Data for the WWR role generator
"generator_settings": {
"start_power": <Integer>, // the starting value of the role, each ability adds or substracts to it
"minimum_power": <Integer>, // the weakest allowed role
"maximum_power": <Integer>, // the strongest allowed role
"double_name": <Boolean>, // in case only one ability is chosen, is it allowed to use both of the name segments from that ability?
"random_abilities": <Boolean> // if false, guarantees an ability from the first pool is selected
"win_condition": "0) <Text>\n", // the base win condition
"default": {"noun": "<Noun>", "adjective": "<Adjective>", "power": 0, "basics": "", "details": "", "win": "", "setup": "", "role": ""},
// the default noun and adjective for the team
"abilities_names": [
"<Ability Pool #1 Name>",
"<Ability Pool #2 Name>"
// Names for the ability pools
"abilities": [
{"noun": "<Noun>", "adjective": "<Adjective>", "power": <Power Integer>, "basics": "<Basics Desc>", "details": "<Details Desc>", "win": "<Win Condition Desc>", "setup": "<Setup Commands>", "role": "<Additional Roles>"},
{"noun": "", "adjective": "", "power": 0, "basics": "", "details": "", "win": "", "setup": "", "role": ""},
{"noun": "", "adjective": "", "power": 0, "basics": "", "details": "", "win": "", "setup": "", "role": ""},