WebEngage is a full-stack marketing automation suite that drives growth for consumer businesses. This iOS Sample Application demonstrates how easily you can integrate these application features.
Track Events: Event tracking includes both system and custom events. You can set events for your users.
Track Screens: With track screen, you can set screen names and screen data.
User Attributes: In user attributes, you can set various values for the user profile, such as first name and last name. You can also add custom fields. Additionally, you can view the opt-in status for your user's channel reachability.
Inline: Inline is a feature for app personalization. You can set up your campaign anywhere in the application.
App Inbox: We are currently working on this feature, and it will be rolled out soon.
WEGLicenseCode: You can find your License Code on the WebEngage dashboard.
For more information, visit: https://docs.webengage.com/docs/ios-troubleshooting#section-1-where-do-i-find-webengage-license-code-required-for-sdk-integration-
After cloning the project, follow these steps:
Go to the project folder. Open the terminal in the project folder. Run the following command:
pod install