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Please, direct all questions about "how webpack works"/"how to configure webpack" to Google, Stack Overflow and so on!
If you do not know anything about webpack, please, read documentation of webpack at first.
Webpack is already configured in TARS for comfortable work. But you can change webpack.config.js
in the project root as you need.
By default, there is only one entry point: markup/static/js/main.js
. You can choose another entry point or points. You have to use function prepareEntryPoints
to prepare config object with entry points. It is necessary for Hot Module Replacement!
By default webpack can resolve dependencies, which is required by require
, if babel is used). You can require JavaScript file of any component in any JavaScript file of your project by using alias components
. Let's assume, that we are in markup/static/js/main.js
and we'd like to require JavaScript file from component example
. You can set relative path, but it is to difficult to calculate the correct path. So we can use alias components
import foo from 'components/example/example'; // useBabel: true
// or
const foo = require('components/example/example');
// Old type will work too
const foo = require('modules/example/example');
Also, there is alias for static folder:
import $ from 'static/js/jquery/jquery'; // useBabel: true
// or
const $ = require('static/js/jquery/jquery');
If you need to require module from node_modules
, you should specify package name only:
import $ from 'jquery'; // useBabel: true
// or
const $ = require('jquery');
Sourcemaps are already configured and you can manage them from tars-config. Sourcemaps from vendor modules will be added to main sourcemaps by source-map-loader. uglifyJS is used to compress production-ready code.
You can use value of NODE_ENV
in your code. webpack.DefinePlugin is used.
Webpack built-in watcher is used for changes in your code.
Also, you can use Hot module replacement. This feature is implemented with middleware for Browser-sync and plugin webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin.
By defult you can use babel to transpile your ESNext code into ES5. Babel-loader is used. Also, you can lint your code by eslint. Eslint-loader is used for this feature. Eslint uses built-in JavaScript code parser, but if you need to lint ESNext code, you have to use another parser: babel-eslint. So, you have to install it localy and set it in .eslintrc. You can get more info from babel-eslint repository and documentation for eslint.