Thanks for taking the time to undertake our front-end test. There are 2 parts to the test:
The task is based on work you will do if you join XYZ Reality as a front-end engineer.
There are 2 options for the task, please choose 1 of them :
- Standard task
- Advanced task - this will take considerably more time!
With either option your solution should:
- manage state
- be well structured project
- have build output that is suitable for production (created using
npm run build
) - show what you think are important engineering practices
This is your opportunity to show us your skills as a software engineer.
Create a SPA using Angular that:
- Provides an unauthenticated landing page with placeholder text (e.g. lorum ipsum) and a link to sign in
- Implement OAuth authentication using Forge. You can signup for a free account here and the API docs are here. Authentication must be 3-legged.
- When you are authenticated, use three.js to display the sample.obj file in this folder.
- If authenticated there should be a signout link that will sign you out
Create a SPA using Angular that:
- Provides an unauthenticated landing page with placeholder text (e.g. lorum ipsum) and a link to sign in
- Implement OAuth authentication using Forge. You can signup for a free account here and the API docs are here. Authentication must be 3-legged.
- When you are authenticated:
- use the Forge Data Managementg API to allow a bucket to be created and the sample.rvt to be uploaded
- Once uploaded use the Forge Model Derivative API to convert the file to OBJ
- If you can then view the model using the Forge Viewer that would be really good.
- If authenticated there should be a signout link that will sign you out
- What are the benefits to using a framework like Angular?
- What are your thoughts on the Forge API?
- How long did the test take?
- What the pros and cons to static site generation?