难度: Easy
Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator + and -.
Example 1:
Input: a = 1, b = 2
Output: 3
Example 2:
Input: a = -2, b = 3
Output: 1
思路 1 - 时间复杂度: O(1)- 空间复杂度: O(1)******
参考Simple explanation on how to arrive at the solution
首先来看一个例子: 2+3
2: 0 1 0
3: 0 1 1
2+3: 0(1)0 1
即除了括号以外的001其实可以通过2 xor 3得到
2^3: 0 0 1
2&3: 0 1 0
2&3 << 1: 1 0 0
此时将我们的2^3 与(2&3 << 1) 做异或即为结果
class Solution {
public int getSum(int a, int b) {
int c;
while(b !=0 ) {
c = (a&b);
a = a ^ b;
b = (c)<<1;
return a;
但是java直接翻译成python却会在a和b中有负数时 tle,
class Solution:
def getSum(self, a, b):
:type a: int
:type b: int
:rtype: int
while b != 0:
tmp = a
a = a ^ b
b = (tmp & b) << 1
return a
class Solution:
def getSum(self, a, b):
:type a: int
:type b: int
:rtype: int
MIN_INT = 0x80000000
MASK = 0x100000000
while b != 0:
a, b = (a ^ b) % MASK, ((a & b) << 1) % MASK
return a if a <= MAX_INT else ~((a % MIN_INT) ^ MAX_INT)
a supplement:
A simple explanation on why b will eventually become zero:
Suppose in the first iteration a&b = 1011 0101 , pay attention to all the zero bits.
(1) the operation a&b << 1 will introduce an 0-bit and has the ability to reduce a head 1-bit. For example 1011 0101=> 0011 1010, the first 1-bit is removed and a brand new 0-bit is introduced at the end.
Thus, after assign a&b<<1 to b, b has less 1-bit and more 0-bit than a&b .
(2) Continue iterating, the operation a & b preserves all the 0-bit in b no matter what a· is, as 0&(.) = 0.
Thus, combining (1) and (2), b will hold less and less 1-bit during the iteration, and eventually become zero.