Secure decryption of encrypted credentials.
Secure decryption of encrypted credentials, which have been stored in an xml-file or variable.
If user "A" encrypt the credentials on computer "A", user "B" cannot decrypt the credentials on computer "A" and also user "A" cannot decrypt the credentials on Computer "B".
Get-ManagedCredential [[-EncryptedCredential] <Object>] [[-FilePath] <String>] [[-AsPlainText]] [<CommonParameters>]
.\Get-ManagedCredential.ps1 [[-EncryptedCredential] <Object>] [[-FilePath] <String>] [[-AsPlainText]] [<CommonParameters>]
PS> Get-ManagedCredential -EncryptedCredential $EncryptedCredentials
UserName Password
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Admin System.Security.SecureString
PS> .\Get-ManagerdCredential.ps1 -FilePath E:\Temp\EncryptedCredentials.xml -AsPlainText
Username Password
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Admin PowerShell