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File metadata and controls

138 lines (105 loc) · 5.24 KB


The policies are the heart of abwart. They allow you to specify which tags on which repositories should be deleted under which circumstances. We differentiate between two different type of policies: tag policies and repository policies.


You can disable any policy by assigning an empty string to it in the configuration

e.g. rule.example.revisions="" would no longer match tags based of their revision count

Affection types

Additionally, every policy is either of affection type Requirement or Target. In a sense the affection type determines when the policy is applied. Target policies are always applied before Requirement policies. The Target policies match all tags/repositories according to some kind of condition. The Requirement policies then check whether all matched tags/repositories fulfill the condition of the policy as well and un-matches the entries which don't match it.


Not all original tags which fulfill a Requirement policy should be deleted but all tags which should be deleted have to fulfill the Requirement policy

Why the affection types of policies are useful can be easily demonstrated on an example:
Assume we have 100 tags in a repository and a revision policy which only keeps the latest 10 revisions of the image. Additionally, we have a minimum age policy which requires all images to be older than 10 minutes to be deleted. From those 100 only 85 tags are older than 10 minutes.

The revisions policy marks 90 tags for deletion. Due to the minimum age policy being a Requirement policy it un-matches five of tags which were previously marked for deletion since they don't fulfil the minimum age condition.

In a sense the Requirement policies are stronger than the Target policies.


A rule with only Requirement policies without any Target policies doesn't match anything since the Requirement policies are only used to filter the matches of the Target policies and not for matching itself

Tag policies

Tag policies are used to determine which tags on an image should be marked for deletion

Revision policy

Affection type: Target

Identifier: revisions

Default: 15

The revision policy aims to only keep a specified amount of tags for an image in the registry. When there are more tags than specified in the policy it marks the excess ones for deletion. The tags are marked for deletion from oldest to newest (by creation date).


When used with other tag policies the real revision count can be higher than the specified value since there could be the case where tags which would be deleted by the revision policy are filtered out by a policy of type Requirement which retains them from being deleted

# Only keep the latest 15 tags of the image
revisions: 15

Max age policy

Affection type: Target

Identifier: age.max

Default: None

The maximum age policy marks all tags which are older than a given duration for deletion. As duration a string matching [0-9]+(ns|us|ms|[smhdwy]) is expected. The duration_string crate is used for parsing the durations.

# Mark all tags older than 30 days for deletion 
age.max: 30d

Min age policy

Affection type: Requirement

Identifier: age.min

Default: None

The minimum age policy ensures all tags which are deleted are older than a given duration. As duration a string matching [0-9]+(ns|us|ms|[smhdwy]) is expected. The duration_string crate is used for parsing the durations.

# Would only delete tags which are all older than 10 days
age.min: 10d

Tag pattern policy

Affection type: Target

Identifier: tag.pattern

Default: .+

The tag pattern policy matches all tags by name against a regex. For regex parsing the regex crate is used. Any valid regex (supported by this crate) can be used.

# Would match all tags which end in -beta or -alpha (e.g. frontend-alpha)
tag.pattern: .+-(beta|alpha)

Size policy

Affection type: Target

Identifier: size

Default: None

The size policy matches all tags which exceed the provided blob size. For size parsing the parse-size crate is used. Any valid size (supported by this crate) can be used


The library uses MiB, GiB etc. which are the binary representations instead of the usual decimal representations of the size. Therefore, 1 MiB is 1_048_576 bytes instead of 1_000_000 bytes as one might expect

# Would match all tags whose total blob size exceed 256 MiB  
size: 256 MiB

Repository policies

Repository policies are used to determine for which images a rule should be applied

Image pattern policy

Affection type: Target

Identifier: image.pattern

Default: .+

The image pattern policy matches all repositories by name against a regex. For regex parsing the regex crate is used. Any valid regex (supported by this crate) can be used.

# Would match all images which end in -beta or -alpha (e.g. frontend-alpha)
image.pattern: .+-(beta|alpha)