- What is the connection between cognition and neuroscience? Is there a linking hypothesis missing?
- Is deep learning the new neuroimaging? Is there something else, in addition to better fits and better prediction?
- Where is the number/symbol or the concept in neural networks, artificial and biological?
- What is an explanation of a function or a task? When can we say 'That's it. We have solved it.'
- Where is memory? Is it in the connections in neural networks?
- Why do artificial networks learn tricks slowly? What is a biological-plausible learning scheme?
- What is the next-generation neural networks? DNN can't be the end.
- Can intelligence develope from scratch? Can we grow an artificial brain by simply setting up a training algorithm and a harsh environment and asking an agent to achieve a universal goal?
- What is intelligence? Is the human intelligence THE intelligence? Or, we are narrow-minded and, by focusing on ourselves, we ignore the big picture of intelligence.