Python Wrapper for RapidWright from Xilinx, Inc.
pip install rapidwright
RapidWright is written in Java, however, a project called JPype allows Python to natively access the JVM and provide access to Java libraries. Here is how you can use RapidWright in your Python scripts and programs:
# This will start a JVM instance
import rapidwright
# These import Java classes as Python modules
from com.xilinx.rapidwright.examples import Lesson1
from import Design
# Create a basic design DCP, read it back in and print out the cells
design = Design.readCheckpoint("HelloWorld.dcp")
== Writing DCP: HelloWorld.dcp ==
Write EDIF: 0.002s
Writing XDEF Header: 0.041s
Writing XDEF Placement: 0.033s
Writing XDEF Routing: 0.051s
Writing XDEF Finalizing: 0.010s
Writing XDC: 0.014s
[No GC] *Total*: 0.149s
== Reading DCP: HelloWorld.dcp ==
XML Parse & Device Load: 0.002s
EDIF Parse: 0.003s
Read XDEF Header: 0.008s
Read XDEF Caches: 0.003s
Read XDEF Placement: 0.005s
Read XDEF Routing: 0.044s
[No GC] *Total*: 0.065s
[and2(BEL: A6LUT), led0(BEL: OUTBUF), button0(BEL: INBUF_EN), button1(BEL: INBUF_EN)]
By default, RapidWright for Python will download the corresponding 'standalone' Java
package from Releases and use that.
However, for developers, if the RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH
environment variable is set then
the Java VM will use the version of RapidWright found according to the standard
environment variable instead.
can be used to add options to JPype's JVM, which is started automatically. For example:
$python3 -c "import rapidwright; from java.lang import Runtime; print(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024)"
$ JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xmx32G" python3 -c "import rapidwright; from java.lang import Runtime; print(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024)"
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx32G