100 px, when the selected item is only "yes / no ", how to reduce the width again Add a custom attribute class identification to the cell where the selection box is located:
Added style
.selectCell .wea-select{min-width:50px! important}