This is simply a pass-through wrapper to the NewRelic PHP Agent API in a namespaced class available via composer. No magic here.
Add intouch/newrelic
to your composer requirements:
"require": {
"intouch/newrelic": ">=1.0.2"
###Basic Use
The most basic use is to simple include the class:
use Intouch\Newrelic\Newrelic;
$newrelic = new Newrelic();
This will load the class and, if the NewRelic agent is installed, give you access to the API. If the agent is not installed, it will simply act as a pass-through and return false from all methods.
If you want some notification if the NewRelic agent cannot be loaded, pass true to the constructor:
use Intouch\Newrelic\Newrelic;
$newrelic = new Newrelic( true );
If the agent API is not found, this will now throw a \RuntimeException.