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File metadata and controls

127 lines (102 loc) · 3.83 KB


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A .NET Yaml Parser.
Map Yaml to .NET objects and vice versa.


Deserialize a yaml string to a object

// Read a file using a YamlReader
var reader = new YamlReader();
var item = reader.Read<Item>(filepath);

// or

// Read a string using the static Serializer
var item = Serializer.Deserialize<Item>(yml);

Serialize a object to a yaml string

// Write a file using a YamlWriter
var writer = new YamlWriter();
writer.Write(filepath, item);

// serialize an object to string
var yml = Serializer.Serialize(item);

Implemented serialization features

  • Reading YAML strings to Tokens
  • Deserializing YAML string to a POCO
  • Writing Tokens to YAML
  • Serializing POCO to YAML

Implemented YAML features


# This is a comment


Property: Value


  name: John Smith
  age: 33


  - Casablanca
  - Spellbound
  - Notorious

Inline Lists

Movies: [Casablanca, Spellbound, Notorious]

Multiline Lists

Movies: [Casablanca, 
   Spellbound, Notorious]


Movies: "Casablanca, Spellbound, Notorious"
Drive: 'c: is a drive'

Not yet implemented YAML Features



Inline Objects

User: {name: John Smith, age: 33}

Block statements

Text: |
  There was a young fellow of Warwick
  Who had reason for feeling euphoric
      For he could, by election
      Have triune erection
  Ionic, Corinthian, and Doric

WrappedText: >
  Wrapped text
  will be folded
  into a single

  Blank lines denote
  paragraph breaks

Best practice

Deserializng yaml to a Object

To deserialize a Yaml to a object, it is best to have a parameterless constructor.
If a object needs to have a constructor with parameters, the parameter names have to be the same as the properties that they are mapped to.
Else YamlMap will not be able to map the correct values to the parameters.