diff --git a/documentation/_ext/link_issues.py b/documentation/_ext/link_issues.py
index 30ce6854b53..6e078da7690 100644
--- a/documentation/_ext/link_issues.py
+++ b/documentation/_ext/link_issues.py
@@ -102,8 +102,10 @@ def apply(self) -> None:
         tracker_config = TrackerConfig.from_sphinx_config(config)
         issue_pattern = config.issuetracker_issue_pattern
         title_template = None
         if isinstance(issue_pattern, str):
             issue_pattern = re.compile(issue_pattern)
         for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.Text):
             parent = node.parent
             if isinstance(parent, (nodes.literal, nodes.FixedTextElement)):
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ def apply(self) -> None:
             if isinstance(parent, nodes.reference):
             text = str(node)
             new_nodes = []
             last_issue_ref_end = 0
@@ -121,11 +124,13 @@ def apply(self) -> None:
                         "issuetracker_issue_pattern must have "
                         "exactly one group: {!r}".format(match.groups())
                 # extract the text between the last issue reference and the
                 # current issue reference and put it into a new text node
                 head = text[last_issue_ref_end : match.start()]
                 if head:
                 # adjust the position of the last issue reference in the
                 # text
                 last_issue_ref_end = match.end()
@@ -366,7 +371,6 @@ def connect_builtin_tracker(app: Sphinx) -> None:
 def setup(app: Sphinx) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
-    app.add_config_value("mybase", "https://github.com/cihai/unihan-etl", "env")
     app.connect("builder-inited", connect_builtin_tracker)
     app.add_config_value("issuetracker", None, "env")
diff --git a/documentation/_ext/link_usernames.py b/documentation/_ext/link_usernames.py
index b5ec3e5e1c3..4ed01b89c50 100644
--- a/documentation/_ext/link_usernames.py
+++ b/documentation/_ext/link_usernames.py
@@ -4,47 +4,115 @@
 and: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31924901/3277713  CC BY-SA 3.0 by C_Z_
 This extension replaces username references of the form `@username` with a link
-to the user's GitHub profile. In order to prevent adding references to existing
-existing links (e.g. `[@username](...)`, whitespace is required in front of the `@`.
+to the user's GitHub profile.
-The GITHUB_IGNORE_USERNAMES set contains usernames that should not be linked but may
-appear to be usernames in the documentation.
+The plugin ignores code inside of fixed text blocks, including code blocks and backticks.
 import re
+from docutils import nodes
 from sphinx.application import Sphinx
+from sphinx.transforms import SphinxTransform
 from sphinx.util import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # Format to use for the link to the GitHub profile
-GITHUB_USERNAME_TEMPLATE = "https://github.com/{}"
+GITHUB_USERNAME_TEMPLATE = "https://github.com/{username}"
+# Format to use for team mentions
+GITHUB_TEAM_TEMPLATE = "https://github.com/orgs/{org}/teams/{team}"
 # Regex to match username references
-\ # Required initial whitespace
-@([A-Za-z0-9-]+)  # Match @ then any alphanumeric character or - for the username
+@(?P<username>[A-Za-z0-9-]+)  # Match @ then any alphanumeric character or - for the username
+(?P<team>/[A-Za-z0-9-]+)?  # If this is a team reference, match the team separately
-GITHUB_IGNORE_USERNAMES = {"todo", "WordPress", "username", "defaultValue"}
-def _replace_username(match: re.Match) -> str:
-    username = match.group(1)
-    if username in GITHUB_IGNORE_USERNAMES:
-        logger.debug(f"Ignoring username reference: {username}")
-        return match.group(0)
-    logger.debug(f"Replacing username reference: {username}")
-    return f" [@{username}]({GITHUB_USERNAME_TEMPLATE.format(username)})"
+class GitHubUserMentions(SphinxTransform):
+    default_priority = 999
+    def apply(self) -> None:
+        for node in self.document.findall(nodes.Text):
+            parent = node.parent
+            # ignore existing links, back ticks, and code blocks
+            ignore_types = (nodes.reference, nodes.literal, nodes.FixedTextElement)
+            if isinstance(parent, ignore_types):
+                continue
+            text = str(node)
+            new_nodes = []
+            prev_mention_node_ref = 0
+            for match in GITHUB_USERNAME_REGEX.finditer(text):
+                # The full match including the leading @
+                mention = match.group(0)
+                username = match.group("username")
+                # `team` will be None if not a team mention
+                # If it is a team mention, then `username` will be the org
+                team = match.group("team")
+                # extract the text between the last user mention and the
+                # current user mention and put it into a new text node
+                head = text[prev_mention_node_ref : match.start()]
+                if head:
+                    new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(head))
+                # adjust the position of the last user mention in the
+                # text
+                prev_mention_node_ref = match.end()
+                textnode = nodes.Text(mention)
+                refnode = nodes.reference()
+                if team:
+                    url = GITHUB_TEAM_TEMPLATE.format(
+                        org=username,
+                        team=team.lstrip("/"),
+                    )
+                    title = f"Team {username}{team} on GitHub"
+                else:
+                    url = GITHUB_USERNAME_TEMPLATE.format(
+                        username=username,
+                    )
+                    title = f"{username} on GitHub"
+                refnode["refuri"] = url
+                refnode["reftitle"] = title
+                refnode.append(textnode)
+                new_nodes.append(refnode)
+            if not new_nodes:
+                # no user mentions were found, move on to the next node
+                continue
+            # extract the remaining text after the last user mention, and
+            # put it into a text node
+            tail = text[prev_mention_node_ref:]
+            if tail:
+                new_nodes.append(nodes.Text(tail))
+            # find and remove the original node, and insert all new nodes
+            # instead
+            parent.replace(node, new_nodes)
-def replace_username_references(app, docname, source):
-    logger.debug(f"In file: {docname}")
-    source[0] = GITHUB_USERNAME_REGEX.sub(_replace_username, source[0])
+def init_transformer(app: Sphinx) -> None:
+    if app.config.githubusermention:
+        app.add_transform(GitHubUserMentions)
 def setup(app: Sphinx):
-    # Hook for running the replace username references when the source file is read
-    app.connect("source-read", replace_username_references)
+    app.add_config_value("githubusermention", None, "env")
+    app.connect("builder-inited", init_transformer)
+    return {
+        "version": "1.0",
+        "parallel_read_safe": True,
+        "parallel_write_safe": True,
+    }
diff --git a/documentation/conf.py b/documentation/conf.py
index db3aad819cb..fcfa4005da6 100644
--- a/documentation/conf.py
+++ b/documentation/conf.py
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ def add_ext_to_path():
 issuetracker = "github"
 issuetracker_project = "WordPress/openverse"
+githubusermention = True
 # The default for this is a sensible one for ReadTheDocs but
 # our site is served directly at the root docs.openverse.org URL