GIF with autocomplete demo for all the enums and nested properties.
The module contains the latest valid status codes and messages from RFC 9110 Status Codes. It allows a comfortable error-free autocomplete of the desired statuses or messages from a typed constant, validate, manipulate grouped codes, check status code is in group or among list.
The public API exposes a number of useful elements. Namely HTTP_STATUSES
typed constant with status code objects containing all the codes from 1xx
to 5xx
, EHTTPStatusCodeGroups
enum defining code groups like "INFO", "SUCCESS", "CLIENTERR" etc., GROUPED_STATUS_CODES
that allows accessing grouped status codes, the convenience class HTTPStatusesConvenience
providing isValid
, inGroup
, ofGroup
, isAmong
, message
, normalize
There is a number of good use cases for this functionality. See the combined usage example and the API Reference. It is pretty intuitive to recognize the use cases in your concrete context.
The typed auto-completable constant containing the list HTTP status objects describing standard RFC 9110 status codes from 1xx
to 5xx
The objects has the following shape:
100: { code: 100, message: 'Continue' },
101: { code: 101, message: 'Switching Protocols' }
/* remaining objects */
import { HTTP_STATUSES } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTP_STATUSES); // { 100: { code: 100, message: 'Continue' } ... }
* Autocomplete codes and messages from list.
console.log(HTTP_STATUSES[100].code); // 100
console.log(HTTP_STATUSES[100].message); // 'Continue'
Or more practical example - the usage in a structured error class. Simplified for brevity.
import { HTTP_STATUSES, IHTTPStatus } from 'http-convenience-pack';
import { EDomainErrorCodes } from './DomainErrorCodes.enum.js';
export default class StructuredErrorVO {
public status: IHTTPStatus['code'];
constructor(code: EDomainErrorCodes) {
const mapped = ERROR_MAP[code];
this.status = mapped.status;
const ERROR_MAP: Record<EDomainErrorCodes, { status: number; }> = {
[EDomainErrorCodes.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND]: { status: HTTP_STATUSES[404].code },
[EDomainErrorCodes.ACTIVE_TASK_QUEUE_IS_FULL]: { status: HTTP_STATUSES[409].code },
Enum contains 5 groups of HTTP status codes according to the mentioned RFC, namely "INFO", "CLIENTERR", "SERVERERR", "SUCCESS", "REDIRECT".
import { EHTTPStatusCodeGroups } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(EHTTPStatusCodeGroups); // { INFO = 'info', CLIENTERR = 'clienterr', ... }
* Autocomplete groups from list.
console.log(EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.INFO); // 'info'
The list of allowed HTTP status codes grouped by HTTP status code group.
import { GROUPED_STATUS_CODES } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(GROUPED_STATUS_CODES); // { info: [ 100, 101, 102, 103 ], success: [ 200, 201, ... ] }
* Access the desired group status codes.
console.log(GROUPED_STATUS_CODES[EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.CLIENTERR]); // [ 400, 401, 402, ... ]
The static class that provides the convenience methods for HTTP codes manipulation.
Checks if the given status code is a valid HTTP status code against the HTTP_STATUSES
constant. Accepts string or number.
Signature: public static isValid(given: number | string): boolean
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isValid(300)); // true
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isValid('300')); // true
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isValid('600')); // false
Checks if a given status code belongs to a specified HTTP status code group. Accepts string or number.
Signature: public static inGroup(given: number | string, group: EHTTPStatusCodeGroups): boolean
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.inGroup(404, EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.CLIENTERR)); // true
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.inGroup('404', EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.CLIENTERR)); // true
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.inGroup('404', EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS)); // false
Retrieves the HTTP status code group for a given status code. Accepts string or number.
Signature: public static ofGroup(given: number | string): EHTTPStatusCodeGroups | null
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.ofGroup(200)); // 'success'; The value of enum EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.ofGroup('200') === EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS); // true
Checks if a given status code is among a specified (custom) list of status codes. Accepts string or number for given
parameter and number[]
group value for list
Signature: public static isAmong(given: number | string, list: number[] | TGroupsList): boolean
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
* Use list as inlined array literal.
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isAmong(200, [200, 201, 202])); // true
* Define the list in advance via autocompleted statuses.
const specific = [HTTP_STATUSES[200].code, HTTP_STATUSES[204].code];
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isAmong(200, specific)); // true
* Check against the entire group.
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.isAmong(200, GROUPED_STATUS_CODES[EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS])); // true
* That would be same as the following.
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.ofGroup(200, EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS)); // true
Retrieves the message associated with a given HTTP status code.
Signature: public static message(code: number): string | undefined
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.message(200)); // "OK"
Normalizes the code input to a numeric value.
Signature: public static normalize(input: number | string): number
import { HTTPStatusesConvenience } from 'http-convenience-pack';
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.normalize('404')); // 404
console.log(HTTPStatusesConvenience.normalize(404)); // 404