NikeShoes-frontend - This is the frontend of an e-commerce that aims to sell/buy Nike sneakers, done with typescript and tests with jest to make sure that everything works well besides using its own backend to consume it in the application.
- - Register an account
- - Login with one account already exist
- - Filter products by women's and men's shoes
- - Put products in your cart
- - Increment and decrement quantity products from cart
- - Remove products from cart
- - View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size.
- - Keep track of any changes, even after refreshing the browser. (Full-Stack Application)
- - Make checkout to buy shoes
- - Logout your account
You must have the tools installed: Git, Node.js. And create a new file called: .env.local, that follow .env.example credentials example for connect with a api or execute backend this application.
# In the terminal, clone the project: $ git clone # Enter the project folder: $ cd NikeShoes-frontend # Install dependencies: $ yarn install or $ npm install # Run the application: $ yarn start or $ npm run start
Okay, now you can access the application from the route: https://localhost:3000/